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Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-07-2012, 02:18 AM
Welcome, and congratulations on your induction to one of the world's eminent legitimate corporations! We are pleased to offer up to six positions in our pilot program for eminent young Rocketeers, infiltrating the as-yet untapped Aroa Region!
Alternate title: Charisma is the Dump Stat: The Game
By popular demand, I'll be running a separate campaign to Cyber's doohickey. It'll be a bit unorthodox because instead of winning contests or getting a bunch of gym badges, you'll be criminal-ing the place up. That'll mean stealing valuables/rare or powerful Pokemon, exploiting/intimidating simple townsfolk and their wares, or just plain tearing down the establishment so Team Rocket can usher in a brighter future for all. Or something.
How this campaign'll differ:- Pre-levelling. Player Characters will start at Level 5, because Team Rocket ain't gonna hire a bunch of skill-less freshmen. A backstory that explains how you got those levels would be appreciated, but isn't totally essential provided it all balances out.
- Updated versions: We'll be running the latest build, where possible working off this wiki.
- Levelling up: Because of the gamestyle, most of the standard methods of gaining player levels won't be available/applicable. You can instead gain levels from capturing Pokemon, performing skills that pertain to an Advanced Trainer Class you might be aspiring to, or just generally impressing me. Long and short of it, levelling up will be a more homebrew affair.
Some things to note:- Information in the Pokedex is off-limits during the game, unless you're a Researcher class. Feel free to peruse it pregame, though, to find a starter and make sure it's got a decent nature and satisfactory movepool and such. (Link to Cyber's set of PDFs)
- Because there'll be more Rocketry and less Leaguery in this campaign, certain Trainer Classes will be favoured over others. Capture Specialists, and nefarious Mystics are in, honourable Ace Trainers and Coordinators are out. Talk me into it, though, and I'll probably accept less conventional class aspirations - or insidious uses of "nice" ones.
- The number and level of starting Pokemon is a bit more fluid, provided you have good justification. Nothing over level 10, nothing fabulously rare without a good backstory reason. For reference, you're a team of potential experts in your respective fields, sent to Aroa on something of a sort-of paid internship. It's all in the contract. We'll figure out the details as we go.
- Cyber and I noticed there are no explicit rules about the number of moves a 'mon can have. Based on the provided character template sheets, we're going with a limit of six "Natural" moves and six "TM" moves. A hatched Pokemon can acquire up to four egg moves from its parents. If you desperately want more than one Egg move on your 'mon, you will need to apply in writing with a) a mechanically solid chain of lineage where the move came from, and b) whatever penalties you're willing to take for getting an advantage right out the starting block. Remember, most Rocket recruits will be getting whatever fell off the back of a truck!
- Some of the setting's details are still up in the air (although a map and native fauna and the like are on their way to being properly constructed), so feel free to ask me and I'll make internally consistent shit up to the best of my ability.
Some additional addendal things to note:- Money will be finalised closer to gamestart. It may or may not be totally arbitrary. You may or may not receive a paycheck, and you may or may not receive commissions for sending stolen Pokemon back to Rocket HQ.
- Weapons/Arms Features are taking some time to figure out, because of differing information in Cyber's 1.29 resources and what's on the wiki. Considering nobody's going the Weapons Master route and you're mostly just in it for the free Feats, we'll sort that out once everything else in everyone's profiles is squared away.
Some sheets'n junk
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SpoilerPlayer Name:
Character Name:
Level: 5
(Note: 5 feats/classes gained, and 5 stat gains. Each level up, you can take a new Trainer Class or an eligible feat. Try do this level-by-level so you you know where all your stats are going.)
STR: Value(Mod)
DEX: Value(Mod)
CON: Value(Mod)
INT: Value(Mod)
WIS: Value(Mod)
CHA: Value(Mod)
Max HP: Con*5, Modified by any applicable Feats
Money: varies, will be modified based on bonuses conferred elsewhere
Inventory: Any miscellaneous sort of items your Trainer already has with them
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SpoilerPokemon Nickname:
Total XP:
Type: /
Nature: +2___ -2___
Egg Group
HP: Base + Added = Total
ATK: Base + Added = Total
DEF: Base + Added = Total
SATK: Base + Added = Total
SDEF: Base + Added = Total
SPD: Base + Added = Total
Max HP: HP*3+LVL
Evasion Bonuses
ATK: DEF/5 rounded down
SATK: SDEF/5 rounded down
BOTH: SPD/10 rounded down
Natural moves
Overland -
Surface -
Underwater -
Sky -
Burrow -
Jump -
Power -
Intelligence -
-NTA - Researcher Lucian and Hades the Beldum
-Cyber - Mystic Vladenie and Poppy the Shuppet
-Slorange - Researcher Nariman and Copenhagen the Pineco
-Jacquerel - Psychic Jack and Jack the Gastly
-BTP - Ex-Ranger Sergio and Maury the Mr. Mime
-Granola - Dominique the Dirty Martial Juggler Fighter Artist and Dizzy the Sandile
-Pharms - Ace Trainer Nada and Dirty Harry the Scraggy
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-07-2012, 03:02 AM
Yoinking last spot
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-07-2012, 03:12 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2012, 07:53 AM by Robust Laser.)
Vladenie, the Mystic of Questionable Nationality
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SpoilerPlayer Name: cyber95
Character Name: Vladenie Veselo
Age: 19
Gender: F
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 126 lbs
Level: 5
Class: Mystic
Aim For the Horn!
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SpoilerDaily – Every 4 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Your pokemon targeting with a Move.
Effect: On a roll of 19 or 20 during Accuracy Check, your pokemon’s attack will deal Neutral damage regardless of immunities or resistances.
Level 1 - Through a feat involving a Rube Goldberg-esque series of events, and a particularly poorly positioned Chandelure, Vladenie defeated a level 3 Pokemon by herself. By accident, but she learned a little something about weak points in the process.
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SpoilerAt-Will - Drains 10 of user’s HP per use.
Target: A Pokemon.
Effect: Make a Link Check, then subtract your Wisdom or Strength Stat from your roll. If it is successful, the Pokemon is being Channeled. The Pokemon is considered Helpful. Until this ally is attacked or severely distracted, it will listen to the Mystic’s suggestions and follow the Mystic until they are leaving the Pokemon’s home. You have knowledge of its Pokemon’s Move List, Abilities and Capabilities. You have knowledge of what happened in the Pokemon’s past hour. You and the Channeled Pokemon can communicate telepathically. Any attempt at attacking or capturing the Channeled Pokemon results in the Pokemon fleeing without fail. The Channeled Pokemon will not attack on your command. However, if the Channeled Pokemon is yours, treat it as usual, except it is being “Channeled”. You may only have one Pokemon Channeled at a time. If a Pokemon is more than X meters from you, it is no longer Channeled. X is twice the sum of your STR modifier plus your WIS modifier.
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Trigger: A Pokemon you are Channeling.
Effect: Choose a Move on the Channeled Pokemon’s Move List. You may perform this Move, once, as a Trainer Action during the next 24 hours. Use your STR modifier for your Attack stat and your WIS modifier for your Special Attack stat.
Level 2 - Eventually, her spritiual training was complete. Well. Not complete, per se. But she completed the basic lessons! Now she can like, get into a Pokemon's mind and shit. That's kinda cool. I mean she found all the lessons and stuff boring so she dropped out of Mystic School directly after that but hey, it's something!
Voltorb Flip
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Trigger: A human or pokemon tries to pry into your mind to read it.
Effect: Roll 1d20 and add either your CON, INT or WIS modifier to the roll. If the roll is 13 or higher, you begin to think of an elaborate game of Voltorb Flip. The person reading your mind cannot read anything other then the game of Voltorb Flip in your mind and all other thoughts, secrets and bits of knowledge are safe from the mind reader. If Voltorb Flip is successful, any attempts to read your mind are unsuccessful for the next hour.
Level 3 - Won big on Voltorb Flip at a Game Corner. Lost it all three days later, also at Voltorb Flip. Can't get Flip panels out of her head any more.
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SpoilerEffect: You must exercise at least once every 3 days. A workout session should consume at least 30 minutes of time. While exercising you lose 25 HP. If you forget to exercise at least once every 3 days you lose Workout. Your Strength stat gains 1 point or your Constitution stat gains 1 point. You may take the Workout Feature multiple times. If you take this Feature multiple times, you still only lose 25 HP.
Level 4 - Adventuring takes work! It wasn't as easy as Vladenie first assumed! It was at this realization that she decided to really get in shape for it, and began working out now and then, to keep tough.
Channel Friend
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Effect: Whenever you target a loyal Pokemon you own with Channel, treat your Possession Check as if you rolled 0.
Level 5 - Realized the magic of friendship. In particular, personally saved Poppy from a rather crazed Pokemon, and managed to establish a more personal link in the process.
Arms Features
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SpoilerBlunt Weapons User:
Effect: The Trainer can use Maces, Bats, Clubs, Hammers, Morningstars, Staffs or anything else that would fit into the Blunt Weapons category. Blunt Weapons have a Melee range. These weapons deal 1d8+4+WIS modifier.
[b]Fist Weapons User:
Effect: The Trainer can use Gauntlets, Brass Knuckles, Cestus, Tessen, Cat Claws, Fan, Katar, Chakrams, Tonfa and any other Weapon that would fit into the Fist Weapons category. Fist Weapons have a Melee range. These weapons deal 1d8+4+STR modifier.
STR: 16(+3)
DEX: 10(0)
CON: 8(-2)
INT: 10(0)
WIS: 15(+2)
CHA: 11(0)
Max HP: 60
Money: 2230P
Starter Pokemon: Shuppet
Inventory: a few bottles of Pokebeer, and some blurry photos of a guy with CALL ME written on the back. There is no phone number. A gym badge from Limosa City. She didn't earn it, she just found it on the ground and pretends she earned it. She also has a 'fake' ID with her picture on it, saying her name is Rachel and that she's from Airot.
-Length of Pipe - Blunt Weapon
Notes: If you ask, Vladenie will tell you that she hails from the motherland of PokeRussia.
More likely, though, she's from Unova.
She'll tell you that life in PokeRussia was boring and unfun. This is a bit closer to the truth.
She grew up in a town with a high spiritual population. Mostly mystical old farts. She gained mystic powers of her own, although unable to harness them, and the wisdom of her elders was passed on to her.
Of course, she was a teenager who just wanted to have a good time, so she basically actively ignores her inner wisdom in favour of doing dumb shit for laughs. Eventually she decided that she had enough of her stupid town with its stupid boring geezers who do nothing but meditate all day.
She may have used an online translation site in order to pick a new name that sounded cool and meaningful, and with her new identity, she decided to take her life in a different direction than anybody at her hometown would have guided her towards.
She joined Team Rocket, of course! She was offered a chance to join by somebody who had heard about her spiritual, and potentially rebellious nature, so she decided to go for it.
Poppy the Shuppet
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Pokemon Nickname: Poppy
Level: 10
Total XP: 1110
Species: Shuppet
Gender: F
Type: Ghost
Nature: Timid +2 SPD -2 ATK
Egg Group: Amorphous
HP: 4 + 1 = 5
ATK: 6 + 3 = 9
DEF: 4 + 1 = 5
SATK: 6 + 1 = 7
SDEF: 3 + 0 = 3
SPD: 7 + 3 = 10
Max HP: 23
Evasion Bonuses
ATK: 1
Natural moves
Name: Knock Off
Type: Dark
Damage: 1d12
Frequency: EOT
Accuracy: 6
Range: ATK - Melee
Effect: Target drops held item
Name: Screech
Type: Normal
Damage: N/A
Frequency: EOT
Accuracy: 4
Range: Ranged (4)
Effect: Lowers all target's defense 2 CS
Name: Night Shade
Type: Ghost
Damage: N/A
Frequency: Center
Accuracy: 2
Range: Ranged (8)
Effect: Damages equal to attacker's level.
Ability: Insomnia - Immune to sleep
Overland - 1
Surface - 4
Underwater - 0
Sky - 4
Burrow - 0
Jump - 3
Power - 1
Intelligence - 4
- Invisibility
- Phasing
- Stealth
Notes: Vladenie met Poppy in a haunted house outside of town she was exploring a few years ago. She never actually caught her at first, but the Shuppet just sort of stuck around after they encountered each other. Vladenie grew fond of the little ghost and let her tag along with her. Just before leaving her hometown, Poppy basically volunteered to be caught for real to join Vladenie on her journey.
I'm assuming I didn't miss anything.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-07-2012, 03:37 AM
Knock that question mark off mah name, girl!
You know I aint no interrogative!
Lemme snooze a bit before I upload my rockets.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-07-2012, 05:09 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-21-2012, 08:51 AM by Not The Author.)
The Good Doctor
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SpoilerPlayer Name: Not The Author
Character Name: Lucian Alexander Mandragora
Age: 24
Gender: M
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 154 lb
Level: 5
Class: Researcher
08 STR (-2)
12 DEX (+1)
10 CON (±0)
17 INT (+3)
14 WIS (+2)
08 CHA (-2)
Max HP: 68
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[Lv3] Read The Manual
[Lv2] Voltorb Flip
[Lv1] Frantic Research (1) [6|11|16|21|26|31|36|41|46]
[Lv4] I’ve Heard About This Place Before (1)
[Lv5] Remedial First Aid (1) [15|25|35|45]
[Lv1] Researcher
[Lv1] Walking Encyclopedia
Weapons Proficiency:
[Lv1] Blunt - User
[Lv1] Pole - User
[Lv1] Throwing - User
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SpoilerLevel 0: 8 Str | 12 Dex | 10 Con | 14 Int | 12 Wis | 8 Cha
Level 1: 8 Str | 12 Dex | 10 Con | 14 Int | 13 Wis (+1) | 8 Cha
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Spoiler6 Str (-2) | 12 Dex | 10 Con | 15 Int (+1) | 14 Wis (+1) | 8 Cha
Frantic Research
Daily – Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Class Feature another time per day.
Target: Any pokemon.
Effect: Roll d20 and add your INT and WIS modifiers to the roll. If you roll higher then 15, you learn what level the pokemon is. If you roll higher then 20, you identify how much HP the target currently has.
Walking Encyclopedia
Target: Anything related to knowledge you are allowed to look up.
Effect: You know pokemon data, relating to pokemon in your pokedex, about move sets, type, type advantage, evolution methods, abilities, height, weight, and location. You have access to all information a pokedex would grant, immediately.
Pole Weapons User
Throwing Weapons User
Blunt Weapons User
Level 2: 7 Str (+1) | 12 Dex | 10 Con | 15 Int | 14 Wis | 8 Cha
Voltorb Flip
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SpoilerPrerequisites: 12 CON or 12 INT or 12 WIS
Trigger: A human or pokemon tries to pry into your mind to read it.
Effect: Roll 1d20 and add either your CON, INT or WIS modifier to the roll. If the roll is 13 or higher, you begin to think of an elaborate game of Voltorb Flip. The person reading your mind cannot read anything other then the game of Voltorb Flip in your mind and all other thoughts, secrets and bits of knowledge are safe from the mind reader. If Voltorb Flip is successful, any attempts to read your mind are unsuccessful for the next hour.
Level 3: 7 Str | 12 Dex | 10 Con | 16 Int (+1) | 14 Wis | 8 Cha
Read The Manual
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SpoilerPrerequisites: Researcher
Target: An item.
Effect: You know the function of any machine. Additionally, you know the function of the item if it is a standard item with an effect given in the Player Handbook. You know of any defects that might change the way the item normally functions.
Level 4: 8 Str (+1) | 12 Dex | 10 Con | 16 Int | 14 Wis | 8 Cha
I’ve Heard About This Place Before
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SpoilerPrerequisites: 12 INT
Target: A Town or City
Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your WIS and INT modifiers. If you roll higher than 12, you know local lore, Gym specialties, major sights, and the names of important persons related to the town or city.
Level 5: 8 Str | 12 Dex | 10 Con | 17 Int (+1) | 14 Wis | 8 Cha
Remedial First Aid
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SpoilerPrerequisites: 13 INT or 13 WIS
Daily – Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: A Trainer.
Effect: Roll 1d20 and Add your WIS or INT Modifier. Heal the target this much HP.
Money: Quite + $20.00
Starter Pokemon: Beldum
Poketch Platinum (M-series)
3 pocket notebooks
Several pens of various colors
1 Fresh Water
Lab coat with plenty of interior pockets
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SpoilerPokemon Owned/Seen/Known: 001/110/649
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SpoilerKanto: 000/030/151
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Spoiler001 - Bulbasaur
002 - Ivysaur
003 - Venusaur
004 - Charmander
005 - Charmeleon
006 - Charizard
007 - Squirtle
008 - Wartortle
009 - Blastoise
010 - Caterpie
011 - Metapod
012 - Butterfree
013 - Weedle
014 - Kakuna
015 - Beedrill
016 - Pidgey
017 - Pidgeotto
018 - Pidgeot
019 - Rattata
020 - Raticate
023 - Ekans
024 - Arbok
041 - Zubat
042 - Golbat
088 - Grimer
092 - Gastly
100 - Voltorb
109 - Koffing
110 - Weezing
122 - Mr. Mime
Johto: 000/012/100
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Spoiler152 - Chikorita
153 - Bayleef
154 - Meganium
155 - Cyndaquil
156 - Quilava
157 - Typhlosion
158 - Totodile
159 - Croconaw
160 - Feraligatr
161 - Sentret
162 - Furret
204 - Pineco
Hoenn: 001/025/135
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Spoiler252 - Treecko
253 - Grovyle
254 - Sceptile
255 - Torchic
256 - Combusken
257 - Blaziken
258 - Mudkip
259 - Marshtomp
260 - Swampert
263 - Zigzagoon
264 - Linoone
265 - Wurmple
266 - Silcoon
267 - Beautifly
268 - Cascoon
269 - Dustox
276 - Taillow
277 - Swellow
278 - Wingull
279 - Pelipper
303 - Mawile
310 - Manectric
341 - Corphish
353 - Shuppet
374 - Beldum
Sinnoh: 000/026/107
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Spoiler387 - Turtwig
388 - Grotle
389 - Torterra
390 - Chimchar
391 - Monferno
392 - Infernape
393 - Piplup
394 - Prinplup
395 - Empoleon
396 - Starly
397 - Staravia
398 - Staraptor
399 - Bidoof
400 - Bibarel
401 - Kricketot
402 - Kricketune
403 - Shinx
404 - Luxio
405 - Luxray
410 - Shieldon
422 - Shellos
423 - Gastrodon
427 - Buneary
428 - Lopunny
431 - Glameow
432 - Purugly
Unova: 000/017/157
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Spoiler495 - Snivy
496 - Servine
497 - Serperior
498 - Tepig
499 - Pignite
500 - Emboar
501 - Oshawott
502 - Dewott
503 - Samurott
504 - Patrat
505 - Watchog
511 - Pansage
512 - Simisage
513 - Pansear
514 - Simisear
515 - Panpour
516 - Simipour
Notes: The Mandragora family is… well connected. They know people, and they know people who know people, and they even know a few people that people don’t know. They are very, very wealthy.
Lucian is the second of three children; his elder sister Adelaide aspires to be one of a Four, while his younger brother Raymond is working on an internship in the breeding industry. As the middle child, Lucian was a bit reclusive, preferring books to people or pokemon. Nobody was really surprised when he went off to college to become a researcher.
Lucian studied at Jubilife University for five years, and is currently trying to learn more about the wonderful world of Pokemon via field experience. His mentor, Professor Thorne, recommended Aroa due to its uncommonly great species diversity, and referred him to some… colleagues in the area. Also because, quote, “you really need to get out more; it’ll do wonders on your personality.” Related: Lucian is kind of a dick.
His Lovely Assistant
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SpoilerPokemon Nickname: Hades
Level: 9
Total XP: 920
Species: Beldum
Gender: N (F)
Type: Steel/Psychic
Nature: Sassy (+2SDEF -2SPD)
Mineral Egg Group
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SpoilerHP: 4 + 2 = 6
At: 6 + 2 = 8
Df: 8 + 2 = 10
sA: 4 + 0 = 4
sD: 8 + 2 = 10
Sp: 1 + 0 = 1
Df = sD > At > HP = sA > Sp
Max HP: 27
Evasion Bonuses
ATK: +2
SATK: +2
Clear Body
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Effect: The Pokemon’s Combat Stages may not be lowered by the effect of Abilities or Moves. Status effects may still alter their Combat Stages.
Natural Moves:
Take Down
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SpoilerType: Normal
Damage: 3d12+14 (ATK)
Frequency: EOT
Accuracy: 5
Range: Melee, 1 Target, Dash, Recoil 1/4
Effect: After Take Down deals damage, Recoil.
TM & Tutor Moves:
Iron Head
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SpoilerType: Steel
Damage: 3d10+12 (ATK)
Frequency: EOT
Accuracy: 2
Range: Melee, 1 Target, Dash
Effect: Iron Head Flinches the target on 15-20 during Accuracy Check.
Overland 1
Sky 6
Jump 1
Power 3
Intelligence 5
Notes: Hades and Lucian have been together for six years, though Hades hasn’t had much combat experience due to Lucian prioritizing schoolwork over pokebattles. Lucian actually didn’t want a ‘Mon – Hades was received as a birthday “present” from his mother. They still seem to resent each other slightly, though it could easily be an affectionate act. Or whatever passes for “affectionate” for Lucian, anyway.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-07-2012, 06:55 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-08-2012, 05:01 AM by Pharmacy.)
The Half-Wit:
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SpoilerPlayer Name: Pharmacy
Character Name: Nada
Age: 18
Gender: Manzilla
Height: Tall
Weight: Pretty Heavy
Level: 5
Class(es): Ace Trainer
Enhanced Training
Improved Attacks
Give It Your All
Improved Attacks+
STR: 16 +1+3=20 (+5)
DEX: 13(+1)
CON: 16 +1+2=19 (+3)
INT: 7(-3)
WIS: 6 -2=4(-6)
CHA: 6(-3)
Max HP: 96
Money: He would like a jillion
Inventory: He has a crowbar, a canteen of water, a rope, half bag of poke-treats, and a handful of paperclips.
Of course, uniform and underwear, thank god for that.
Nada isn’t the brightest bulb in the house of nefariousness, but he tries. He tries at least.
Despite being completely surrounded by superpowered creatures in which mankind deemed fit to shove into tiny balls to duke against one another, the poor sod had remained disinterested (more like, oblivious) to the notion of handling pocket monsters. As such, he had never raised a Pokemon in his entire life.
Thanks to peer pressure, this time it is going to change.
The No-Show:
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SpoilerPokemon Nickname: Dirty Harry
Level: 5
Total XP: 150
Species: Scraggy
Gender: Female
Type: Dark/Fighting
Nature: Jolly +2 Spe; -2 Sp A
Egg Group: Field; Dragon
HP: 5
ATK: 8(+2)=10
DEF: 7(+1)=8
SATK: 4(-2)=2
SDEF: 7(+0)=7
SPD: 5(+2+1)=8
Max HP: 20
Evasion Bonuses
ATK: 1
Natural moves
Name: Leer
Type: Normal
Damage: -
Frequency: At-Will
Accuracy: 2
Range: Ranged (5), 1 Target
Effect: The target’s Defense is lowered 1 Combat Stage.
Name: Low Kick
Type: Fighting
Damage: See Effect
Frequency: At-Will
Accuracy: 2
Range: Melee, 1 Target, Weight Class
Effect: If the target is in Weight Class 1, use 1d10 for Damage Dice Roll. If the target is in Weight Class 2, use 1d10+5. If the target is in Weight Class 3, use 1d10+10. If the target is in Weight Class 4, use 2d10+12. If the target is in Weight Class 5, use 3d10+14. If the target is in Weight Class 6, use 5d10+16 for damage.
Name: Sand Attack
Type: Ground
Damage: -
Frequency: EOT
Accuracy: 2
Range: Ranged (5), 1 Target
Effect: Sand-Attack creates a Column 1 meter wide. All Legal Targets must roll +1 during Accuracy Checks for the remainder of the encounter.
Name: Dragon Dance
Type: Dragon
Damage: -
Frequency: EOT
Accuracy: -
Range: Self, No Target
Effect: Raise the user’s Attack 1 Combat Stage and raise the user’s Speed 1 Combat Stage.
Effect: Whenever the user’s Move causes a target to faint, it may raise its Attack Combat Stage by 1.
Overland - 6
Surface - 4
Underwater - 3
Sky – n/a
Burrow – n/a
Jump - 3
Power - 3
Intelligence –4
Stealth, Packmon
Nada vehemently believes that Harry is most definitely a male, even though she is mostly definitely not. For obvious reasons, Nada has no clue Harry has Dragon Dance. You’d think he would get a post-it note along with his pokemon.
Harry is a surprisingly chill and relaxed scraggy, although her dark nature makes underhanded tactics irresistible. She has no idea why Nada called her Harry though, but she’s cool. She’s cool.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-07-2012, 10:50 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-09-2012, 03:50 AM by SleepingOrange.)
Here is a post b/w informations:
Show Content
SpoilerPlayer Name: DozingLemon
Character Name: Dr. Nariman Arzat
Age: 27
Gender: M
Height: Tall enough
Weight: Unhealthily thin
Level: 5
Class: Researcher
Blunt Weapons User
Pole Weapons User
Thrown Weapons User
Frantic Research
Show Content
SpoilerDaily– Every 5 levels gained (6, 11, 16...), you may perform this Class Feature another time per day.
Target: Any Pokemon
Effect: Roll d20 and add your INT and WIS modifiers to the roll. If you roll higher then 15, you learn what level the pokemon is. If you roll higher then 20, you identify how much HP the target currently has.
Walking Encyclopedia
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Target: Anything related to knowledge you are allowed to look up.
Effect: You know pokemon data, relating to pokemon in your pokedex, about move sets, type, type advantage, evolution methods, abilities, height, weight, and location. You have access to all information a pokedex would grant, immediately.
Game Plan
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SpoilerDaily – Every 6 levels gained (8, 14, 20...), you may perform this Class Feature another time per day.
Target: One allied trainer or pokemon.
Effect: Shift the target up to X meters where X is your INT modifier or your WIS modifier.
Game Plan+
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SpoilerDaily – Every 8 levels gained (11, 19, 27...), you may perform this Class Feature another time per day.
Target: Your allies and their pokemon.
Effect: Shift all allies and their pokemon up to X meters where X is your INT modifier or your WIS modifier. Game Plan + does not replace Game Plan.
Field Commander
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Target: Your ally’s pokemon.
Effect: You may issue commands to pokemon who has not already acted on a round of an encounter. There must be understood consent from the trainer unless they are unconscious. Pokemon may only act once per round of an encounter. You still may only issue one command per round unless you have Dual Wielding.
Did the Homework
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Target: Location, Trainer, Pokemon, Object
Effect: Spend an hour doing research about the target. Every 12 levels gained, you may research an additional target during this hour. The GM gives you X Insight Points for the target that last until the end of the day, where X is half of your INT modifier. While in the vicinity of the target and taking actions related to that target for the rest of the day, you spend an Insight Point once per round as a free action to treat either your WIS or INT mod as 3 higher for the duration of that round. When you spend an Insight Point, your GM gives you a fact about the target that aids in your current action.
STR: 5 (-5)
DEX: 7 (-3)
CON: 8 (-2)
INT: 20 (+5)
WIS: 15 (+2)
CHA: 14 (+2)
Max HP: 52
Money: Yes
Inventory: Poke E. Dex, laptop computer with fancy internet-type card, charger for same, some hard-sounding books, two notebooks, a hazardous amount of pens and pencils he is constantly losing and finding, and a charming bag for all these things. Concealed in his bag, his lab-coat, and one of his shoes are an array of kunai and throwing needles; he figures that if he's going to play the part of an evil scientist, he might as well do it right. The fact that his weapons are just cheap molded affairs off the internet is a bit of a sore point, but who even makes the genuine article anymore?
Anything more and he might well be crushed to death. Nariman is not strong.
Notes/History: Sometimes, being smart just isn't enough. No matter how many scholarships you win, a doctorate just leaves you with debt. More debt than you can handle, probably. And in a competitive field like Pokemon Professoring, there just aren't jobs for every graduate, which means all those loans and all that debt tend to pile up. So sometimes you have to put your smarts to work in different ways. And sometimes that gets you noticed by the wrong kind of people, except that to you, they're just the right ones. The kind who recognize your tactical mind and broad knowledge are perfect for their organization. The kind who can lead you to ways you can pay off your debts and more, if you just don't think too much about what you're really doing. Or maybe you always wanted to do this sort of thing, and you just held yourself back. Maybe that's just what you told yourself once you got in too deep to go back, but it doesn't really matter because true or not you believe yourself.
Either way, once you know where life is taking you, you have to get the tools to go with it. Maybe that involves doing the research you're so well-known for, or should be well-known for if the world of Pokemon Academia wasn't so anglophilic. Maybe you figure out a companion that'll suit your style perfectly, learn everything you can about its moves and type and life cycle, then connect with a breeder and set it up so he'll have a perfect little larval lovebug bred all up for you before the week is out. So on the day you go to fetch the 'mon you've commissioned, knowing there's no way you'll ever be able to afford the exorbitant fees those scalpers charge, you go meet your new best friend and pick him up and look him in the eyes and pretend you didn't sabotage the sprinkler system or bait the stud houndoom on your way in. And then when the fire starts you leg it out while the breeder scrambles to save his charges. Sometimes one man can get lost pretty easily in a fire. It's not like you're ever coming back to this region, anyway.
And maybe it all felt... pretty good.
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SpoilerPokemon Nickname: Copenhagen
Level: 5
Total XP: 150, I presume
Species: Pineco
Gender: Male
Type: Bug/Also Bug
Nature: Calm (+2SpDef -2Atk)
Egg Group: Bug
HP: 5 + 1 = 6
ATK: 5 + 0 = 5
DEF: 9 + 1 = 10
SATK: 4 + 0 = 4
SDEF: 6 + 2 = 8
SPD: 2 + 0 = 2
Max HP: 23
Evasion Bonuses
ATK: 2
Natural Moves:
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SpoilerType: Normal
Damage: 2d8+6
Frequency: At-Will
Accuracy: 3
Range: Melee (1 Target, Dash*)
Effect: No extra effects.
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SpoilerType: Normal
Damage: None
Frequency: Center
Accuracy: N/A
Range: Self
Effect: If the user is hit by a Move, instead you are not hit by the Move. You do not take any damage nor are you affected by any of the Move’s effects.
Sand Tomb (Egg Move)
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SpoilerType: Ground
Damage: 1d12+6 (Physical)
Frequency: EOT
Accuracy: 4
Range: 6 (1 Target, Trap**)
Effect: Sand Tomb Traps the target for 1d4+1 turns. At the beginning of the target’s turn, if the target is Trapped, roll 1d12 and the target loses that much HP. Do not apply weakness or resistance to the HP lost. Do not apply stats to the HP lost. Sand Tomb may not trap more then one target at a time.
Toxic Spikes (Egg Move)
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SpoilerType: Poison
Damage: None
Frequency: EOT
Accuracy: N/A
Range: Field, Target Area, Hazard
Effect: Set 10 square meters of Toxic Spikes, all 10 meters must be adjacent with at least one other space of Toxic Spikes next to each other. Toxic Spikes Poisons a foe when joining the encounter or getting sent out. If there are 2 Layers of Toxic Spikes, it Deadly Poisons the foes instead.
Stealth Rock (Egg Move)
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SpoilerType: Rock
Damage: None
Frequency: Battle
Accuracy: N/A
Range: Field, Target Area, Hazard
Effect: Set 5 square meters of Stealth Rock, “Rocks.” All 5 Rocks must be adjacent with at least one other space of Rocks next to each other. If a foe moves within 10 meters of a space occupied by Rocks, move at most one Rock to the offender, then destory the Rock. When that happens, Stealth Rock causes a foe to lose 1/8th of their full HP. Stealth Rock is considered to be dealing damage. Apply Weakness and Resistance. Do not apply stats. A Pokemon who has been hit by a Stealth Rock Hazard cannot get hit by another in the same encounter until it is returned to a Poke Ball and then sent back out.
Keyword Notes:
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Spoiler*A Move with the Dash keyword can only be used if the Move’s user has moved towards its target before choosing a target. You may move away from the target and then move back towards the target in the same turn to make them a Legal Target as long as you have the appropriate Speed to allow for the movement.
**A Move with the Trap keyword prevents the target from fleeing. A Trapped target may not flee, and may not be recalled. A Trapped target may not move from the spot they were Trapped in. If the user of the Move with the Trap keyword faints, flees, or is recalled the Trapped target is freed.
Ability: Sturdy
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SpoilerThe Pokemon is immune to the Moves Sheer Cold, Guillotine, Horn Drill and Fissure. If any attack would lower this Pokemon to 0 HP or less from full HP, instead the Pokemon’s HP is set to 1.
Overland - 3
Surface - 0
Underwater - 0
Sky - 0
Burrow - 0
Jump - 4
Power - 1
Intelligence - 3
- Sinker
- Threaded
- Materializer (Granted by knowing Stealth Rock)
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Sinker means the Pokemon cannot swim, or move in water. For every round of an encounter the Pokemon is in water that is deep enough for them to stand submerged in, or is submerged in they lose 25% of their max HP. If the Pokemon is lowered to -100% HP, make a Deaths savings roll as usual. If a Pokemon gains a Surface or Underwater capability, they lose their Sinker Capability.
If a Pokemon has the Threaded Capability they may replace their turn’s Shift with a Threaded Shift. A Threaded Shift is when a Pokemon targets an object and shoots a strong, thin line of silk, or extends a vine from themselves, and then quickly retracts that silk, or vine, pulling itself towards the object if the Pokemon is lighter than the object or pulling the object towards the Pokemon if it is lighter then it is. The line of silk, or vine, may be up to 10 meters long. If you target another Pokemon or person with a Threaded Shift, the Accuracy Check is 6. You may still use a Move on the same turn you perform a Threaded Shift.
The Materializer can form rock, normal sedimentary rock, from nothing. It can be anywhere from the size of a pebble to the size of a human sized boulder. For every 2.5 grams, or 5 pounds, of rock formed the Pokemon loses 2 HP. The Rock is formed adjacent to the Pokemon and a Pokemon can only add up to 25 grams, or 50 pounds, of rock over 1 round in place of a Move during their turn in an encounter.
Copenhagen is still a little wary of the good doctor, since they'd just met and all. Still, pinecos aren't particularly bright pokemon at the best of times, and having been only recently hatched meant Copenhagen was pretty ready to accept anyone as his master. Besides, as far as he's aware, Dr. Arzat saved his life in the fire! Copenhagen really doesn't like fire. At all.
Since then, they've been together pretty much constantly, and the little buglet is really starting to warm up to his master. Even if sometimes it seems like they do things that aren't very nice, or aren't very right. It's not up to Copenhagen to think about that sort of thing, though. So he doesn't.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-07-2012, 03:35 PM
I sort of talked about move limits and I think we decided that you can have up to 6 Natural Moves, and 6 TM/HM moves. At least, that's what I'll be doing in mine.
Arms Features count as a trainer feature if you want to take it by meeting the prerequisites, but you also get some for free if you take a class. Like, because I took Mystic, I automatically got Blunt Weapons User and Fist Weapons User without having to spend a feat point on it, but if I didn't take Mystic I use could Feat points on them because I meet the prerequisites.
Later versions of Arms Features, so like, Proficiency, take feature points though.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-07-2012, 03:37 PM
Thanks! Sorry I deleted the post thinking "oh wait I can ask all these little questions on that chat program!" but you were so speedily helpful!
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-07-2012, 07:34 PM
Oh, neato. I guess I need to adjust my sheet slightly.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-07-2012, 08:37 PM
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SpoilerPlayer Name: btp
Character Name: Sergio Estoban (Steve Eggworth)
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: Looks great in the right lighting. (HAS SECRET PUDGE)
Level: 5
Class(es): Researcher, Breeder, Photographer
Let Sergio Help You With That (Gets a Little Close)
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SpoilerPrerequisites: Level 1
Daily – Every 4 levels gained, Sergio may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: An allied Trainer making a check.
Effect: The ally has +2 added to their check. A check is made while using a Feature.
Frantic Research (You're over 18, yes?)
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SpoilerDaily – Every 5 levels gained, Sergio may perform this Class Feature another time per day.
Target: Any pokemon.
Effect: Roll d20 and add Sergio's INT and WIS modifiers to the roll. If the roll is higher then 15, Sergio learns what level the pokemon is. If the roll is higher then 20, Sergio identifies how much HP the target currently has.
Walking Encyclopedia (Sergio knows what you like)
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Target: Anything related to knowledge you are allowed to look up.
Effect: You know pokemon data, relating to pokemon in your pokedex, about move sets, type, type advantage, evolution methods, abilities, height, weight, and location. You have access to all information a pokedex would grant, immediately.
Sergio has no pokedex. Sergio has only notebook. Notebook has notes Sergio finds important from pokemon Sergio has seen. Sergio has seen many pokemon in many positions. Sergio's notebook is thick.
Egg Factory (Birth Control is important to Sergio)
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Effect: Sergio may make up to 7 different Breeding Checks per day, and the check for Breeding is 35 instead of 25. Subtract Sergio's CHA or WIS mod from the breeding check. Sergio's Pokemon must still have at least 4 hours together. Sergio can identify what pokemon will hatch from an Egg.
If baby is not to Sergio's liking, Sergio can stop baby making-or simply break egg later.
Natural Edge (Sergio will make you look amazing)
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Target: A hatching egg of Sergio's.
Effect: Add half of Sergio's CHA modifier to any of the pokemon’s base stat and add half of Sergio's WIS modifier to any different base stat of the same pokemon. This becomes the pokemon’s new base stats. A Pokemon may only have one Natural Edge or Natural Edge + applied to it when it hatches. This bonus may not exceed +6 in either stat.
Sergio will pass on knowledge to pokemons. They will be better for Sergio.
Snapshot (She is beautiful, yes?)
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SpoilerDaily - Every 5 levels gained, Sergio may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: A Pokemon, Trainer, or Route.
Effect: Roll 1d20 and add Sergio's WIS modifier. Multiply the result by 20. This is the value of the photo. Sergio may choose to sell this photograph anywhere.
All Sergio's photos have a DISTIRUBINGLY EROTIC quality which may effect who is willing to buy them.
Action Photo (Buy a picture from Sergio?)
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Daily - Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Trigger: Sergio or an ally are attacked by a Pokemon using a Move
Effect: If Sergio has already taken a Trainer Action during this round of combat, Sergio must give up his next Trainer Action. Roll 1d20 and add Sergio's WIS modifier. If the total exceeds 15, Sergio successfully obtains a photo of the Move. Roll 1d20 and add Sergio's WIS modifier. Multiply the total by 20. This it the value of the photo. Sergio may choose to sell this photograph anywhere.
All Sergio's photos have a "WOAH! UHH..." quality which may effect who is willing to buy them.
Lewd Imagery (aka Voltorb Flip)
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SpoilerPrerequisites: 12 CON or 12 INT or 12 WIS
Trigger: A human or pokemon tries to pry into Sergio's mind to read it.
Effect: Roll 1d20 and add either your CON, INT or WIS modifier to the roll. If the roll is 13 or higher, Sergio begins to think of a particularly lewd slideshow or photoshoot. The person reading Sergio's mind cannot see anything other than POKEROTICA and all other thoughts, secrets and bits of knowledge are safe from the mind reader. If Lewd Imagery is successful, any attempts to read Sergio's mind are unsuccessful for the next hour as Sergio's thoughts cannot be pulled away from such beautiful things.
STR: 7(-3) (Wait...just...holdup...give Sergio a moment...)
DEX: 7(-3) (see: SECRET PUDGE)
INT: 14(+2) (Sergio's equipment is complicated)
WIS: 17(+3) (Gotta know how to get them to pose)
CHA: 18(+4) (Hello, lovely. You want to be model?)
Max HP: 48 (CON*4+LEV*4)
Money: Sergio's clients pays Sergio what he asks. (Sergio may not have many clients)
Inventory: A detailed camera with various lenses and attachments, A telescoping tripod (doubles as a bludgeon), a collection of his favorite photos (he hasn't been able to find a publisher), a few treats to entice unsuspecting pogeymans (some may be laced with sleep/paralysis powder), Sergio's Notebook, Sergio's Diary, a few pogeyballs, a portable music player, with a collection Sergio's personal tracks, also a pack to carry all that stuff.
Notes/History: Steven Eggworth was born in a quiet village in Pokesuberbia. From the moment he hit puberty he knew there was something odd about pokemon, something off about these deadly, culturally integrated creatures.
He knew they were beautiful.
But Steven didn't think of pokemon as beautiful in the way most of the smiling feelgood residents of Pokeworld do, no he saw their beauty in a dark way. He drew a perverse excitement from viewing the most intimate and filthy aspects of a pokemon's life. He poured through books, stared at images, each night he'd fantisize about the most depraved pleasures the world of pokemon had to offer.
The materials available to him, however, were lacking. They didn't contain the descriptions and images he craved. He decided that if these images and stories did not exist, he would create them.
As soon as he had earned enough money from his part-time job at pokemart, he bought himself a high quality camera and headed out into the wild. Sneaking up on people's pokemon and taking high resolution images of their most disgusting parts.
He got arrested. Quite a few times actually. Pokemon world doesn't have much of a judical system so he would just travel from town to town, stopping at bars and popular breeders to learn whatever he could.
Of course, as it turns out, pokemon don't really have much of a depraved or lewd side. Steven would spend hours watching two possibly breeding pokemon, waiting with his camera.
"Yeah, yeah yeah, come on, do it. Make an egg. Oh yeah do that egg thing." He'd mumble to them for hours. Eventually, the pokemon - if not creeped out by Steve's ogling, would cuddle for a moment, and poof! An egg would appear! Steve would go through several rolls of film.
After a few years of this, Steve realized there must be something more than watching eggs hatch. Something else was calling him, but he couldn't quite figure it out.
Lance spent most of his time filming himself with HUMAN WOMEN. Doing all sorts of EROTIC things with them. Lance talked in third person. Lance was full of himself. Lance was so cool.
Lance recognized something in Steve that reminded Lance of Lance. He started to show him around, take him to shootings, teach him the way of the EROTIC PHOTOGRAPHER.
After a year, Steve was no longer a niavee egg watcher. Simply put, "Steve" was no longer. He changed his name, got a tan and a bad accent, and grew a dashing moustache (Lance's suggestion). Steve Eggworth was now SERGIO ESTOBAN, PHOTOGRAPHER EXTRODINARE!
Sergio work with Lance another year or so, but the intracacies of HUMAN SMUT simply did not appeal to Sergio. Sergio wanted more, Sergio wanted POGEYMAN SMUT but Pogeymans can not do smut. Sergio was depressed. Sergio decided to leave LANCE and wander the countryside.
Then, one day, Sergio was walking along a seaside route, when he heard a TERRIFYING SCREAM. Sergio rushed to the shoreline and saw, out in the distance, a HUMAN swimmer screaming and floundering. Large orange tentacles wrapped around the swimmer's leg and neck, the bulbous head of an OCTILLERY rose out of the water and sprayed a thick layer of SLUDGE on the helpless female.
Sergio was speechless. At the sight of this scantily clad woman struggling for her life, wrapped in agony and ink all for the primal pleasure of the OCTILLERY, Sergio could do but one thing. He took a picture. He took several pictures. Sergio was entralled! Never before had he seen something so beautiful. Even as the screams subsided the sound of Sergio's shutter went on for hours.
It was not the death that enthralled Sergio. It was the raw energy blended with the traditional erotic image. It was the seemingly tame world of pokemon blending with the empassioned world of PORNOGRAPHY.
Sergio had a new life, a new purpose from that moment on. To create and capture images which produced the raw primal pleasure of that moment. To bring the world of Pokemon ever closer to the world of HUMAN EROTICA.
And there is no cost too high for that goal.
Pogeymon comming later
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Pokemon Nickname: Freya
Level: 5
Total XP: 150
Species: Zorua
Gender: Female
Type: Dark
Nature: Patient (no change)
Egg Group: Field
HP: 4 + 1 = 5
ATK: 7 + 0 = 7
DEF: 4 + 1 = 5
SATK: 8 + 1 = 9
SDEF: 4 + 1 = 5
SPD: 7 + 1 = 8
Max HP: 20
Evasion Bonuses
ATK: 1
Natural moves
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Damage: N/A
Frequency: At-Will
Accuracy: 2
Range: Ranged (5), 1 Target
Effect: The target’s Defense is lowered 1 Combat Stage.
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Damage: 1d12+6
Frequency: At-will
Accuracy: 2
Range: Melee, 1 Target, Pass
Effect: No extra effect
Note on "Pass":
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SpoilerA Move with the Pass keyword moves through the target. The Move’s user must move before it hits a target and continues through the target, ending their movement on the side opposite of the side of the target they attacked. If the Pokemon’s capabilities allow it the Pokemon may keep shifting, Passing through as many targets as you’d like adn attacking each one. Each additional target attacked during the Pass Move, the Accuracy Check is increased by 2. The user must be at least 1-meters away from its last target after their turn ends.
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SpoilerType: Dark
Damage: 1d12+6
Frequency: Every Other Turn
Accuracy: 2
Range: Melee, 1 Target, Interrupt
Effect: If the foe is fleeing or being switched out, Pursuit may be used as an Interrupt. While being used as an Interrupt, Pursuit may shift the user adjacent to the fleeing foe, up to 25 meters, ignoring Speed Capabilities, and attack them before they escape or are switched out dealing 3d10+12 instead for Damage Dice Roll.
Note on "Interrupt"
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SpoilerA Move with the Interrupt keyword can be declared on the foe’s turn. Moves with Interrupt each have different situations where it can be used. If no specific means are mentioned, you may use the Interrupt Move at any time (on the Pokemon’s turn or to Intercept another Pokemon’s turn). Once those circumstances show up, you may declare the Interrupt Move and use it. When you use an Interrupt Move out of turn, you forfeit your next turn. You may not Interrupt an Intercept Move except with Feint. You may not declare the use of an Interrupt, in response to someone using an Interrupt after you’ve declared the use of your non-Interrupt Move. However, if you are using a Move that is an Interrupt Move when you are being attacked by an Interrupt Move, the offender may not Interrupt you if your Speed stat exceeds theirs.
Ability: Illusion
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SpoilerTrigger - At-Will
Effect: Whenever you this Pokemon is sent out of its Poke Ball, you may choose another Pokemon that you have with you. The user now looks exactly like that Pokemon from your team until the user takes Damage as a result of a Move. This change is aesthetic and does not affect typing or Moves. You may dismiss Illusion whenever you want.
Overland - 6
Surface - 4
Underwater - N/A
Sky - N/A
Burrow - N/A
Jump - 2
Power - 2
Intelligence - 4
- Stealth
- Tracker
- Pack Mon
Freya was caught by Sergio while he was attempting to photograph a group of Bunnary in a group cuddle session. One of the Bunnary seemed to act differently from the others - first nibbling on the ear of one and convincing it to step away from the group.
Sergio followed the Bunnary pair into the brush, where he saw that one Bunnary was in fact a Zorua! The Camera flew into action as the Zorua's illusion faded and the predator mounted the surprised Bunnary and began to rip and tear at it's prey.
Sergio allowed the delectable act to continue until an idea struck Sergio's mind. He caught the Zorua and began to train it in the way of POKEROTICA. He named her Freya and she has often assisted in photoshoots by using it's illusions to lure models and occasionally mimic unwilling subjects in order to obtain more alluring poses.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-07-2012, 11:14 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-18-2012, 06:18 AM by Jacquerel.)
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SpoilerCharacter Name: Jack Laveau
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 6ft 4in
Weight: 130lb (9st 4lb)
Level: 5
Class: Psychic
Level 1: +1 Int, Psychic
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SpoilerBonuses: +1 INT +1 CON
Penalties: -2 STR
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SpoilerAt-Will, Trainer Action
Target: Any object that you may lift.
Effect: Add your INT and CON modifiers and multiply the total by 5 pounds. This represents the weight you may lift and items you may target with Telekinesis. Multiply your INT and CON modifiers then multiply that product by 3-meters. This is how far the target can be.
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SpoilerAt-Will, Free Action
Target: Any other human, some may be immune to Telepathy
Effect: You may read the surface thoughts of other humans, as well as project your surface thoughts to other humans. You may also project telepathic message to your Pokemon, but may not read your Pokemon’s minds.
Arms Features
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Pole Weapons User
The Trainer can use Spears, Poleaxes, Polehammers, Glaives, Halberd, Mauls, Pikes, or any other Weapon that would fit into the Pole Weapons category. Pole Weapons have a Melee range. These weapons deal 1d8+4+INT modifier.
Chain Weapons User
The Trainer can use Whips, Bolas, Nunchaku, Chain Whips, Meteor Hammers, Kunai and Chain, Flails or any other Weapon that would fit into the Chain Weapons category. Chain Weapons have a Melee range. These weapons deal 1d8+4+CON modifier.
Thrown Weapons User
The Trainer can use Darts, Throwing Stars, Throwing Knives, Kunai, or any other Weapon that would fit into the Throwing Weapons category. These weapons deal 1d8+4+INT modifier.
Level 2: +1 Int, Back Off
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SpoilerDaily – Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day. Free Action.
Trigger: A Trainer, not involved in a Gym or Competition battle, challenges you.
Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your CHA modifier. If the result is higher then 10, the Trainer is intimidated and withdraws their challenge.
Level 3: +1 Int, Teleport
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SpoilerAt-Will – Drains 15 of user’s HP per use. Trainer Action.
Target: Self.
Effect: Use the Move Teleport.
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SpoilerTeleport can be used as an Intercept at any time. If used as an Intercept, roll 1d20 and if you don’t roll 7 or higher, Teleport fails to activate. The user can shift 1d10+10 meters. They can move through blocking terrain and hindering terrain as if it is regular terrain. Moves that targeted Teleport’s user continues through the desired target’s space if the Move allows for it. If Teleport fails when used as an Intercept, treat it as if you did not use it for purposes of Frequency.
Level 4: +1 Int, Psychokinesis
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SpoilerAt-Will, Trainer Action.
Target: Any object that you may lift.
Effect: You may target objects you know of, but cannot see, with Telekinesis. You do not need a line of sight to move those objects.
Level 5: +1 Con, Probability Control
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SpoilerAt-Will – Drains 5 of user’s HP per use. Trainer Action.
Target: Any roll.
Effect: You may reroll any die, or have any ally reroll any die. For every time you use this ability per day, past the first use on any day, your GM gets one Murphy’s Law point. They may use this point to have you reroll any die that you haven’t targeted with Probability Control, the GM may only target your dice rolls with Murphy’s Law Points.
STR: 5 (-5) [7 - 2]
DEX: 6 (-4)
CON: 16 (+3) [14 + 1 + 1]
INT: 19 (+3) [14 + 1 + 4]
WIS: 10 (0)
CHA: 13 (+1)
Max HP: 85
Money: 1700
A Sack
A rather battered top hat
A face mask (with a crude skull drawn on it)
Set of dice (carved from bones he claims are human, actually raticate)
A metal chain
Set of faded civilian clothes
Leather jacket
Shiny, clean new Team Rocket uniform
Jack started life as a street rat and professes never to have known his parents, though clearly someone must have looked after him when he was too little to grab apples from market stalls. Apparently unfazed by his orphan existence he energetically threw in his lot with criminals and lowlifes, accompanied by his faithful ghostly companion. Nobody's quite sure where he got it from, or has any memory of seeing him outside of its presence.
Jack believes himself to be some form of urban Witch Doctor and champion of the downtrodden, the Gastly that accompanies him everywhere taking the role of his spirit-companion or familiar rather than a trained minion, and rarely contained within a pokeball. He believes that they are bonded on a metaphysical level and that it is the source of his powers, though this clearly isn't actually the case.
He earns his living through theft, resale and the use of his own mystical abilities to do favours for the other homeless or disadvantaged in exchange for food or shelter.
He is highly eccentric and distrustful of government organisations, as well as having a showman's air of drama that leads him to put on a performance if he feels that he has an audience. When caught snatching pokeballs from an unmarked Team Rocket truck and teleporting away, he managed to impress his disgruntled captors sufficiently that they gave him a job instead of breaking all of his fingers. He works as a new recruit for Team Rocket out of a combined desire to earn money, put down the government and show off to everyone else in the organisation.
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SpoilerPokemon Nickname: Usually referred to by its owner as (somewhat confusingly) Jack, or Shadow.
He believes that Gastly is his mystical familiar that is also literally made out of his shadow, rather than just a pokemon that likes hiding in it.
Level: 10
Total XP: 1010
Gender: Male
Type: Ghost/Poison
Nature: Modest +2 SATK -2 ATK
Egg Group: Indeterminate
HP: 3 + 0 = 3
ATK: 2 + 0 = 2
DEF: 3 + 0 = 3
SATK: 12 + 5 = 17
SDEF: 4 + 1 = 5
SPD: 8 + 3 = 11
Base Relation (For my benefit)
Max HP: 3 * 3 + 10 = 19
Evasion Bonuses
ATK: 0
Natural moves
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SpoilerType: Psychic
Damage: 0
Frequency: Battle
Accuracy: 6
Range: Ranged (4), 1 Target
Effect: The target falls asleep
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SpoilerType: Ghost
Damage: 1d6 + 3 + ATK + STAB
Frequency: At Will
Accuracy: 2
Range: Melee, 1 Target
Effect: Lick Paralyzes the target on 15-20 during Accuracy Check
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SpoilerType: Ghost
Damage: 0
Frequency: Battle
Accuracy: 2
Range: Ranged (15), 1 Target
Effect: Spite lowers the target’s last move’s Frequency for the remainder of the encounter. EOT Frequency Moves are changed into Battle Frequency. At-Will Frequency Moves are changed into EOT Frequency. Spite may not target the same target’s Move more then once per encounter.
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SpoilerType: Normal
Damage: 0
Frequency: EOT
Accuracy: 2
Range: Ranged (10), 1 Target
Effect: Name a Move. For the remainder of the encounter, the target may not use that Move; the Move is considered Disabled. A target may not have more then 1 Move Disabled, if a new move is Disabled, the last Disabled Move is no longer Disabled.
Mean Look
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SpoilerType: Normal
Damage: 0
Frequency: Battle
Accuracy: 0
Range: Ranged (6), 1 Target
Effect: The target may not flee or be switched until it is knocked out, for the remainder of the encounter./spoiler]
Ability: Haunt
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Keyword: Last Chance
Effect: Ghost
[spoiler]Abilities with the keyword Last Chance trigger when the Pokemon’s HP has been lowered to 1/3 of their full HP or less. When activated, one elemental Type, defined per Ability, receives a boost for Moves performed by the Pokemon with the Last Chance Ability. All Moves that are the Type defined in the Ability receive an additional 2 STAB when dealing damage (If a Pokemon’s STAB is 4, the will attack and deal 4 STAB + 4 more for the Last Chance Ability).
Overland - 0
Surface - 0
Underwater - 0
Sky - 8
Burrow - 0
Jump - 0
Power - 1
Intelligence - 3
- Invisibility
- Phasing
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-08-2012, 04:29 AM
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SpoilerEdit: So I liked Rider character, but I also dabbled with a few others. I'm having trouble really liking any one of these characters over the other, so I'll post all of them up here and see what you guys say.
Rick Hayton
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Class: Ranger, Rider, Coach
Str: 10 = 10 (0)
Con: 11 -2 = 9 (-1)
Dex: 14+1 + 1 + 1 + 1= 18 (+4)
Wis: 8 = 8(-2)
Int: 7 = 7 (-3)
Char: 14+1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1= 19(+4)
Hp: 65
Join rangers!
Join riders!
Become a coach!
All terrain mount
Authority figure
Quote: "Gonna get my giddyup on a Moltres"
Rick loves one thing: riding on pokemon. He has the dexterity to do it and the charisma to get away with it. As a coach, he can channel his charisma directly into stat boosts for his pokeymans.
He will be riding this pokeman.
Rick also has the coveted Authority Figure because of backstory. This means that he can boss around most cops and law enforcers, a useful skill if you're trying to cover for illegal activities.
His pokemon would be rideable, probably with stealth to activate "All terrain mount"
There is a good chance Rick will try to ride you around like a horse.
Sergio Dos Estoban
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Class: Ranger, Medic
STR: 8 = 8 (-2)
CON: 9 - 2 = 7 (-3)
DEX: 13 + 1 = 14 (+2)
INT: 6 = 6 (-4)
WIS: 14 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 18 (+4)
CHA: 14 + 1 + 1 = 16 (+3)
HP: 48
Join Rangers!
Become Medic!
Let Sergio Help You With That!
Medicinal Expert
Treat Wounds
Quote: "Let Sergio soothe you!"
So there were some things in Sergio that I really liked. The lesson here guys is don't go too deep into a character's backstory if their shtick is that they are somewhat creepy. Most importantly do not have them watch a pokemon tentacle-murder someone and take a bazillion pictures of it.
This Sergio is much different though, he never explores the sexual realm, at least not openly. He would be the team healer. Let that sink in.
This sergio is a lover, not a fighter or pervert. His crazy high-wisdom and charisma means that, despite his penchant for invading your personal space, Sergio can be quite the likeable guru.
He does not own a camera.
His pokemon is a Mr. Mime.
Gunter Gunkreig
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Class: Capture Specialist, Snagger
Str: 10 = 10 (0)
Con: 10 - 2 + 1 = 9 (-1)
Dex: 13 + 1 = 14 (+2)
Int: 13 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 18 (+4)
Wis: 8 +1 = 9 (-1)
Cha: 10 = 10 (0)
Capture Specialist!
Subtle Break
Snag Machine Upgrade
Hate Seeker
Quote: Gunter has no quotes.
Gunter here is a typical full force Snagger. Basically he has a chance of stealing other people's pokemon if they have a loyalty of 2 or lower. His stats are pretty average all around, and he could possibly gain Multitask at level 10. He also has room to take on another class if it seems useful.
His pokemon would be one he stole - of course.
Also he probably has a gun.
Gnola made a very excellent argument about how snaggers are terrible. Sergio is great and the team could use a healer. I'll flesh out Sergio Dos once I get a chance (probably Tuesday night).
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SpoilerGranolaman Wrote:yeah, fuck Snagger.
Sergio Dostaban
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Player Name: btp
Character Name: Sergio Dostaban (Stewart D-name)
Age: 29
Gender: M
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Level: 5
Class(es):Ranger, Medic
Lvl 1: Join the Rangers! (- 2 CON, +1 DEX, +1 CHA, +1 WIS); Befriend; Companion
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Trigger:: Sergio successfully restrains a wild Pokemon with his Styler.
Effect: Give the Pokemon the Helpful title. This ally will remain under the Sergio's guidance until it is hit by an attack, severely distracted, or has helped Sergio in a significant manner once, such as by making an attack. You do not get a list of any capabilities or moves you cannot deduce yourself, and it cannot be taken from the area you found it in or it will run away. You may only give the Helpful title to one Pokemon at a time.
Trigger:: Sergio successfully restrains a wild Pokemon with his Styler.
Effect: Give the Pokemon the Companion title. You may only have one Companion at a time. If you give a new Pokemon the Companion title, you free the other Pokemon and replace it with your new Companion. To make the wild a Companion Sergio must sacrifice half an hour upon giving it the Companion title to bond with the wild. This process starts the Companion at Loyalty 2 at least and obedient towards Sergio, regardless of circumstances before Befriending. The Companion gains experience and levels exactly like a Captured Pokemon, as well as counting as Owned for the purposes of levels and features, but cannot participate in official battles or contests (doing so is fraud). The Pokemon cannot be returned to a poke ball and it costs 150 credits to heal at a Pokemon center. Companions are considered Helpful, but act in combat as if they were owned.
Lvl 2: Official Medic! (+1 WIS); Treat Minor Wounds; Muscle Relaxers
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SpoilerTreat Minor Wounds
Daily – Every 4 levels gained, Sergio may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Pokemon or Trainers.
Effect: Heal the target 20 HP.
Muscle Relaxers
Daily – Every 5 levels gained, Sergio may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: A Paralyzed Trainer or Pokemon.
Effect: The target is no longer Paralyzed.
Lvl 3: Let Sergio Help You With That! (+1 CHA)
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SpoilerPrerequisites: Level 1
Daily – Every 4 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: An allied Trainer making a check.
Effect: The ally has +2 added to their check. A check is made while using a Feature.
Lvl 4: Medicinal Expert (+1 WIS)
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SpoilerMedicinal Expert
Prerequisites: Medic
Effect: Whenever Sergio uses a health restoring item, such as a Potion, or an item that cures a Status Affliction, such as an Antidote, it heals an additional amount of HP equal to Sergio's WIS Stat.
Lvl 5: Treat Wounds (+1 WIS)
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SpoilerTreat Wounds
Prerequisites: Medic
Daily – Every 6 levels gained, Sergio may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Pokemon or Trainers.
Effect: Heal the target 40 HP.
STR: 8 = 8 (-2)
CON: 9 - 2 = 7 (-3)
DEX: 13 + 1 = 14 (+2)
INT: 6 = 6 (-4)
WIS: 14 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 18 (+4)
CHA: 14 + 1 + 1 = 16 (+3)
Max HP: 48 (CON *4 + LVL*4)
Money: Hourly
Inventory: Old Ranger Badge, Styler, Field First Aid Kit, Potion x2, Enriched Water x 2, Antidote x2, Burn Heal x2, Revival Herb x1, Various ointments and creams which may or may not have any real medicinal properties, Sergio's Diary, Buttoned down shirt with only the bottom three buttons fastened. Shorts. Side bag to carry all that stuff. 250x Business cards with his creepy face on the side.
Sergio was originally blah blah blah blah.
No one cares about Sergio's past. Sergio has no past. Sergio is man of future. Sergio knew from birth that pokemons and peoples had needs, needs for Sergio. Sergio knew those needs must be met.
Sergio joined Rangers. All tests were easy for Sergio, love for pokemons drove Sergio through. Sergio is talented, ambidextrous, flexible.
Sergio saw peoples hurting. Pokemons would befriend Sergio then heal them. Sometimes they did not want healings, but Sergio knows better.
Sergio developed skills for healing pokemons and peoples. Sergio is very handsome, has delightful accent.
Rangers did not appreciate Sergio's techniques. Ranger commander thought Sergio too affectionate! HOW CAN YOU HEAL WITHOUT AFFECTION???
Sergio knows the answer is not at all. Sergio will heal all peoples and pokemons. If they do not want healings, Sergio will show them they need healings. They will see from Sergio.
But that is enough about Sergio.
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Pokemon Nickname: Maury
Level: 4
Total XP: 100
Species: Mr. Mime
Gender: Male
Type: Psychic
Nature: Quiet +2SATK/ -2SPD
Egg Group: Humanshape
HP: 4 + 0= 4
ATK: 5 + 0= 5
DEF: 7 + 1 = 8
SATK: 12 + 1 = 13
SDEF: 12 + 1 = 13
SPD: 7 + 0 = 7
Max HP: 18
Evasion Bonuses
ATK: 1
Natural moves
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Name: Barrier
Type: Psychic
Damage: N/A
Frequency: Every Other Turn
Accuracy: N/A
Range: Self, No Target
Effect: Raise the user’s Defense 2 Combat Stages.
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SpoilerName: Confusion
Type: Psychic
Damage: 2d8+6
Frequency: At-will
Accuracy: 2
Range: Ranged (10), 1 Target
Effect: Confusion Confuses the target on 19-20 during Accuracy Check.
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Name: Copycat
Type: Normal
Frequency: Center
Accuracy: N/A
Range: Ranged (15), 1 Target
Effect: Use the Move the target has used on their last turn. You may choose new targets for the Move. Copycat cannot miss.
Ability: Mind Mold
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SpoilerMind Mold
Keyword: Last Chance
Effect: Psychic
Overland - 6
Surface - 5
Jump - 3
Power - 2
Intelligence - 5
- Telekinetic
- Telepath
Maybe there's something about Maury, or it's that Mr. Mime as a species has a tendency to gravitate towards the unsettling, but Maury approached Sergio while Sergio was rubbing a "healing salve" over a drowzy Ryhorn.
Without saying a "MR MIME" Maury just dipped his hands into the lotion and begin mimicking Sergio's actions. Sergio shooed him away at first, but the curious Mr. Mime returned until Sergio relented and caught him with his styler - thus freeing the Ryhorn from his salve-based servitude.
When Sergio was dismissed from the Rangers, he managed to keep his badge and styler, and Maury continued to follow him.
Eventually, he just used a pokeball to catch Maury...
Sergio wondered why no one had ever thought of that before.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-08-2012, 04:39 AM
Slowly working my way through a dirty fighter (shame on us for not having one already!) I should be done Friday evening.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-10-2012, 02:04 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-14-2012, 05:54 AM by Granolaman.)
In progress Slowly getting this done:
Dominique Dellis
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Age: 18
Gender: Hot Dame
Height: Shrimpy
Weight: Lean
Level: 5
Class: Martial Artist, Dirty Fighter, Juggler
Level 1: +1 Dex,
Martial Artist(+1Str/Dex, -2 Int,
Combat Focus
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Effect: Add your STR or DEX modifier to the damage you deal as a trainer.
Martial Endurance
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Effect: Add half your STR and DEX modifiers and multiply the total by 5 HP. Add this to your HP total.
Blades User, Blunt User, Chain User, Fist User, Pole User, Short Blade User)
Level 2: +1 Dex,
Dirty Fighter(+1 Dex,
Battle Chatter
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SpoilerDaily - Every 8 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day
Target: A Trainer or Pokemon
Effect: Select and Use one of the following Moves: Taunt, Swagger, or Flatter. Regardless of Move selected, this Feature does not work on the same target twice in an encounter.
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SpoilerDaily - Every 8 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Pokemon or Trainer.
Effect: Use the Move Sucker Punch. Use your DEX modifier as your ATK stat. You may use this Feature as a Free Action when attacked by a Melee-ranged Move or action - if you do, you may not perform a Trainer Action during your next turn.
Level 3: +1 Dex,
Throwing Master: Knives
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Effect: You gain the feat "Weapon of Choice" in the Short-Ranged weapon of your choice. You may throw Short-Ranged Weapons and Pokeballs an additional X meters, where X is your DEX modifier.
Quick Switch
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SpoilerQuick Switch
Daily - Every 10 levels gained, you may use this Feature another time per day.
Trigger: Your Pokemon Faints; or an opponent sends out a Pokemon
Effect: You may return and send out a Pokemon as a Free Action. You may perform this Feature on your turn without a Trigger.
Juggling Act
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SpoilerDaily – Every 10 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Anywhere in a City or Town.
Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your DEX modifier, then multiply the sum by ten. This number represents the amount of money in tips you received during your show. This power takes place over thirty minutes.
Level 4: +1 Dex,
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SpoilerPrerequisites: Dirty Fighter
Daily- Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Feature another time per day.
Target: Pokemon or Trainer
Effect: Use the Move Thief. Use your DEX modifier as your ATK stat. If you target a Trainer with Tax, and you hit with Thief, you may take anything on the Trainer’s person that can be seen on their person.
Level 5: +1 Cha,
Crocodile Tears
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SpoilerPrerequisites: Dirty Fighter
Target: Pokemon or Trainer who dealt damage to you on their last turn.
Effect: The next time you roll an Accuracy Check while targeting Crocodile Tears’ target, you need -5 on your Accuracy Check. This effect overrides Think Fast! if both would affect the target. This feature only works once on a target per Encounter..
STR: 13+1=14 (+2)
DEX: 14+6=20 (+5)
CON: 10 (0)
INT: 9-2=7 (-3)
WIS: 7 (-3)
CHA: 11+1=12 (+1)
Max HP: 77
Money: In flux
Starter Pokémon: Sandile
Inventory: Bowie knife, Throwing knives (3), Rocket beret/uniform, partially filled PokeDex mugged off some kid
backstorybackstorybackstory. Wanted for repeated counts of highway robbery in Kanto. Signed up and booked it here.
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Level: 8
Total XP: 510
Species: Sandile
Gender: M
Type: Ground/Dark
Nature: Adamant +2 Atk -2 Satk
Egg Group: Field
HP: 5 +2 =7
Atk: 9 +3 =12
Def: 4
Satk: 2
Sdef: 4
Spd: 7+3 =10
Max HP: 29
Evasion Bonuses:
Speed +1
Ability: Dark Art
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Effect: Last Chance
Last Chance – Abilities with the keyword Last Chance trigger when the pokemon’s HP has been lowered to 1/3 of their full HP or less. When activated, one elemental Type, defined per Ability, receives a boost for Moves performed by the pokemon with the Last Chance Ability. All Moves that are the Type defined in the Ability receive an additional 2 STAB when dealing damage (If a Pokemon’s STAB is 4, the will attack and deal 4 STAB + 8 more for the Last Chance Ability).
Natural Moves:
Sand Attack
Egg Moves:
Overland 6
Surface 4
Burrow 6
Jump 2
Power 3
Intelligence 4
backstorybackstorybackstory. Loyal family guardian for years. He doesn't care how amoral Minnie gets so long as she's safe from harm.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-10-2012, 02:44 AM
Rocket Campaign-Setup Notes
Arms Features
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SpoilerAfter a review, we're homebrewing with a rollback for Arms Features. We'll be using the 1.29 (Cyber's handbooks) version of Arms Features. All Arms Features have an AC check of 5, and do 1d8+4 damage plus a modifier mentions in brackets. Accordingly:
- Pharmacy is awarded Chain Weapons (CON mod) and Fist Weapons (melee, does not include raw fists, STR mod) User.
- Slorange is awarded Blunt Weapons (WIS), Pole Weapons (INT), and Throwing Weapons (INT modifier) User.
- Nottles gets the same as Slorry.
- Cyber is awarded Blunt Weapons and Fist Weapons User.
- Jacqs is awarded Chain Weapons, Pole Weapons, and Throwing Weapons User.
- Granola is awarded every bloody Arms Feature save Bows and Throwing Weapons User, but then earns the latter after cross-classing to Juggler.
- BTP is awarded Bows (DEX), Chain Weapons, and Short Blade Weapons.
You don't have to tweak your sheets; I'll be keeping track of all this.
Daily Feature Usage *New!*
Features which have a specific number of uses per day will gain (an) additional use(s) per day X levels after the level at which the feat was acquired. E.g.: Aim For The Horn acquired at Level 1 may be used twice daily after Level 5, thrice daily after Level 9, etc. Random Knowledge acquired at Level 4 may be used twice daily at Level 9, thrice at Level 14, etc.
Features which are One Time Use Only (gain an additional use of this skill at X levels), in contrast, will instead gain an additional skill every X levels after Level 0. Additional One Time Uses will not be awarded for milestones past. E.g.: Step Aside! gained at any level before Level 10 will acquire an additional one-time use at Levels 10, 20, and 30. From Levels 11-19, you will only get one One Time Use until another is awarded at Level 20. Plan your Feature acquisition accordingly!
"Daily" refers less to a rigid 24 hours from one use to the next, and more "ample in-game time to prepare your character (mentally or resources-wise) to repeat the action." This is obviously at mod discretion and is subject to non-official modifiers that will decide whether you're trying to spam your super-useful ability too early.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-13-2012, 07:35 PM
Sergio Dostabon and Maury the Mr. Mime are ready to hold you down and make you well.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-14-2012, 04:28 AM
Prologue: Everything Ship-shape
Interior. A conspicuously bland meeting room, its unimpressive size magnified by the table taking up most of the space inside it. A constant presence tickling your vertigo, along with the porthole in the wall, puts us on a decent-sized boat. Somewhere in the North-East Columbic, although you wouldn't have an exact fix on the location.
A half-dozen assorted miscreants lean against walls, sit, or perhaps slouch at the table. A few might look to the seventh in the room, or follow his wordlessly irked gaze to the single door across from him. He doesn't seem all that tense, though it seems his little companion's alert enough for the both of them.
A tentative knocking, and the creature's mouthful of teeth glow a disconcerting purple. It proves somewhat especially disconcerting considering the teeth are in the... whatever the hell the black thing is growing out of its head, but it snaps its jaws shut at a growl from its master.
"You're late."
The sixth intern mutters an apology, and slinks into the nearest seat.
"Right. Well, congratulations to you six. I'm Gerald. You lot can make your introductions later, I'm just here to brief you. This," he continues in his quiet grumble as he pulls a map out of his suitcase, "is where you recruits'll be working."
![[Image: 12WMy.png]](
"Seeing as you're all new to the organisation, here's the guts of it. Our syndicate's been traditionally based in the Johto-Kanto regions, but we've been looking to expand overseas. The Aroa region's no global powerhouse, but it's not a complete shithole either. They've got a famous university in Talasarch - that's over the hill from Port Charm, where you'll be docking - but that's worthless to us beyond headhunting for graduates. We're mostly interested in everything on Rosten's side of the Notables, but we don't really know shit about the region beyond Talasarch University and the Stone mines south of Rosten. That's for you recruits to find out, and report back to us."
"The region's got its own League, along with an Elite somewhere the fuck on Shark Island. This whole region's got an ass-backwards way of getting around, too, so other than a giant bridge between Falchion and Meridion you'll need a boat if you want to travel down there."
"I work out Port Charm most of the time, trying to make sure recruits like you lot are doing your job right. I suppose if you've got any questions, I'll answer them if they're not stupid."
As an afterthought, he pulls out a Pokeball, and tosses it to a guy who looks way too relaxed about signing up to a life of crime.
"Oh, right. This is Nada. He's your team Grunt. I've had to warn some paranoid idiots before about this, so he is not a mole or a snitch or out to kill your chances at some promotion you think you're already entitled to. He can do what I assume you bookworms especially are rubbish at, like hold his own in an actual fight. Got it?"
The Rocket liaison glares at the rest of you, clearly keen to get some sleep before he's got to smuggle you all off the ferry in the dead of night. Wouldn't want customs sending you packing right on Aroa's shores, now, would we?
"If there's anything else you want to know, quit standing around like hooked Magikarps'n ask me."
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SpoilerNow comes the opportunity to ask any questions you have about the setting. Bear in mind Gerald's not going to have much patience for a group meet-and-greet, so y'all can just save that for later.
Also the map comes later when I am not up to an indeterminate body part in exam revision.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-14-2012, 04:31 AM
Nada squeals like a fat kid in a candy ball and exuberantly drops the capsule unit because GOSH HE IS SO EXCITED ABOUT POGEYMANS. And oh the mission too.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-14-2012, 04:44 AM
Sergio overlooks the gruffly Rocket commander, he wonders if there is more to their presence here than Gerald is letting on.
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SpoilerWIS check to see if Gerald is hiding something.
He sits legs spread; his Styler nestled snugly between them.
"What sort of Law-enforcement does this region have? Sergio wants emigration to go smoothly."
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-14-2012, 05:18 AM
Nariman drums his fingers on the nearest available surface. "Is this mission purely factfinding, or is there an overarching goal we should be working towards? And since you mention other recruits, how much presence does the Team have here, other than us?"
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-14-2012, 05:50 AM
"Hmph, as if we needed more muscle." Minnie idly fidgets with her bowie. "Just point me towards the nearest lab town and we'll be rolling in stolen pets in no time!"
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-14-2012, 06:45 AM
Vladenie closes her eyes and leans back in her chair. She opens one glowing eye and looks at Gerald, "So, we gonna get some uh, capital to work with?"
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-14-2012, 08:27 AM
Sergio Wrote:"What sort of Law-enforcement does this region have? Sergio wants emigration to go smoothly."
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SpoilerSense motive: 1d20 + WIS+3= 16. Gerald just doesn't have a hell of a lot of faith in you guys to usher in a new era of Rocket-owned-and-operated prosperity in the region. You also consider: If he's based in Aroa, why's he on a trans-regional ferry heading home? Dude's probably homesick or something.
"No central authority beyond the Elite, and they leave most of the actual work to the Leaders. Those trumped-up vigilantes stick to their own districts for the most part. I wouldn't know if any of them are turncoats as bad as you, Ranger," sniffs Gerald, "but I wouldn't count on it."
"Our main pain in the ass is a man called Aspen - you bookish types might've heard of him. The last bunch of recruits were some mid-ranking cocky little fucks who marched off the boat like they owned the place. Full uniforms and everything. Didn't even clear the hill road to Talasarch before he put a stop to that. If my walking you through this like you're a pack of nine-year olds offends you, go complain to them."
"Aspen's relaxed his vice grip on Charm in the months since, thank fuck, but we'll keep you lot off the registry of who's entering the region. Hence the midnight transfer onto the SS Who Are We Kidding, We're Lucky It's Motorised."
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SpoilerLucian has Heard About This Before (or a subtle variant thereof that will not count as his daily Free Action), This being "Aspen." Nariman succeeds a similar check against his WIS score, and both recognise the name of Professor Aspen, a well-published Pokemon researcher known for his studies on Pokemon intelligence.
A Nat20 additionally means Nariman knows Simon Aspen as the Chancellor of a university in the Aroa region.
Unrelatedly, the two of them would have identified Gerald's Pokemon as a Mawile.
Nariman Wrote:"Is this mission purely factfinding, or is there an overarching goal we should be working towards? And since you mention other recruits, how much presence does the Team have here, other than us?"
"HQ would fire my ass for telling you lot this, but I'm the highest-ranking Rocket officer in the region, so whatever. The region's been a low priority since before Giovanni took over, mostly because no other organisations gave a shit about the place. There could be something valuable in the region, or outright powerful in Rocket's hands."
Gerald smirks. "You tell me what facts you should be finding. I do the coordinating, you lot get coordinated and try be useful or valuable. It's not Team Rocket's job to figure this out, we leave that to the Breeders or the Engineers or whoever before we capitalise on it. Remember, we'd rather a consistent buck than a quick one. Rearranging some hierarchies so we get properly compensated for overseeing the hydro stations' safe operation, rather than, fuck. Stealing the station's Pokemon? Point is, we prefer one over the other."
"Just remember, I'm not the one trying to impress my superiors here. You'll never climb in this organisation following orders, that's what Pokemon do."
Gerald thinks for a bit.
"Oh, right. If you do find any other interns, feel free to take their stuff. If I don't hear back from them within three months, I assume they're dead or living in some shack on the Rosten side of the hills hoping to god I never come looking for them. I'd chase those defecting little shits down myself, but I'm busy looking for an excuse that lets me pretend I'm busy in Charm instead. But, uh, other than that a few operatives can be found in other towns, canvassing the region. No, I'm not doing your job for you, the information they send me is classified."
Minnie Wrote:"Just point me towards the nearest lab town and we'll be rolling in stolen pets in no time!"
The liaison rolls his eyes. "Good luck with that. Like I said, Aspen's city is a mere hour's walk and a lifetime's excommunication with the organisation if you get arrested this early in your internship."
"Course, there's the other research institute down south, in Fuligan. If you really insist on raiding a laboratory."
Vladenie Wrote:"So, we gonna get some uh, capital to work with?"
"Uh, right."
Gerald pulls a sheaf of notes out of his suitcase, thumbing off 2000 to each of the seven.
"You're looking after your own damn selves. Don't waste it. We reimburse you for Pokeballs or other equipment used to capture Pokemon, along with commissions to successful teams. Stick with shit worth catching, if you can - anything rare enough to sell to an interested party without too much scrutiny is Team Rocket's kind of acquisition."
"Transporting them overseas is another pain in the ass. The universities have the facilities, obviously, but you're better off eventually introducing yourselves to Agent Marsden, in Falchion. Between him and that lunatic Ford out at Molothrus, we can send your acquisitions back to HQ."
"Depending on how you want to go about this, Marsden would be worth speaking to. He runs the Aroa branch of Rocket's storage system."
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Joined: Nov 2011
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
06-14-2012, 02:09 PM
"And if we find some lubrative operations, how are we to inform you of this?" Sergio asks, stroking his mushtache, then adds "do you leave region frequently?"