
RE: Superego
Leaving so soon????
RE: Superego
Rick, you adorable buffoon.

> You're not sure you accomplished what you were supposed to, but... Dealing with these feelings is complicated, even when you face them head on! You managed to stay afloat, and that's gotta count for something.
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RE: Superego
You'll have to come back here sooner or later, wouldn't it be better to do what you have to do?
RE: Superego
>Leaving so soon????

[Image: 2195.gif]

Why not? It's not helping.

>You'll have to come back here sooner or later.

[Image: 2196.gif]

No you won't. It's only a matter of time before the doctor finds his switch and you all wake up. What's the point in even continuing here?

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[Image: 2198.gif]

-youre not going anywhere
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RE: Superego
>Cherry: Go somewhere! Anywhere!
>Rick: As a football coach, how would you rate that tackle?
RE: Superego
> Cherry: Alright, what does this annoying manifestation of your own hidden self wants now? Are you just doomed to beating yourself up for everything no matter what you try to do?
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RE: Superego
is now seriously the time for this
RE: Superego
> Weren't you listening to the internal monologue? Of course we're going nowhere, that's why we're leaving!
RE: Superego
> Cherry: Scream internally.
> Rick: Tackle back. Engage in shadow wrestling. DO IT.
RE: Superego
Cherry: Your other self there seems so very strong. Is she an entirely made up being? A programmed test? Or is she partly of your own personality? Just imagine what you both could accomplish if instead of beating you down she were helping you stand. Could you be that strong too? If you weren't spending so much time berating yourself over small mistakes maybe you could be working towards a better you. Maybe you can be amazing.
RE: Superego
>Cherry: "I'm changing for the better! isn't that what you want!? Rick and I can be friends!"

>Cherry: You can change. It will take a lot of work, and you'll want to quit sometimes, but even in the process of change you can be happy.

>Cherry: fight for a chance at friendship, fight for a chance at being able to take the pressure, fight for a chance to better yourself. FIGHT!

the world is a cruel place. every day I wake up and have to face it. sometimes it's so hard I can't get out of bed. sometimes I go through the motions. I... broke, in a lot of the same ways cherry has. I had to quit school and had to live at home for a long time. I'm taking slow steps to be able to take the pressure of adult life, and even though I'm not there yet, I'm happy with my life and the friends I have.
RE: Superego
>Cherry: Scream internally.

[Image: 2199.gif]

-not this time
-im not letting you go
-youre staying right here

[Image: 2200.gif]

-youre staying here forever
-until i cease to exist
-until this place ceases to exist
-until you cease to exist

>Rick: As a football coach, how would you rate that tackle?

[Image: 2201.gif]

Well it's kind of hard given that Other-Cherry was a formless blob of squiggling mass when she did it, so all talk of "form" and "technique" is kind of out the window--

[Image: 2202.gif]

Wait, no! This isn't the time for this! She needs help!

But how?

>Cherry: You can change. It will take a lot of work, and you'll want to quit sometimes, but even in the process of change you can be happy.

[Image: 2203.gif]

you don't know
-where to start
it's too intimidating
-just give up
doing nothing all day is easier
-give IN
[Image: sig10.gif]
RE: Superego
If you can't overcome this alone, asking for help is a perfectly good first step
RE: Superego
Rick. Rick. R I C K .

> Cherry: Scream externally.
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RE: Superego
(11-08-2016, 06:00 AM)Schazer Wrote: »If you can't overcome this alone, asking for help is a perfectly good first step

> I have to agree. Maybe you're worried it's weak, or it doesn't count, but humans as a species are strong because we work together. Before you can learn to be strong, focus on just being okay.
RE: Superego
>If you can't do it alone, it doesn't mean you can't do it.
RE: Superego
> cherry: pull out your gun
RE: Superego
> You gotta fight it! ...Literally. Literally fight it. Best it in combat.
RE: Superego
>you need to move. maybe you won't make the right decision, but a step in any direction is better than standing still. There's no wrong answer. you can fix mistakes. there is no first step, only your next step.

>Punch that bitch for everything she's done.
RE: Superego
All you have to do is start. Make that first stride. Any action, no matter how small, is enough.
RE: Superego
>You gotta fight it! ...Literally. Literally fight it. Best it in combat.

[Image: 2204.gif]

"Now wait just a minute!"

[Image: 2205.gif]

"Cease this tomfoolery at once! Fighting isn't going to--"

[Image: 2206.gif]


>You start by stepping forward. It doesn't have to have a how or a why yet.

[Image: 2207.gif]


[Image: 2208.gif]


You don't even know what to say.

You haven't had any revelations. You don't feel any better. You just feel depressed.

You keep beating yourself up.

You know you need to take a step forward. Anyone could tell you that.

But to where?
[Image: sig10.gif]
RE: Superego
> move to ireland and start a folk band
RE: Superego
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RE: Superego
Perhaps, it's good to talk it out, like, talk about your experiences with Rick. Talk about the moments you felt depressed and sad. Don't hide from them, rather let them play out, and always keep in mind that there's someone who's got your back in the present moment.
RE: Superego
Say what's on your mind.

You don't know. You're confused. You want to be better than this, but you don't know how.