What ARE birds?

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What ARE birds?
RE: What ARE birds?
(04-04-2016, 12:15 AM)Gatr Wrote: »Are birds species that has had their DNA genome mapped?

Birds are species that have had their genome mapped

Specifically animal genomes! The first animal to have its genome mapped was the Nematode in 1998! Fruit Flies are model organisms for biologists and were on the short list in 2000. And The human genome project completed in 2003!

I was using a combination of This wikipedia page and the ncbi genome database for reference. I was really surprised that no sharks were on that list! Although some research done in late 2015 hopes to make the whale shark a bird fairly soon!

Awesome job gatr!

Now I think wanted to jump in...
RE: What ARE birds?
I'm just thrilled that my relentless spamming of crocodilians as answers actually got me somewhere.
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RE: What ARE birds?
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RE: What ARE birds?
Are ducks birds?

Are birds animals that have had terrible novelty songs written about them?
RE: What ARE birds?
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RE: What ARE birds?
I'll go if nobody minds

Zebras are birds.
Horses are not birds.
RE: What ARE birds?
Are tigers birds?
Are lions birds?
Are mountain lions birds?
Are servals birds?
RE: What ARE birds?
Tigers are not birds.
No extant lions are birds.
Cougars are not birds.
Servals are not birds.
RE: What ARE birds?
Are barbary lions birds?
Are foxes birds?
Are bears birds?
Are otters birds?
RE: What ARE birds?
Barbary Lions are not birds.
Foxes are birds.
Not all bears are birds.
Otters are not birds.
RE: What ARE birds?
are black-arse cods birds?
are penduline tits birds?
are cockchafers birds?
are dickcissels birds?
RE: What ARE birds?
Black-arse cods are not birds.
Penduline tits are not birds.
Cockchafers are not birds.
Dickcissels are not birds.
RE: What ARE birds?
RE: What ARE birds?
Rude is not birds.
RE: What ARE birds?
are cartilaginous fish birds?
Are bony/ray-finned fish birds?
are birds birds?
are reptiles birds?
are amphibians birds?
RE: What ARE birds?
Not all cartilaginous fish are birds.
Not all bony/ray-skinned fish are birds.
Not all birds are birds.
Not all reptiles are birds.
Not all amphibians are birds.
RE: What ARE birds?
Are Ostriches birds?
Are Emus birds?
Are Elephants birds?
Are whale sharks birds?
Are cane toads birds?
Are boa constrictors birds?
RE: What ARE birds?
are stingrays birds?
are manta rays birds?
are whale sharks birds?
are goblin sharks birds?
are great white sharks birds?
are hammerhead sharks birds?
RE: What ARE birds?
Ostriches are not birds.
Emus are not birds/
To the best of my knowledge, elephants are not birds.
Whale sharks are not birds.
Cane toads are not birds.
Boa constrictors are not birds.

Quails are birds.
RE: What ARE birds?
Not all stingrays are birds.
Manta rays are not birds.
Whale sharks still not birds.
Goblin sharks are not birds.
Great white sharks are not birds.
Hammerhead sharks are not birds.
RE: What ARE birds?
Aaaaalrighty, powering through the family listings:

Are sixgill stingrays birds?
Are deepwater stingrays birds?
Are stingarees birds?
Are whiptail stingrays birds?
Are freshwater/river stingrays birds?
Are butterfly rays birds?
Are eagle rays birds?

Additionally, are torpedos/electric rays birds?
RE: What ARE birds?
Sixgill stingrays are birds.
Deepwater stingrays are not birds.
Stingarees are not birds.
Not all whiptail stingrays are birds.
River/freshwater stingrays are not birds.
Not all butterfly rays are birds.
Not all eagle rays are birds.
Not all torpedoes are birds.
RE: What ARE birds?
Are whiprays (genus Himantura) birds?
Are Makararaja chindwinensis birds?
Are maskrays birds?
Are cowtail stingrays birds?
Are pelagic stingrays birds?
Are ribbontail stingrays birds?
Are porcupine rays birds?

Are any of spiny, Australian, California, smooth, backwater, longtail, or zonetail butterfly rays birds?

Are any of common, spotted, longheaded, eagle rays birds?
Are bull or cownose rays birds?
Are manta rays birds?
Are mobula birds?

Are any of the common, variable, smalldisk, black-spotted, Florida, or leopard torpedos birds?
RE: What ARE birds?
I am beginning to believe I made a poor choice of birdefinition.

Members of genus Himantura are not birds.
Makararaja chindwinensis are not birds.
Maskrays are not birds.
Cowtail stingrays are not birds.
Pelagic stingrays are not birds.
Ribbontail stingrays are not birds.
Porcupine rays are not birds.
None of spiny, Australian, California, smooth, backwater, nor longtail butterfly rays are birds.
Zonetail butterfly rays are birds.
None of common, spotted, nor longheaded eagle rays are birds.
Neither bull nor cownose rays are birds.
Manta rays still not birds.
Mobula are not birds.
RE: What ARE birds?
Are toucans birds?