GRAND TWEET V: it's over!

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GRAND TWEET V: it's over!
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 4 - Bird City
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 4 - Bird City
"Was that a bullet? It felt like a tickle!
With a lift and a dive, a spin and a whirl
I'll show these birds moves that make feathers curl"
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 4 - Bird City
"A formidable, climb, lay ahead
but it still, beat, fighting undead

Now Jimmy, Reg, look out below!
Or at least veer to dodge that crow!"
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 4 - Bird City
"Ahaha, these hawkops can try
But a drone on its own is the lord of the sky"
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 4 - Bird City
"My windshield's broken, but that won't mean a thing
When it comes to high speed Reginald is the king"
And so they dove, wind coming in fast
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 4 - Bird City
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 4 - Bird City
Chorus: Catarath leaps, a flaming blast!
Hawkops scatter, daunted at last!
Reg in freefall, Jimmy aghast!
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 4 - Bird City
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RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 4 - Bird City
Grand Tweet V will conclude on April 15th, 3pm PST/April 16th, Midnight CEST/7am JST.

Why the fuck do we live in so many different time zones.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 4 - Bird City
‪"At long latht. Two lotht thouls on Memory Lane!"‬

‪The Lane's far-off ends marked those of the duo's; the shades flanking it, folk of import.‬
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 4 - Bird City
"Wow, you know, I don't remember having lost this many pilots. Though I guess it's none too surprising, now that I think about."
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Round 4 - Bird City
Catarath drops unceremoniously into a most ceremonious occasion, dressed in apprentice robes long since discarded.

RE: GRAND TWEET V: Final Round - Memory Lane
"Well, there's Jimmy - hey Jimmy! We all liked Jimmy. There's Don Randal, what a troublemaker. And then that's - uh, don't remember."
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Final Round - Memory Lane
High Grave-Sanctifier steps up, consecrational tools in hand.

"Swear you, by Bahamut's Unholy Flame, to uphold your vows?"
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Final Round - Memory Lane
"Hey, you're supposed to bury folks, right? Why don't you bury Jimmy here first?"
"Don't you dare!"
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Final Round - Memory Lane
Catarath stunned, off-guard, ashamed.

"Vow? What vow? I'm dead in a pile of mech!"
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Final Round - Memory Lane
Failures to bury keep piling up, the dreaded corpse-pile.

Catarath sinks into robes, shovel up, eyes shut tight.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Final Round - Memory Lane
"Well, you know, we said we'd bury you and all before being jaunted to and fro and all that."
"Do I look like I need burial?"
"A little?"
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Final Round - Memory Lane
"I'm here to haunt you!"
"You're doing a great job!"
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Final Round - Memory Lane
Enough. Catarath will make logistics clear.

RE: GRAND TWEET V: Final Round - Memory Lane
"Good point. Anyways, I've already got all these guys in my memory banks. Let's check out your dark and mysterious past."
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Final Round - Memory Lane
Massive draconic presence looms, High Grave-Sanctifier fades, banished by emanating power.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Final Round - Memory Lane
A claw curls inward, beckoning Catarth towards an end.
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Final Round - Memory Lane
Reginald cruises a short ways down Catarath's side of the road, circling around the draconic figure. "Neat. Who's this guy?"
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: GRAND TWEET V: Final Round - Memory Lane
A crisis of faith, a shovel almost too worn to use.

Catarath will follow, to see where it leads.