The Grand Tweet II: Finished

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The Grand Tweet II: Finished
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
Brad was a quick learner, and crashing into a fabric hat was much less painful.
"That was just washed!" cried the witch, "You will pay!"

RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
The Lizard-Witch called forth enormous fireballs, but the squidbats sprayed water at them.
Loquacious began chanting.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
"This one's over! I don't care how!"
Conway threw the NEGAHARPOON in the general direction of the lizardwitch.

Just to see what happens.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
Brad was uncomfortable around the fire and edged away, maybe the bats could handle this one?
Something sharp approached from the distance.

RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
It looks like it's about to hit that tree WIZARD -- wait what?
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans

RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
The stray harpoon careened towards Loquacious.
"No!" shouted Brad, leaping into the way, "Finish that spell!"
He died.

RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
The negaharpoon stabbed Brad through the trunk and cleaved him in two.
It kept going and hit the Lizard-Witch's brain and heart.
She died.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
"Come on then, I don't have all night ya know."

Their next arena; a dense forest but alive and aware and wary of intruders.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Six: The Baleful Woods
Did that bush just move? Oh no this isn't good. Conway's seen that Grim Fancypants game. Sentient foliage can't be a good thing.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Six: The Baleful Woods
The last round had ended an instant before Loquacious finished his spell.
His spell killed the living forest.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Six: The Baleful Woods
But as it so happened... the living forest was planted on an Indian Burial Ground!
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Six: The Baleful Woods
Chief Dracula rose from his teepee-coffin.
Someone had disturbed the restless spirits of his tribe.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Six: The Baleful Woods
Oh. The forest just... stopped moving. Okay. All is well then.

And then the zombie vampire indians started to rise.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Six: The Baleful Woods
a. poet appeared from nospace,

he had succeeded?



and betrayal

RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Six: The Baleful Woods
"What have I done?" Loquacious said. "I killed an entire forest!"
Then the dead trees and bushes started moving.
Was it just the wind?
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Six: The Baleful Woods
The Indian Zompires approached. One sort of started knawing at Conway's arm.
Unfortunately, he had neither flesh nor blood.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Six: The Baleful Woods
dead arise,
disturbed upset,
chase the minimalist poet
and he collides
right into
a wizard

interrupting a spell, probably
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Six: The Baleful Woods
Conway just casually walked through the supposedly dead forest, a few zombpires hanging from his ankles.
Oh hey, it's those guys.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Six: The Baleful Woods
The dead trees were approaching. Loquacious readied a spell.
"Notintheface notintheface..."
Then a poet's interruption distracted him.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Six: The Baleful Woods
a. poet turned to the skeleton fiend
the one who
who murdered his friend

he murdered his friend

"I WILL KILL YOU" screamed a.

RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Six: The Baleful Woods
Chief Dracula flew in and yelled at the marching trees.
"Stop. These interlopers are ours to destroy."
Forest and Indians began fighting.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Six: The Baleful Woods
Conway pulled the negaharpoon from his back and threw it at the poet.

He no longer had the negaharpoon.

RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Six: The Baleful Woods
now it's mano e. mano
bones v. heart
strength v. mind

fisticuffs ensued,
no clear winner emerging

blood, sweat, tears
kick, bite, punch,
