The Grand Tweet II: Finished

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The Grand Tweet II: Finished
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
lumbering behemoth cities,

burning ashes reflecting this:

sanding on battered stone ledge

the poet


wanting only

RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
Wait, the nothingness between worlds. He survived, so maybe...
Time to find a hole in spacetime.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
Loquacious paused as the gigantic lizard beneath the town scratched its head, causing an earthquake.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
Brad was only sad that he'd lost his hat.
Maybe if he took the other man's he'd be a wizard again?
Worth a shot.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
breathing in
breathing out
turning from senseless war
to the one at hand

who to kill, who to fight
(or more importantly

who will kill him?)
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
"It never works," Loquacious sighed.
Then he saw a tall, rounded, black pyramid in the center of town.
The lizard titan was a witch!
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
Of course! Such unnatural phenomenon as a cephalopod so large, there's got to be dimensional instability!
It was time to go slay a monster.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
He happened across the Poet instead.
Now that they weren't enemies he decided to make conversation.
"Hey, where is your girlfriend?"
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
Loquacious ran to the edge of town and leaned over the brim of the hat.
"Can you help a fellow mage?" he asked the lizard-witch.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
he paused. stared into the tattered sky.

"she is dead."

silence settled over them.

RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
Fueled by pure desire, Conway jumped, like, fifty feet into the air and kicked the giant squid in the fact.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
"I'd be glad to help," the Lizard-Witch said, "but I can't until Squid Dracula is stopped."
The giant squid punched her with a tentacle!
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
"Oh uh" trees don't often feel embarassed, "I am sorry."
Trees also have little grasp of romance.
"Plenty more fish in the sea, eh?"
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
It didn't feel the attack on its logic. Good. It would make this easier. Conway concentrated hard, kicked apparently nothing, and vanished.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
Loquacious sighed. "I'll get some help."
He turned around and saw a poet and a tree.
"Can you two help me stop a Vampire Squid From Hell?"
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
minimalist poet stood,
turned to the tree.

"what's the point?" he asked.



i'm going to go kill the skeleton.

could you

join me?"
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
The void between universes was dangerous.

  • Empty.

But that



Not now.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
"How many times do I have to kill Dracula before he dies?"
Brad is still sore from the wood flooring.
"Maybe the skeleton will be there too."
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
Loquacious thanked the tree. He assumed the poet agreed too.
"Here's the plan. Get me on his head, I'll shrink him with a spell."
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
a poet's eye
can see
things not
and things inbetween

(namely Conway)

hearing the wizard's request
he took this as
the perfect
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
There he was!

Or at least

The concept.
Of a water bottle.
And something else?

It'll work.

Won't it?
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
But just then, Dracula the Titan Squid unleashed his squid-bat minions upon Hat Town!
"This makes things more difficult," Loquacious said.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
Draculasquid screamed and writhed in pain, as its flesh twisted and turned.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
Brad shrugged, "Maybe if we catch enough bats we can fly over there?"
He's not certain how they would have reached the head otherwise.
RE: The Grand Tweet II: Round Five: Twin Titans
a comedic scene:

tree and lyricist
a local steam-aeroplane
amid batapocalypse
for a wizard

mostly a successful endeavour