
RE: Superego
>But you'll get bored eventually!

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so what

>Doesn't it feel... lonely?

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who cares

>Didn't you come here to get help?

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RE: Superego
>How far is it to the surface?
RE: Superego
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RE: Superego
It's ok to seek help
RE: Superego
> ...But maybe it would be nice to move ahead in life? How much are you missing out on because you're afraid?
RE: Superego
>...But maybe it would be nice to move ahead in life? How much are you missing out on because you're afraid?

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almost everything

you suppose

>It's ok to seek help

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RE: Superego
>Hooray! We're safe! There's definitely not a shadow about to try to drown us again!
RE: Superego
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RE: Superego
> Rick: Check for a pulse! Position her head sideways! Or something else those lifeguards on TV shows do!
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RE: Superego
Cherry: Make your demands. They're not nearly as unreasonable as you believe.
RE: Superego
>Cherry: Take a deep breath, pause.

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You get to your feet.

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"I wasn't going to just leave you there."

>Cherry: Talk it out with Rick.

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"Are we friends?"
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RE: Superego
That's kinda presumptuous
RE: Superego
>About as much as we can be for having known each other for, what, a couple hours?
RE: Superego
>Don't lie, despite what you've been through you haven't known each other for long. But you want to be friends.
RE: Superego
Sure? Why not.
RE: Superego
> Rick: Be super pumped about friendship.
... or maybe hamming it up wouldn't be appropriate in this situation.
RE: Superego
"I'd like to think we are"
RE: Superego
Yes. You will be. So now, you are.
RE: Superego
>is there something I did to make us feel not like friends?
RE: Superego
>Rick: real talk, no bravado: you want to be her friend earnestly if you aren't already.

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You have to be honest.

>About as much as we can be for having known each other for, what, a couple hours?

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"...I don't think we can call ourselves that right now. It's been what, one night?"
"I f-figured you'd say that..."

>Don't lie, despite what you've been through you haven't known each other for long. But you want to be friends.

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"But don't get me wrong! We can keep in touch after this is all over!"
"Th...that'd be nice."

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"I don't r-r-really have any..."
"Uh...friends...I mean."
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RE: Superego
> Hey, that's okay! Friendship's hard! It takes time, and energy, and understanding, and not everybody's built to put in the same amount of effort all at once. If they were, everyone would just fill their whole team with quarterbacks, and then the interplay between you and your teammates wouldn't be as engaging! Just gotta find the field position that's right for you.
RE: Superego
> Though, not everyone's cut out for football, or team sports in general, even if the world seems to idolize those over other sports. Maybe you'd prefer something more intimate, like tennis, or fencing. Gotta figure out how you operate with others before you can really operate with others, y'know?
RE: Superego
> "Do you have a lot of friends, Rick?"
Avatar by ribsgrowback on tumblr!
RE: Superego
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RE: Superego
>"Do you have a lot of friends, Rick?"

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"Of course!"

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Do your siblings count

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"Y-yeah, you sssseem the type..."

>Hey, that's okay! Friendship's hard!

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"Maybe we sh-should just get outta here...The w-water's going down."
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