[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)

[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
Aw, Cobalt cares. I see three options here.

1. Abandon Nova

It's the simplest and I'm pretty sure it'd earn us an achievement. None of us want to do it but if he won't budge we have to.

2. Overpower Nova

Marble should be able to short-circuit his powers. From there we can have our more combat capable guys take him down and move him off ship.

3. Persuade Nova

This is the hardest route. If Marble is conscious she might be able to plead with him. Otherwise we could try using his [Racist] trait against him somehow.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
(10-16-2016, 06:46 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »3. Persuade Nova

This is the hardest route. If Marble is conscious she might be able to plead with him. Otherwise we could try using his [Racist] trait against him somehow.
Even if she's family, Marble is still a (disgraceful) hybrid. That's gonna work against her in trying to convince Nova.

One thing we could try is trigger Nova's PSTD. If he's having flashbacks he may not even realize that he's leaving the cup room. Nicko was a crewmember of Nova's old crew, so he might be able to help in this regard. The same goes for Nikki. Marble's skills at psychology may also be of help here.

Now, if there's no good ideas to be had,
>Cea: Ask Nikko for tips for kidnapping Nova.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
Um... Shouldn't Nova be fine if we leave him? He *is* an immortal Flame Beast, so I'm pretty sure that fire and explosions aren't a big deal to him?
"If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." - Blaise Pascal
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
(10-16-2016, 01:44 PM)Wheat Wrote: »>Ask cobalt if there's a way cobalt could use their flame powers to engulf the whole ship, killing all clockworks once everyone's off. If there isn't a way to do that, blow up the ship but don't tell nova.
I think Cobalt might not allow us to kill Nova.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
(10-16-2016, 01:28 PM)DetectiveCaillou Wrote: »Um... Shouldn't Nova be fine if we leave him? He *is* an immortal Flame Beast, so I'm pretty sure that fire and explosions aren't a big deal to him?

The fire wouldn't be what kills him. It'd most likely be the blunt force trauma and shrapnel.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
(10-16-2016, 04:55 PM)Heyoceama Wrote: »The fire wouldn't be what kills him. It'd most likely be the blunt force trauma and shrapnel.

See "Immortal". It really depends. Like with what I asked about with Cobalt, which I would like to restate and rephrase like so;

[Hey Helios, just how sever are Cobalt and Nova's "immortalities"? Are they just "forever young and hard to murderize", or is it more of a "swim in a sun, jump into a black hole, erase and reset the universe; ain't no thing" deal?]
"If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." - Blaise Pascal
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
I imagine that Cobalt will die if you so much as sneeze on her Ankles.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
[Image: kA16kWh.gif]

Nova never said he was an immortal flame beast. (Also the immortal flame beast thing is also a legend and may or may not be true. The word immortal is also a fickled word, Zeus was immortal and look what happened to that dude.)

Basically I just want to confirm if we blow up the ship and Nova is still on it he will die.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
>Noverus can control fire, why don'the we ask for his help in dealing with the infection until the ship can fly off world
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
(10-16-2016, 07:58 PM)LoverIan Wrote: »>Noverus can control fire, why don'the we ask for his help in dealing with the infection until the ship can fly off world
Eh, worth a shot; seconded. Nova had intended to leave the ship somewhere uninhabited after all. Although, it seems... too easy.

-- 'so words. much think. wow.'-log

> ...Evacuate the planet?
>> Even if stopping Dali starts clearing the issues like the giraffes and other monsters, the best chance is the Didaiskoli army, and one does not simply walk up to President Geko.
>>> Cobalt: Geko?

RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
>I'd rather not have to fight Kelda, let's Not blow up the ship.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
>Before doing anything, save the game.

>Blow up the ship. We can use Marble's psychic disable to deal with Nova, and if she can't go up to Nova herself hopefully we can have Cobalt carry her.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
> Let's blow this shit sky fuckin' high. Goodbye, ship. Rest in pieces, you were great.
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
(10-17-2016, 01:59 AM)nonexistentPumpkin Wrote: »>Before doing anything, save the game.
We're not considering being a dirty savescumming rat, are we?

My vote goes to abandoning the ship and having the planet deal with the clockworks if we can't get Nova out. We won't win a fight with Cobalt.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
(10-17-2016, 02:04 AM)Fellow Wrote: »We're not considering being a dirty savescumming rat, are we?

Considering, yes. We have a choice between a spreading clockwork infection and a raging Obsidian Dragon, can you blame me? Besides, we don't even know the usual consequences of savescumming when one isn't actively trying to corrupt a god with it. It's likely still very bad, exactly the kind of thing this game would punish. But I want to keep the option open.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
Seconding saving the game beforehand! Also
>bye ship
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
> Walk out and tell Cobalt to flip a coin to decide, so that you have nothing on your hands whatever the result is.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
(10-17-2016, 02:08 AM)nonexistentPumpkin Wrote: »Considering, yes. We have a choice between a spreading clockwork infection and a raging Obsidian Dragon, can you blame me? Besides, we don't even know the usual consequences of savescumming when one isn't actively trying to corrupt a god with it. It's likely still very bad, exactly the kind of thing this game would punish. But I want to keep the option open.
Well, Hermes and the other saving gods will know that we did it, and be cross with us. And when they tell us, gods in the vicinity will find out. And the gods that don't govern saving would pretty much have had a version of them get killed when we reverted back to an old save, so you can imagine they'd disaprove.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
Just the suspicious saving by itself will likely queue Helios and Athena to tell us exactly how horrible we'd be for trying it and why. So we can have that information given to us up-front from our Patrons and get that conversation out of the way at least.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
(10-17-2016, 02:16 AM)Fellow Wrote: »Well, Hermes and the other saving gods will know that we did it, and be cross with us. And when they tell us, gods in the vicinity will find out. And the gods that don't govern saving would pretty much have had a version of them get killed when we reverted back to an old save, so you can imagine they'd disaprove.

The save gods would know we did it, and theyll probably be annoyed, but they've had players who have done a lot worse than save scumming for a hard decision. I can't imagine they'd be too upset with us as long as we didn't make it into a habit.

RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
(10-17-2016, 02:23 AM)Hermes Wrote: »The save gods would know we did it, and theyll probably be annoyed, but they've had players who have done a lot worse than save scumming for a hard decision. I can't imagine they'd be too upset with us as long as we didn't make it into a habit.
The save gods may not mind, but if Hermes goes "Boo on you for scumming", Helios and Athena are going to notice. We know Helios' opinion on cheaters and I can't imagine Athena will be very appreciative either.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
(10-17-2016, 02:13 AM)Hermes Wrote: »>bye ship
(10-17-2016, 02:13 AM)Hermes Wrote: »Seconding saving the game beforehand!

[Image: TXeTwG7.gif]

You decide to save just before making this choice, just in case.

[Image: BJaHVgL.gif]

[Image: LX2gsRk.gif]

[Image: wd3A4Nk.gif]

[Image: QnpwPat.gif]

[Image: TF8Tl3f.gif]
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 The command to use the Giant Shield came too late
> Let One-Punch do it.

🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 Saving the Universe.....


>if nikki won't do it, have One Punch do it, Marble can carry Cleo's host-body.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/16 Saving the Universe.....
> Have Bob do it.

I know, I know, how heartless of you, Awkward! But I'm not sure what the consequences of having the equivalent of a child do this very important action are, and Cleo needs emotional support from One-Punch in this time of distress. Plus, Bob himself offered.

RIP happy little trees.