Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water

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Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Tourist is now a happy owner of a Flare! The not-so-happy offense ships fall into the warp as they retreat, one by one.

Reactor's turn to select the two rewards, and then return their ships.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
The reactor has always had that extra ship on planet E. It has always had whatever extra cargo is on it that nobody can remember. Everything is fine.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Where will your defending ships return?
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Oh, right, those. You can put those wherever. C and A seem fine, just toss them on and we'll clean it up later.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
A ship is returned, and a card is gained.

An ancient voyager scroll says
"Queued up reward: 1 ship, 3 cards. Return 2 to VoyA, 2 to VoyB, 1 to VoyC"

Thus concludes encounter #6.

Current game state:

Granolaman, the Voyager

Hand: 15
Foreign colony count: 1
A: 4
B: 5
C: 4
D: 3

Gatr, the Yin-yang
Hand: 3
Foreign colony count: 1
A: 3
B: 4
C: 3,2
D: 1,1
E: 1

Coldblooded, the Laser
Hand: 7
Foreign colony count: 0
A: 3
B: 3
C: 3
D: 2
E: 4

Robust Laser, the Reactor
Hand: 7
Foreign colony count: 1
A: 4
B: 3
C: 4
D: 3
E: 5

Cards on the reactor sheet:
Laser flare

Jacquerel, the Tourist
Hand: 6
Foreign colony count: 1
A: 3
B: 3
C: 2
D: 3
E: 3

Cruise Liner: Red system; 2



Cosmic Deck: 28 cards
Cosmic Discard: 15 cards

Destiny Deck: 14 cards
Destiny Discard: 6 card

Laser's turn, on encounter #7.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Lasers regroup to planet D.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Regroup done.

Destiny is draw.... PURPLE!

There are no enemies or empty plants in your system, so you get to redraw.

Destiny is... Purple(HAZARD)

Same, same.

Redrawing: Special(Most foreign colonies[break tie to the left])
This means you end up with fighting.... the Reactor.

Destiny phase is ending, and since a hazard was drawn, one of the tourists will fall overboard, unless someone wants to kindly zap the use of power, saving them. None of the other effects will happen as they are in the No Hazard paragraph.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
The tourist who has accidentaly launched their escape pod, tumbles into the warp.

Laser may Launch ships at the desired planet in the Reactor system.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Er, headsup, the map has gone cattywampus. Ship counts are ranging from 17-23 per player.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
On hold until i double check everything, good thing i made copies at the end of encounters...

at the end of #1 yy turn:
voyager was good
yin-yang was good
laser was good
reactor was good
tourist was good

now checking #2 yy
voyager was at 21!
yin-yang was at 19!
Laser was good.
Reactor at 17!
Tourist 23?


Reactor fixed
Tourist fixed
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
All fixed!

My errors were:
Voyager colony count after launch did not decrease on YyD, fixed.

Yin-yang's first regroup failed because he targeted a planet with no ships on them and i didn't catch it that time, placed a ship on B instead of D to fix it.

Alternatively i reinforced voyager when Yin-yang erroneously reinforced that planet

Reactors returned to the tourist world.

I am terribly sorry! Thank you Granola for being vigilant. If the current tally is okay, we may launch.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
We will launch four ships to Reactor E from Laser A, B, C, and E.

"Hello again Reactors, we hope that you've had enough time to reconsider our offer of friendship. If you agree to invite no one besides the yin yang than we can still meet at the negotiating table and try to work out a mutually beneficial deal. Otherwise you will be destroyed without mercy."
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Defense: ReactorE(5)

Laser's power activates! You have to dazzle away 1 to 5 random cards from the Reactor's hands, before allies are invited. Laser still has encounter cards so they don't have to draw.
At least since the power is Mandatory and you have to select cards Up To the ship amount, you get a say in how many will you force aside.

(Of course, the Reactor can still reply to your diplomatic message before you select the amount, but they still have to confirm the invites during their turn of inviting people)
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Oh wait hold on I thought this was like, we were gonna just chill and watch the spaceball finals. Like yeah I'll invite whoever but I'm not bringing any guns that'd be rude. I think i know where I put the 7 layer dip....

(I have a negotiate to play, assuming I can see it)
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Alright cool, in that case we'll just zap the one card then.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
A blinding flash, and one of the cards is blinded.

Alliance phase.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Actually hold on I am going to get a confirmation about this because the "up to" part of the power keeps making me confused, hold on.

e: uugh why does bgg forces you to wait for a thread to be approved, i have Important Questions :|
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
THE BGG GODS HAVE SPOKEN: " The "up to" is there because he might have fewer cards than that in his hand. "

Soooo Laser is now going to blind 5 cards because of the 5 reactor ships. Rerolling those...

Reactor sets aside 5 cards, and has 2 left. You may now continue, and sorry again.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Oh geez.

Laser =/= best diplomat?
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Really? Well that's annoying. Do you happen to still have any negotiates left, non-Laser Laser?

Oh yeah, and if anyone wants to negotiate with me in the future I guess it would be a good idea to only send one ship.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
I always have extra 7 layer dip.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Alright then, we'll invite the Yin-Yang and no one else. It doesn't really matter though, we're just doing this to avoid the penalty for not inviting you.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Who does the Reactor invite?
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Yeah, sure, the Yin-Yang can come along.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Yin-yang may now accept alliences.