Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim

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Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I mentioned this on IRC, but I now want that used guitar to be cursed.

Also the 17th isn't that far off now, maybe we can just wait for Mirdini to return?
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Honestly, I don't care *that* much about what's in the chest. I'd rather just see the game continue.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Oh! Uh. I could totes go for a fedora hat, but I already asked for a jetpack so I don't know if that's going overboard.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Let's get a car.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim

[Image: WwVDG.gif]



RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Let's kick off with a RAINBOW RAVE

Oh and equip a flamethrower.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I'll equip the rocket launcher and use GUARDIANTECH: HUMAN(?) FRIDGE
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim

(The more awesomely you do something, the better it works.)

Also I equip the jetpack and the minigun.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Can I dual-wield mooks? I kind of want to dual-wield mooks.

Otherwise I'll go with the Vertically Gifted one.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Godbot: proud wielder of the Niall
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Gotta list my moves


Obviously I need more moves.

For now though James will Stay Frosty and move behind the first WIZARD.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim

[Image: VEP4p.gif]
By shining his lenses, "Sticks" now sees the world with a new way of thinking, the coolness of his Charismatech makes the entire world follow suit, causing everything that is cool to be more effective. However, this effects enemies as well!
James and Gerardo suit up,
Marco may look clustered, but he is now a force to be reckoned with, wielding both fudgesicles with his considerable guitar selling strength.

[Image: T3TVm.gif]
Totes shoots out any chance of the enemies getting the jump on them, she's on fire!

RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
"COVER ME" roars Totes, as she springboards off Marco's Vertically Gifted Mook and over-head flamethrowers the sword-and-shield Mook. Finish up with a blast to the tall wizard-mook's face.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
All right.

Once Totes has leapt off, I use my regular Fudgemook to knock the nearest mook up in the air, then my Vertically Gifted Mook to bat him backwards into the nearby wizard.

(Apologies if that's hard to portray with the sprites.)
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Since the first wizard is about to be in a world of pain I'll infiltrate my way forward, aiming to end up behind the second wizard.

No wizardly shenanigans today if I can help it.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Gerardo rocket jumps into the air in the general direction of the first two mooks

and puts the rocket launcher back into his inventory

and uses DRIVING FORCE to equip the car as his main weapon.

In midair.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I fire at the mooks to distract them while Gerardo does his thing. While boisterously singing about moscow.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]