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Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by BlazerC.

Eidell breaks off half of her soggy-sandy-spiced bread loaf and reluctantly eats it. Not wanting to go to sleep just yet, being eaten by a hydra, that spikey red alien or whatever the hell that other thing is in her sleep is not high on her priority list at the moment. She stays awake until the others decide to go to sleep (or at least, the three just mentioned), in the meantime, she keeps her weapon close and ponders to herself if there are any spells she could cast to invigorate herself and make her less fatigued, possibly skipping the need of sleep.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.


Kimberly is not the quietest sleeper.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Psychout.

((God I love these characters))

Agni and Indra grab the two canteens and carefully try holding them in their teeth and drinking them. Once finished, they throw them on the ground and lean on Kali, trying to sleep. She growls a little before ignoring it and their whole body curls up for sleep.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

Svedberg sleeps on the hydra. Hey, hydras are soft right?
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by ProfessorLizzard.

Herbert thinks that these sleeping "people" are all kinda adorable. Maybe he should make "Have a restful vacation!" postcards featuring them.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by BlazerC.

Oh balls to it Eidell is to tired to do things she just falls asleep face first into the floor. Being graceful is for the weak.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.


The party (except Cor and Herbert) lies down and falls asleep one-by-one, some of them eating and drinking and such. Herbert also removes his fatigue by resting for the night, although it doesn't exactly count as sleep. Cor is probably very bored right now.

It is bright now, although cloudier than it was yesterday. Roughly eight or nine hours have passed, and it is now morning.

The box, which Cor eventually placed on the ground, has completely burned to cinders. The two canteens used by Indra and Agni are also on the ground, each about 1/3 full. Luckily, they did not spill out when tossed on the ground. Also of note: Kim's tail has regenerated completely.

The party is about halfway to the destination marked on the map. Best get moving, hmm?

Character Statuses:
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

With his spring to his hoof, Svedberg is like "OH MY GOD WE ARE SO CLOSE AND SO NEAR, WE MUST GET GOING." And so he did.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

Cor wastes no time in making sure everyone is up and at'em.
"Alright team, we still have a ways to go so let's get to it, don't slack off now, don't get too far ahead of the others, let's all go together yes yes."
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Psychout.

With Kali not much of a morning person, the other two heads have a much nicer time without any arguing. Indra tries making smalltalk with the wind spirit. "So where do you think we are going anyway? What are we doing? I just find all this a bit strange."
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

Kim slowly gets up, making extra sure that her cloak is perfectly covering her monstrous appearance.

"Sounds good to me, yes! I am a team player too."

She then picks up the two near empty canteens and follows Cor and Svedberg like the good horrible abomination that she is.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

Svedberg attempts to ride the hydra (RIDE THE HYDRA) like a noble steed they truly are.

Svedberg always wanted a pony when he was just a little kid, so Kali, Indra, and Agni would be an acceptable birthday substitute.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by BlazerC.


Eidell rolls over onto her back and stares into the sky for a short while, she has not woken up from a bad dream, she is still here in the middle of nowhere surrounded by monsters with questionable morals. She's going to be here for a while.

Groaning and pressing her free hand on the front of her mask, Eidell gets up and mutters to herself, reluctantly following the others.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

"Hey good morning, miss!" Svedberg waves Eidell-wards. Svedberg is a big believer in a good and polite start in the morning. It's only natural.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by BlazerC.

Eidell responds rather silently at first, only acknowledging the Red Spikey Person's greeting with a glance in his direction, followed by awkwardly turning her head around to confirm that he is indeed talking to her. She shuffles about a bit and mumbling a response through her mask.

"Tha... Thank you, Mister... Sved, was it? Yes... Good Morning, I suppose."
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

"You can call me Sved! But you can also call me Bergie. My girlfriends back at home tend to call me the latter though for some reason." The Nurse replied as he lazily drummed his heels on the hydra. "Of course, 'hey you' is also acceptable too."
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by ProfessorLizzard.

Herbert pretends to yawn and wake up. "Good morrow"
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by BlazerC.

Eidell shakes her head from side to side, somewhat disapproving of Svedberg's lack of concern for the current situation, even if she is a bit amused at the same time. What does interest her is the amount of formality he is expressing to someone like her, despite the completely different and otherworldly appearance she must have to him. Then again, one should treat others how they want to be treated themselves, so holding her weapon down and performing a subtle curtsy with her other hand, Eidell introduces herself to Svedberg with her small burst of confidence.

"We will most likely be working together for a while and... ah... yes, I am yet to introduce myself to everyone. My name is Eidell, A pleasure to meet you then, Mister Sved."

She also turns to the magical plant and gives him (it?) a similar curtsy, greeting him while she has the chance. "And the same to you, Herbert the Magnificent. I believe that is your title. I hope."
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

Psychout Wrote:"So where do you think we are going anyway? What are we doing? I just find all this a bit strange."
"This entire situation is without a doubt unnatural. Even discounting our... rocky arrival, and its smell of science," she said the word with a tinge of disgust, "Nothing here has felt quite as it should be, with the packages, the lack of life or sentience, I am unsure what could be going on. It could be a wild god of death, some sort of sickness, or perhaps a failure of the very science that brought us together." Cor shrugs, "All that we can do is place some small trust into the letter and assume that this control station will give us more solid answers on whatever this so-called corruption is." Cor turns herself around, while still moving at the same pace and direction, "What's your take on this situation?"
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by ProfessorLizzard.

Quote:She also turns to the magical plant and gives him (it?) a similar curtsy, greeting him while she has the chance. "And the same to you, Herbert the Magnificent. I believe that is your title. I hope."
"Indeed I am! Ohohoho! Prepare to be amazed by the miracles I can perform! I can make your wildest dreams come true! If your wildest dreams include flying and getting healed. No refunds available for the dreams. Void where prohibited."
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by BlazerC.

With a heavy sigh of relief and not-getting-names-wrongness, Eidell grabs her weapon with both hands, keeping it pointed at the ground and finishes her introductions, slowly showing more and more nervousness.

"I... There will be no need, but thank you... Uhm, should there be any hostilities... Do you- ah, I'll do my best to defend you two. Yeah."

Having just as much conversation as she can take, she turns away from them both and walks off after the others.

However, what she just said makes her think, something she really hasn't noticed yet, or more as something she should of noticed. In the entirety of the trip, she hasn't seen any hostilities to defend people against, there is nothing for her the defend against which is a good thing, but whats she's actually concerned about is the lack of anything whatsoever. Usually, there would be at least birds or rabbits where she is from, but out here it is completely void of life... something definitely is wrong here.

Eidell makes a note of this, but does not say anything to the group about it just yet, she's done enough talking for now. Instead, she keeps an eye out of any signs of life just to be sure there's actually nothing around them.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Psychout.

Solaris Wrote:"This entire situation is without a doubt unnatural. Even discounting our... rocky arrival, and its smell of science," she said the word with a tinge of disgust, "Nothing here has felt quite as it should be, with the packages, the lack of life or sentience, I am unsure what could be going on. It could be a wild god of death, some sort of sickness, or perhaps a failure of the very science that brought us together." Cor shrugs, "All that we can do is place some small trust into the letter and assume that this control station will give us more solid answers on whatever this so-called corruption is." Cor turns herself around, while still moving at the same pace and direction, "What's your take on this situation?"
"Well, I would suppose we are all special in some way. That one over there, she seems to have several body parts, we share one, and you...well I'd say you hardly have one. Just some strange occurrence I would say. I suppose if I must pin my hopes on some wish, it would be for us three to each gain our own body. Sure, growing up like this we've become attached, but it is just awful."

On that note, Kali squirms her tongue into Indra's ear, making him squirm and jump, or at least his head and neck. She snickers. "Yeah, I guess I'd like to see what it would be like having my own feet. Little Agni would just die without us though." He gives a shy response and ducks his head. "No...but I would like to know more. Let's hope we get there soon."
Re: Interstice
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

"Then I suppose we should raise our pace." Cor starts to move a bit quicker because she can.
Re: Interstice
Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

[Image: IS16.gif]
The party travels six more hours across the hilly terrain, encountering absolutely nothing more interesting than a few trees. No signs of life anywhere, other than grass and said trees. No structures of any sort, either. Just hills (and a forest) as far as the eye can see.

Eventually, reaching the top of yet another hill, the party catches sight for the first time of some signs of civilization.

[Image: IS17-7.png]
Those signs of civilization being an entire enormous cityscape. It seems to go off for miles, an endless array of dull gray buildings (and the occasional park and suburban area). Plus, an absolutely enormous structure not terribly far from the walled perimeter of the city. It's hard to judge from this far off, but it looks like it might be over a mile tall. You'd think it'd collapse under its own weight or something.

It's also hard to say, but it looks like the target marked on the map is directly over the enormous building. Seems needlessly gigantic for a control center.

It is now past noon. The party is definitely running short on supplies, but at least their goal is in sight now.

Character Statuses:
Re: Interstice
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

"Wow." And thus Svedberg summed up his feelings exactly in a word. And decided to add a few more. "I think we should restock our supplies...maybe get a paying job or something? I mean that is usually how things work when you get spirited away to a task of saving a corroding dimension from total annihilation." Svedberg paused for a bit. "Like now."