Pokemon Tabletop United

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Pokemon Tabletop United
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Mike swoops to Nando's side and pecks the downed Doduo hard on one of its heads.
He doesn't manage a great degree of accuracy, but fortunately the Doduo's not in a good position to get out of the way. It takes fairly significant damage.

[Image: Fight1-8.png]

Doduo is now on the ropes.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Charlie, maintaining perfect vision despite being sprayed with sand due to his Keen Eyes takes wing and lands next to the raging Doduo.
The Doduo gains one combat stage in Attack due to its furious rage, then it faints. What an anticlimax.
[Image: Fight1-9.png]

Zeus is up now.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Zeus continues the familiar strategy or blasting foes with Telekinesis.
Nando takes 18 damage, and acquires an injury from being dropped under 50% health. Oh no!
Doduo becomes enraged.

The other Doduo also uses Rage, but on a Sandshrew.
It takes fairly heavy damage from the attack, and this Doduo also becomes enraged.

[Image: Fight1-11.png]

The curled Sandshrew nearest the group, seeing its chance, spins rapidly and rolls through Ylva and Svava, smacking them both on the way.
Unfortunately (for it), it misses Svava completely, and loses all of its momentum.
Still whacks Ylva pretty hard though.

Another Sandshrew elects to Scratch at Gingham.
It misses.

The final, most wounded Sandshrew tries to get away, curling into a predictable ball to aid its escape.

[Image: Fight1-12.png]
Things don't look too bad, but people are starting to accumulate wounds.

Once again it's Caroline, Ylva, Nando, Theo, Ivy, Lucian, Kaddy, Gingham, and Svava. In that order, or something approximating.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Caroline runs over and kicks the least healthy Sandshrew.
Unfortunately it's still curled into a ball and fairly impervious to sneakers. She scuffs its hide slightly.
At least she didn't do no damage.

[Image: Fight1-13.png]

In the background, Theo surreptitiously shuffles backwards away from the encroaching pokemon, leaving Kaddy to curl into his own defensive sphere.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Undeterred by its opposite of efficacy last time, Ylva calls for Svava to focus again. Fortunately, this time it actually works.
The nearby Sandshrew takes fairly significant damage, and the two retreat to a safer distance.
[Image: Fight1-14.png]

Nando, uncaring for his wounds, tries to throw a pokeball at the nearby Doduo.
Unfortunately he still has sand in his eyes and practically just drops it rather then hurl it at anything. Instead of sticking around to get pecked, he vaults over the top of the pair of pokemon and slides past the Nidoran, yelling words of encouragement as he passes.
[Image: Fight1-15.png]
"Run free little dude! You're free of these unjust bullies!"
He wipes a single tear from his eye (although that might have been from the sand) and salutes.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
"Wha-...Don't tell him that!" Ivy shouts at Nando, speaking above a nervous mumble for the first time since they'd met."He's purple! And covered in glitter! How's he gonna hide in the desert while he's purple and covered in glitter? He'll just get eaten by something else if he runs off on his own now!"

She dashes up closer, pulling a pokeball from her pocket and prepares to toss it at the Nidoran if he indeed starts to run off.

Gingham informs the sandshrew that attempted to scratch her that it is very rude and sends a burst of glittery pink Fairy Wind at it
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
A sparkly breeze whirls around Sandshrew.
It doesn't look like much, but Sandshrew didn't seem to like it at all.

[Image: Fight1-16.png]

Enemy turns incoming (once I'm on my lunch break)
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Unwilling to run all that way after Nando, Sandshrew tries to scratch up Mike instead!
Unfortunately (for it), it is still curled into a ball and its accuracy isn't quite what it could be as a result. Its claws wave uselessly through air.

Perhaps slightly inspired by the words of encouragement, or perhaps just realising that "closer to these humans = more safer", the Nidoran limps a little nearer, Leering at the Sandshrew it passes in order to lend a little bit of a hand.
Sandshrew's defence is lowered yet further.

-- End of Round 3 --
-- Start of Round 4 --

[Image: Fight1-16.png]

After that somewhat uneventful series of turns, it's back to Mike, Charlie, and then Zeus. You've managed to remove everything that previously would have moved before you![/size][/b]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Mike swoops in for the finishing blow on a Doduo!
Only, despite the not unimpressive damage, that doesn't quite finish it off.
[Image: Fight1-18.png]
Still enraged, the Doduo squawks in fury and gains a small boost in attack power.
Mike retreats to a hopefully safe distance and perches back on the Nidoran's head.

Now it's Charlie's turn, then Zeus.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Charlie swoops in behind Mike to finish the job.
Charlie deals maximum damage, which wasn't really completely necessary.
Doduo gains another combat stage in attack, then faints. That's how you do a finishing blow.

[Image: Fight1-19.png]
The strategy of fainting pokemon just before they can take their turns seems to be working out.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Zeus gears up to continue the pattern, aiming a psychic blast at the Sandshrew near Kaddy.
Unfortunately, he misses completely. That would have been really convenient.

The last, angry, Doduo is if anything even more enraged than it was last turn. Looking to vent its frustrations, it attacks the nearest thing it can see, which happens to be Gingham.
If hitting something was supposed to calm it down it doesn't seem to have worked, it's still mad as hell.

[Image: Fight1-20.png]

The Sandshrew recently missed by Zeus's attack is... completely unaware that it was just missed by Zeus's attack. Because it missed.
Instead, it seems to take Kaddy's similarly curled-up form as some kind of challenge and tries to scratch at her.
Unfortunately, while the trainers have now had a fairly long time to realise that scratching at a curled-up opponent isn't likely to hurt it very much, this lesson doesn't seem to have trickled down to the Sandshrew.

[Image: Fight1-21.png]

The Sandshrew by Gingham, stinging a little and eager to get out of the way of the nearby Doduo, takes a step back and flicks sand at its attacker to cover its retreat.
It misses. Again.

The final Sandshrew is on its last legs, but has the opportunity to get revenge on the human who tried to kick it last turn. It rolls to a slightly safer distance, then flexes its plates carefully to reveal the Sandshrew's secret weapon: a venomous barb!

The sharp dart hurts, but thankfully Caroline at least isn't poisoned.

[Image: Fight1-22.png]


It's now time for the players again!

Initiative goes in the order of Caroline > Ylva > Nando, Theo, Ivy, Lucian, Kaddy, Gingham, and Svava, as usual.[/size]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Nando, unwilling to let any desert creatures escape, leaps from his spot and piledrives the Sandshrew who just fired upon Caroline.
It's still curled into a ball and Nando isn't actually particularly physically strong, so he bounces off and deals the minimum possible damage.
Still, it's the thought that counts right?

[Image: Fight1-23.png]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Caroline runs over to the Doduo and gives it a good hard shove.
It squawks in indignation and topples over onto the ground, its spindly legs not providing a great deal of resistance.

Theo's stayed out of this so far and steps back out of the Sandshrew's way. Kaddy elects to follow their example and stays put, it's not like she was actually hurt by that last attack anyway.

Gingham follows up Caroline's attack on the extremely rude Doduo with a spray of seeds.
The Doduo quickly finds itself covered with very tiny, fast-sprouting plants.

[Image: Fight1-24.png]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Lucian and Ylva continue to retreat, Ylva barking back attack orders to Svava as she moves.
Svava blasts the Sandshrew with psychic energy, almost but not quite reducing it to unconsciousness.

[Image: Fight1-25.png]

-Enemy Turns-

The small bird it previously attacked seems to have been replaced by a bigger bird, but Sandshrew doesn't really mind. It rolls back and aims a Poison Sting at Charlie!
Apparently though it's quite hard to aim a little barb when your feet are in front of your eyes, so it misses completely.

The Nidoran, now that Mike has flown once more to perch upon its head, returns to a state of bird-based terror and stays very still.

[Image: Fight1-26.png]

-- End of Round 4 --
-- Start of Round 5 --

Any peskily fast Doduo have completely been removed from the initiative order, so the round immediately begins with some player pokemon again!

Turn Order: Mike > Charlie > Zeus > Doduo
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Not to be upstaged by a living bush, Mike poses theatrically and uses Leech Seed on the Sandshrew right next to Nando.
It's perhaps not the quickest method by which to come to the rescue but maybe it will work out.
At Ivy's request he also leaves the Nidoran and flaps over to sit atop the Sandshrew, finding a comfortable spot amongst the new green shoots.

[Image: Fight1-27.png]
The Sandshrew is liberally coated in Roll20 iconography.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Charlie takes flight once again and comes to roost next to Doduo, striking with a mighty Peck.

Doduo loses a great deal of health, though this only serves to anger it further. It also gains one Combat Stage in Attack.

[Image: Fight1-28.png]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Zeus aims a mental blast at the nearby Sandshrew.
This faints the Sandshrew.

[Image: Fight1-29.png]

Enemy Initiative:

Doduo > Sandshrew > Sandshrew > Caroline

Shakily, the Doduo pulls itself to its feet. Now it's mad. It lashes out at the pokemon who attacked most recently.
Charlie goes under 50% hp and gains an injury as a result, oh no!

However, Doduo does take minor damage from Leech Seed, healing Gingham in the process.

The nearest Sandshrew takes this as an opportunity to get away, rolling into a ball and making for the burrows.

[Image: Fight1-30.png]

The other sandshrew is damaged by Leech Seed, restoring a small amount of health to Mike. This still isn't quite enough damage to faint it though.
Dislodging its new passenger, it rolls away and aims a ranged attack.
Mike's injured too, though he's still not in too bad a shape. And at least he wasn't poisoned.

[Image: Fight1-31.png]

It's your turns again wow we got back here fast.

Caroline > Ylva > Nando > etcetera
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Caroline attempts to capture the Doduo!
Unfortunately, her pitching skills fall short at short range and the Fast Ball flies past the target, landing unharmed in the sand just off the road.

She also recalls Charlie. I didn't feel like this post really needed an image to demonstrate that.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Ivy scurries over to the Nidoran, who seems slightly more reassured now that he doesn't have a bird on his head.

Gingham blows a Fairy Wind across the rude Doduo.

The Doduo squawks one more time before lying down for a long, involuntary nap.

[Image: Fight1-32.png]

Still to move: Ylva, Nando, Theo, Lucian, Kaddy, and Svava
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Onto a winning formula, Ylva and Svava pretty much do what they've done the last few turns.

The targeted Sandshrew looks dazed, none of the dispersing animals have much fight left in them.

[Image: Fight1-33.png]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Nando breaks out an impromptu keytar riff, so inspiring that it gives a whole lot of people somewhere in the range of 4-5 temporary HP.
[Image: Fight1-34.png]

Theo, figuring that this is as good as over now, wanders back over ready to pick up Kaddy once the last couple of pokemon beat it.
[Image: Fight1-35.png]
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Lucian scowls, surveying the battlefield. A chaotic mess of fainted, retreating, and whatever-it-is those idiots ahead are up to. But it looks to be over.

Grumbling, he stalks over to the limp form of Zeus' last victim and squats. He never bothered to really learn much about these things, inasmuch as he had a choice in the matter, but...

"...Still curled up. Took a beating... Scales must be... Hrm. Overlap. Interlock? Keeps sand out... But square doesn't seem... Hrm. Claws for digging... But sand isn't... How do their burrows...?"

But he learned about machines, and if you squint, and lean in, and tilt your head juuust right...

He reaches out, uncertainly-- But no, better not to... And yet-- No, no, he... Maybe...?

RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
Theo, clutching Kaddy, harrumphs, maybe shuffling round a bit to make sure the sun's behind them if Lucian does deign to glance up.

"What are you doing?" Theo asks, doing their legitimate best to not sound accusatory from the get-go.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
When it looks like the fight is more or less over, Ivy kneels down and shrugs off her backpack. Digging through its jumbled contents for a moment, she comes out with a bag of trail mix and a big soft-bristled brush brush she normally used to clean up potting soil.

She glances nervously over at Theo and Lucian as she begins to clean the copious amounts of glitter off the Nidoran.
RE: Pokemon Tabletop United
While all of the Sandshrew are making their way to the edge of the road, where their burrows are, one of them hesitates. It's still feeling pretty alright and the burrow's right here if it changes its mind.
Uncurling to improve its aim, it launches a parting shot at Mike.

It's not really a particularly powerful hit.

The Nidoran shifts so that Ivy is between it and Nando, rubbing its large sensitive ears with its front paws. It is pretty happy now that the wild pokemon are mostly gone though, and grateful.

The fainted Sandshrew doesn't do anything because it's unconscious.

[Image: Fight1-36.png]

Mike moves before Zeus, followed by the last two Sandshrews.