Polite but Irreverent Thread about Food

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Polite but Irreverent Thread about Food
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
i'm not talking cooked spinach, i mean spinach leaves. good for sandwiches, at least

also burgers are better without lettuce imo
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
Oh okay, thank god. Cooked spinach is not for me, I am not a sailor.
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
Fried Spinach, Bacon, and cheddar in a quiche.
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
Spinach is really good because you can add it to meals without really changing the flavour or texture. Hidden veges!

There's a bagel place not far from my house and the vegetarian bagel option is swiss cheese, tomato, smashed avocado and raw spinach? And its pretty good!

Also: I went to a party/friend/dinner thing tonight and i had to make a thing, and managed to put together an apple pie completely from scratch from memory in about 10 minutes. Nice.
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
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RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
Oh cool. I love apple pie, we ate some over the course of a few days and then had to wolf it down yesterday cause it would expire and become gross and soggy. Heh. Bagels are also cool, the closest thing to the soft bagels I've eaten in Australia back in my childhood in Russia. Were the Bubliks. Picture like a really toughened bagel and you get the idea.
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
I consumed pig-flesh products today that weren't bacon, for dinner. (Schnitzel and pork meat with cabbage)
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
On Saturday I ate carrot cake. It was weird and the walnuts inside of it dominated the overall flavour more than the carrots themselves did (also the icing dominated too I guess).

I like both ice cream and chocolate but for some reason chocolate ice cream tasted weird to me. It's a funny world isn't it?
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
Carrot cake usually tastes of spices! Carrots have a pretty bland flavour and they're just there to make the cake moist. You can do the same thing with zucchini.

I really hate walnut in carrot cakes though :v
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
Ogre you talking about!? Walnuts are gr8!

Hahah, that's a shame that you don't like walnuts in carrot cakes. But I'll confess as your "evil food opposite" (a term I just made up), I'd find the idea of zucchini in a cake weird but then again I don't particularly like zucchini, it's like a cucumber doppelganger. I also hate eggplant.

On Sunday my stepfather got a multi-purpose cooker (cause our old regular rice cooker got busted like weeks ago) and tried it out, he used the recipe of some Ukrainian-American chef lady of her modified version of a Russkie dish of cabbage rolls. They had carrots and turkey mince. It was a unique as hell experience. Yester-Today he cooked Risotto using the thing. It was pretty nice, nothing too exciting. He might just cook it the old fashioned slow as all hell way in the future.

A few weeks ago he cooked sausages in a sauce that has beer as a recipe, except stepdad the absolute madman that he is decided to buy Black Beer and experiment a little. Now Black Beer is just like regular beer sorta, in that it's an alcoholic drink but if I were to describe the taste I'd say it's like unsweetened Sarsaparilla or sugarless Root-Beer (which was the dumbest analogy ever) or unsweetened Kvass. When he cooked the sauce, it brought out the whole flavour, it was a super bitter but really unique taste (mom likened it to eating bile, lol). Now I have a to-go to poison though (black beer seems easy for me to stomach and the tase doesn't irritate me).

Any other food talk? Oh Today moms friend brought over Turkish delight. He says gelatin is apparently good for bones, can anyone confirm this?
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
Blended Watermelon is great. Just Chill the melon, then cut off the peel, remove seeds (preferably, otherwise there is a bitter aftertaste) and blend! You Can upgrade to a no pulp juice if you want to strain it, and have some other use for the leftover watermelon (or if you dispose of it).
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
Removing seed to me has always seemed like a pain in the ass no matter the fruit. My stepfather recounted a story from his youth about a boy in his school who had a picky quirk towards bananas, he'd get incredibly fussy if he saw any seeds once he bit into one and would go to great lengths to remove them from the stump, which predictably caused quite the mess.
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
It's been 32 days and I have tasted some unique foods during that gap of time. Recently I was insane enough to eat expired apple candy. Hmm what is of note? Hmmm, I ate some kind of weird chicken thingy that has all kinds of salty and cheesy shit on top of it, it also had brussel sprouts a food I used to despise but now my taste buds have matured enough for me to actually like. It's super weird, has this ever happened to anyone before? Did you used to hate a food but now you like it?
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
Black olives.

I really didn't like them and now I don't mind them?

Also capers.
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
Quinoa with cheese and spaghetti sauce is amazing.
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
The Agriculture department gave me two bags of tomatoes that are scratched/leafless/otherwise not fit for sale but still edible.

I made tomato soup with garlic and onion and chicken stock and so much goddamn tomato and I also made roux for the first time? And it worked and my soup turned out creamy and delicious instead of Delicious Yet Kinda-Dissatisfying-Tomato-Garlic-Tea?
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
(06-25-2016, 12:40 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »Black olives.

I really didn't like them and now I don't mind them?

Also capers.
Congrats on joining the black olives master race, homie. Have this video.
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
(06-27-2016, 11:53 AM)Schazer Wrote: »The Agriculture department gave me two bags of tomatoes that are scratched/leafless/otherwise not fit for sale but still edible.

I made tomato soup with garlic and onion and chicken stock and so much goddamn tomato and I also made roux for the first time? And it worked and my soup turned out creamy and delicious instead of Delicious Yet Kinda-Dissatisfying-Tomato-Garlic-Tea?
That's very generous of them. Congratumalations Schazer! Must of been real good.
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
On Jun 30th I had mashed potatoes with sausages and peas, pretty basic stuff. Yesterday I had chicken with gravy and oven baked potatoes and some carrot and broccoli. Nothing too adventurous. Stepdad is going to cook something mad gangsta for the weekend though. Some kind of insane chicken recipe with like wine or something? I dunno? I gotta get myself a 2nd job so I can buy food to practice cooking. The only thing I burn on an ocassional basis is pancakes because I ain't that good at them most of the time. (Also I fucking hate actually doing the hard work of making the mix before cooking, so I cook them not that often and rely on pre-existing mix mostly, cause fuck the idea of responsibility over pancakes, am I right ladies and gents?)
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
So who bought food for their father on the soon approaching Fathers Day? I got him profiteroles and donuts and some ginger beer. All of it good, all of it on discounts. I wish the ginger beer was cheaper though.

We had Chinese takeaway yesterday it was pretty good but the leftovers seem to have been devoured really quickly in the morning. Which is a goddamn shame. A few days back my stepfather cooked the meal I mentioned a few pages back again. The one with the sausages and the bitter as fuck sauce made out of beer. This time he used regular beer with some honey and mustard added, which made it a lot better but I liked the hell out of that original black beer sauce.

In bacon news I've been on a bacon and egg cooking binge whenever I have the opportunity.
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
I'm helping make some spaghetti sauce! I love pasta.
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
I ate Chinese for lunch and Indian for dinner. It was good.
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
I'm making french toast, but instead of bread I'm using peaches.
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
It didn't work, the peaches were too ripe
RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?)
Well that fucking sucks.

Here is a weird question but I think it is kind of honest and straightforward:
When you drink a cup of good morning America do you suddenly feel the rushing urge to take a shit? Cause I do. Coffee irritates my bowels but I'm loving it too much to stop.

After the past few dinners which were kind of extravagant in nature I had some pizza today. *Puts on sunglasses* "It's good to be home".

A frozen food company is advertising a new kind of pizza they did which is steak and bacon and I want to actually buy one just to see if they're any good. Even for a frozen pizza meal, they can't ever compare to the stuff you make yourself or buy from say pizza hut but when you're hungry you don't give a flying fuck what you eat as long as it's not garbage.