This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff

This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
woah this sounds fun

english -

spain's spanish -

also catalan because it's what i'm good at?? -

I'm actually quite interested on listening to y'all try this
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
God dang i love your accent, Epamy.

I shall give that catalan business a try when i'm alone. I don't want people hearing me reading words i don't know how to pronounce.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
Vocaroo and my webcam/microphone combo don't like each other very much, so dropbox link.

RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
Not gunna lie it takes every single fiber of my being and a miscellaneous amount of shitty events to not just have a large, earth-shattering joyspolsion from this.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
What are you gonna do with all those avatars, Solaris?
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
Glorious things.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
Hey it's about time I participated in this:

English and Ed's
[Image: stats.png]

English and Epamy's
[Image: stats.png]
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
wheat no
no wheat why
these characters
i want them
why must you tease me like this wheat
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
(05-17-2012, 12:10 AM)Ed Wrote: »God dang i love your accent, Epamy.

I shall give that catalan business a try when i'm alone. I don't want people hearing me reading words i don't know how to pronounce.
Really? I thought I'd sound ridiculous after your sweet readings!

(05-17-2012, 08:46 PM)btp Wrote: »English and Epamy's
[Image: stats.png]

Hahaha okay, this is the best thing I've listened to in a while. Thank you btp!
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
(05-18-2012, 05:36 PM)Wheat Wrote: »
(05-10-2012, 06:48 PM)Lankie Wrote: »So hey, I made a game.
How much time does it take to render something like this? Also is there any way to look around other than with the mouse? My head kept swinging around at the velocity of a barfly listening to chumbawamba's tubthumping.
Will we get to open a door?

I'd say it probably took two weeks of solid work to get this done. When all is said and done there are some pretty simple shapes here which are fairly easy to model. Trees are glorified cylinders, the whole land is a big ol' circle. made them pretty easy to texture too.

Unfortunately you can only look around with a mouse, it is a bit sensitive I could probably tone it down but I'd rather not work further on College work that is completed.

To get a door opening would probably require some code magic that they never taught us. Plus I never modelled an inside of the house, so you'd just see through the walls.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs

Some people tell me, that I have a face for radio
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
Wheat, I am disappointed that that is not a thing I can click on.
Beep Beep
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
Wheat are all those people Chesters?
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
Mehgs, I thought I couldn't love you any more

I was wrong as fuck. Minion

love you any more than I already did, I mean

I was at my maximum love capacity

not that I was like, unable to love you any LONGER

(even if i was that would no longer be the case)
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
I have two sets of family each with their own issues and things, but I like my mom's side a lot more. My mom's sibling is her younger brother and he has twin daughters. They are funny because they are sort of Really Weird Sorta Nerds. They have a lot of interests that in a broad sense intertwine with mine like The Animes and The Cartoons and The Video Games but that in practice are Very Different, probably because of the whole thing where they live in the Dominican Republic and are little girls whereas I live in AMURICA and am a young adult.

I still find it interesting how kids these days are accessing stuff that i had NO IDEA was around at their age, it really feels weird thinking about how around when I was young the Chicken Pox Vacciney Thing was apparently new, which meant that I had to get two Booster Shots for it, while I think that my sister either got none or just one. I thought about this after going to the doctor yesterday.

Anyway, cousins, twins, girls, Bea y Cris. They have MSN and Facebook and they do things on those platforms that I never had a chance to. It is eerie, thinking about how different the internet and computers have made my childhood compared to those older than me and younger than me. My sister has ships, OTP's, reads fan-fic, watches My Little Pony, played Kawata Shojo(or whatever the cripple visual novel is called), goes on tumblrrrr, and watches all sorts of teh youtubes. My cousins probably do a lot of that too, although seeing that they speak primarily spanish (and dont know english well), they probably have a less pool to wade through.

I guess that I don't know if this is just my family because they are nuuuuuuuurds, but still
everything is or has changed and I can't even imagine how the older folks feel about it if it is this weird to me.

In other news, I still miss Niall.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
I have a cousin named James.

Because of age differences in my family he is actually as old as my dad. He owns a lot of cats. Also rabbits.

He eats the rabbits.

He also owns an extensive VHS collection, like you enter his hallway and you're suddenly in a 1990's blockbuster.

He also works at a prison...or at least he used to? Maybe he doesn't have a job right now.

Part of the reason I quit facebook was because I was tired of seeing his farmville updates.


Has anybody else taken the time to peruse GreyGabe's Webcomic/blog?

I just did the other night, and I'm in love with it. I don't know why I didn't check it out sooner. It has a way of putting in little things that make me think: "oh wow yeah it's like that for me too."

I don't know how many times I've zoned out while Noodly talks about ponies.

And for some reason she is amazed that I can break an egg one-handed.

Anyway, Super props to GreyGabe and FKOD for those things! It's like a happy little slice of life of some people I've seen on the internet.

RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
(05-31-2012, 07:01 AM)Superfrequency Wrote: »I have discovered the secret to tumblr

you reblog animated gifs of popular television shows

that is the secret

just do that

The other secret is never, ever add Jacquerel, lest your dashboard be covered with reblogged funny images.

RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
you can also reblog Homestuck or The Avengers so long as you endeavour to have very little content that you yourself create
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
(05-18-2012, 09:57 PM)Mehgamehn Wrote: »

Some people tell me, that I have a face for radio

How did I miss this? It is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.

On topic:

I hate tumblr. There's just too much worthless content to sift through before you find something even remotely interesting and there's no consistency in the layout. Maybe this is a complaint that could be applied to the vast majority of the internet, but somehow tumblr makes it especially infuriating.

Now, I suppose, a few people make the tumbling experience a pleasant one. Ed, for instance, has an excellent tumblog. Pleasing to look at, updated at a casual pace that's easy to catch up on missed material.

What frustrates me the most are people who "reblog" every. single. thing. Like, they will reblog a conversation or an image, not to share it with the casual onlooker, but to make some innane comment on it like "HA HA so funny!", or "omg I no rite?". YOU HAVE ADDED NOTHING TO THIS MATERIAL. WHY AM I READING YOUR BULLSHIT?

Actually, now that I think about it, I would probably enjoy tumblr a great deal more if there was no "reblog" function. or at least one that was not so heavily prone to abuse.

On a related note: Noodly loves tumblr, every aspect of it. Tumblr has become the basis for the majority of her interests and obsessions. This is a source of a lot of contention between us, but I think that to some degree, she no longer enjoys things because of their innate quality, but simply because she's seen it rebloged some minimum number of times.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
If there is a function to not show reblogs I have not found it yet but SWEET SWEET JESUS I WANT IT.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
(05-31-2012, 08:09 PM)Woffles Wrote: »SWEET SWEET TUMBLR JESUS

Not sure if there is a way to set it to block every possible hashtag.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
I think it works better if you just keep one reblogger friend in your life so you still get the ~experience~, then callously use that reblogger friend to sniff out sources to tumblrs which are all original content.

It's that or you stick to following your friends because you can forgive them their trespasses and bother to click when they put a "Read More" in their textwall. So it's basically like Facebook! But for hipsters!

(My bogan classmate gives me so much shit for tumblr-ing. I give him so much shit for knowing the course material marginally better than he does.)
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
My favorite kind of shitty tumblr posts are the "You have to stick up your ass the last thing you touched with your left hand HOW FUCKED ARE YOU?!?!" chains.

It's just like the rest of the internet, there's shitty humor all over it. Fortunately, you decide what you want to see on your dashboard.

I'm against a hide reblogs function. I wouldn't be interested in following people that can't resist sharing every single thing they find amusing and have a code sorting through their bullshit just to see an original thing or two, you're either cool all the way or you're just simply not worth the effort (i know it sounds super rude, but, i'm sorry, that's how it looks to me). Besides, it would only encourage white noise and shit posting, not that i care that much though.

Also, i don't think reblogs are totally worthless, it's a neat way to share my friend's work with my followers and hopefully get them some views.

E:Also also thanks for liking my interneting, btp :>
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
I have unfollowed one person so far for reblogs.

She's a really cool artist and i love her work, but she must have hit her post limit each day reblogging other people's art. It was all really good art too, but she lives in australia ( so was a few hours behind me) and started reblogging shit just as i went to bed, usually. It was too much.