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RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
From a gameplay standpoint- I put myself and cat out there, we both claimed roles, put pieces of evidence out there.

Also, you said yourself Miridini doesn't seem to be with us since he/she is trying to early lynch me.

Palmendes, you didn't counter claim for a long while after Cat was declared Compulsive vig, none of the kills have any bear markings(strange because every other flavor thing seems to have a consistent trait to it), and you haven't been confirmed by Miri.

The evidence is overwhelmingly against you.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Bolded responses due to laziness:
(04-18-2013, 07:21 PM)myw Wrote: »From a gameplay standpoint- I put myself and cat out there, we both claimed roles, put pieces of evidence out there. so did I, so is everyone and there are three scum so..?

Also, you said yourself Miridini doesn't seem to be with us since he/she is trying to early lynch me. said it was weird, but I'm still not seeing it as impossible?

Palmendes, you didn't counter claim for a long while after Cat was declared Compulsive vig, she claimed today, I claimed today what?

none of the kills have any bear markings(strange because every other flavor thing seems to have a consistent trait to it) except the kills have been very specific at all? Most of them were simple and/or jokey 'was killed in ___ way' except for Schazer who was stabbed alot and anacreon who was wrestled into submission (which makes sense for me seeing as how he wrestled BEARS). Soooooo besides blocking flavour absolutely no flavour whatsoever has been consistent at all?

and you haven't been confirmed by Miri. you mean I haven't been confirmed as trying to kill Dini despite there being vastly superior targets (such as Agen - who, funnily enough, Cat was all for lynching due to being 'obvious scum' before I claimed. If he was obvious scum why didn't you guys kill him?)

The evidence is overwhelmingly against you. Your evidence is overwhelmingly not evidence still :/

@konec0 because they needed to try and outclaim the real killer (aka me) and having Mir back them up would help with that? Except again why did they try to kill him last night over someone like Agen (or Solaris who they seemingly don't consider townfirmed)? You're right with the flavour though which is another reason I'm buying driver over Diniscum.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
EBWOP: Also Catboss I don't really see how Compulsive Vig is really that dangerous a claim? Especially since apparently since she claimed she no longer is (I know it was actually because of the masoning my point is that it's really convenient).
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
(04-18-2013, 08:24 PM)Palamedes Wrote: »EBWOP: Also Catboss I don't really see how Compulsive Vig is really that dangerous a claim? Especially since apparently since she claimed she no longer is (I know it was actually because of the masoning my point is that it's really convenient).

At MYLO, town pretty much absolutely needs to lynch scum. Claiming that you've been going around nightkilling at this stage is basically waving a huge flag saying "HEY I MIGHT BE SCUM" which is just making yourself an easy target?

Plus whether the claimant is scum or town it's very easy to get counterclaimed, which is exactly what is happening right now.

Claiming COMPULSIVE vig that is no longer compulsive is strange for exactly the reason that you mentioned: it's entirely too convenient. Better to simply claim vig that didn't shoot, hit BP, got redirected etc. rather than oh i got masoned with someone and therefore i'm no longer wait

...Cat, didn't you say you tried to kill Ix last night? But also that apparently you shot Mirdini??
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
I don't think Cat ever said who she actually targetted but it's pretty clear she hit Mirdini?

Wait no she hinted that she tried to target Agen so uh

Apparently they were only mad masons after last night.
They didn't target each other so it happened mysteriously.
Nobody is claiming masonmaker (which is hella unlikely given their claim anyways).
Cat claims to have shot Agen but actually shot Mirdini.

I'm plenty happy with my vote.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
(04-18-2013, 09:06 PM)konec0 Wrote: »
(04-18-2013, 08:24 PM)Palamedes Wrote: »EBWOP: Also Catboss I don't really see how Compulsive Vig is really that dangerous a claim? Especially since apparently since she claimed she no longer is (I know it was actually because of the masoning my point is that it's really convenient).

At MYLO, town pretty much absolutely needs to lynch scum. Claiming that you've been going around nightkilling at this stage is basically waving a huge flag saying "HEY I MIGHT BE SCUM" which is just making yourself an easy target?

Plus whether the claimant is scum or town it's very easy to get counterclaimed, which is exactly what is happening right now.

Claiming COMPULSIVE vig that is no longer compulsive is strange for exactly the reason that you mentioned: it's entirely too convenient. Better to simply claim vig that didn't shoot, hit BP, got redirected etc. rather than oh i got masoned with someone and therefore i'm no longer wait

...Cat, didn't you say you tried to kill Ix last night? But also that apparently you shot Mirdini??

The only reason she claimed that she's no longer compulsive is because that's what happened- masoning me, and becoming my killing mentor, also stopped her compulsive streak. It was just for honesty's sake.

It doesn't change a single thing that has already happened.

Palamendes, we can call them "reasonable suspicions" if you want, but either way you're piling them up. It's evidence to me, however, since there's no reason for you to claim third party and then lie about what you do other than being scum.

But this is really going in circles since I'm not trying to convince you to lynch yourself, and the other guys don't seem to be voicing any complaints or qualms about anything.

(by the say, the bear picture was fun will use if I need to accuse you again.)
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
But they're not reasonable suspicions I've taken them apart without much trouble at all.

Unlike you who seems to be avoiding almost any point or question brought up against you (or saying 'but we're town and that's how it is' which I don't count either).

Also konec0 note how they only brought up the 'no longer compulsive' thing as a reason to no lynch today which uh.

Let's be honest would probably end with scum winning, or with us being at LYLO minus one of the stronger townreads and still stuck in the same mess.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
You can't take apart suspicion just by saying "no I'm not." Suspicion is factors that indicate you aren't telling the truth.

We've said we were town from the beginning, stated what we were, and Cat has been confirmed by Miridini, who seriously jumped the lynch gun on me, who I thought was scum but I guess not? Nothing can be confirmed objectively, but I'd say out of the two choices, me & Cat vs you, you're looking a lot less town.

Quote:Also konec0 note how they only brought up the 'no longer compulsive' thing as a reason to no lynch today which uh.

Let's be honest would probably end with scum winning, or with us being at LYLO minus one of the stronger townreads and still stuck in the same mess.

That's suspicious too! You're putting words in my mouth!
I don't think I've brought up wanting to go no lynch once, and I think I mentioned the compulsive vig earlier when I was elaborating on me and cat in mason vigilante mentoring thing. I mean, I'm ok with No lynch, because we'd just shoot you and the game would still be 4 town to two scum, but that's not ideal because let's be real here either me or cat would be dead since we're vigilantes.

...Though actually, that might be safer than lynching today, since I'm not toooo sure as to who another mafia target would be anyhow.

WAIT, scratch that. There's probably a mafia roleblocker too. Lynch Pal please


Konec0, since you seem to know things, how have your previous roleblocks been going?
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Okay so first of all.

I've been saying you can't just say 'no I'm not' so why are you trying to turn that around on me when I've actually been arguing things? Also, to reiterate, Mirdini confirmed that Cat shot him. Which uh, does not prove she is town in any way shape or form because oh hey scum kills every night too.

Also I'm not putting words in your mouth. You guys have straight up said that Cat is no longer compulsive, and she said she thought we might be better off no lynching and going to LYLO (never said you did, I've been lumping you too together since you're scumbuddies sorry if that was unclear).

And yes we've been over that no lynch is not ideal, like you said it'd be pretty easy for you guys to just block me and kill someone else and we'd be right back to square one.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
I never claimed to have shot Agent!
I shot myw. So I have absolutely no clue how bigfoot came to be involved if dratini actuall decided to turn it into a bp. Which... didn't he say the opposite, earlier?
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Sorry there was this one thing:


Though I did say it was an implication but still.

You targetting myw would make sense (for you two masoning under conditions) but it still uh

does nothing to explain why seedy or Mirdini were shot and you two were STILL masoned.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
a. dratini is lying for some reason and sent out the doctor
b. there is somehow a target switcher STILL?!?

RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Pala it would also not account for why YOUR kill didn't go through.

A third possibility is: Cat targets myw, Pala targets Mir/cD, the last one gets shot for unrelated reasons.

Cuttlefish should have given out three gelatos before she died; could the last one have been a gun of some sort? (Two are accounted for, one isn't. Although Cuttlefish could have only given out gelato on 2 out of 3 nights which would throw this out the window. Still, it's a possibility.)

@myw: my roleblocks don't actually give me much in the way of info, save for a Bigfoot sighting once.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
the last possibility is Cat and Pala both hit someone out of Mir/cD which would make them both lying
but ??????
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
All three gelatos were given out I think. I got nitroglycerin, you got something or other, and Solaris got honeycomb. What did yours do? Solaris' apparently made him win his bonus goal and mine will probably kill me.

Also you're right konec0 but keep in mind

Cat targetted myw but then hit Mirdini but then somehow still hit myw or something? That or myw was then driven into Cat which means even more convenient redirection. Still a much bigger stretch then me just getting redirected and Cat lying about her kill.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Pala... if it kills you, wouldn't that be fine today? If it's Mylo and one of us is lying, then you eating it would prove it and move it to LYLO where they would lynch me.

Of course, if you're scum, then you wouldn't...
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
(04-19-2013, 04:30 AM)Palamedes Wrote: »All three gelatos were given out I think. I got nitroglycerin, you got something or other, and Solaris got honeycomb. What did yours do? Solaris' apparently made him win his bonus goal and mine will probably kill me.

It gave me a one-shot which I don't feel like disclosing right now.

Cat actually kiiiind of has a point?
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Of course if I was town it wouldn't be an issue. I'm not though. No matter how helpful it would be to town I'm a Serial Killer and me dying is basically me throwing away my wincon which is both lame and kind of breaking a rule.

Also if we lynch you/myw today it means I get to play some part in controlling the rest of the game and actually winning (since scum can't kill me without putting themselves at a 4-1 battle against town which is really not optional for you).
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
EBWOP: Yes konec0 she has a point it would clear things up.

However it would also be me throwing away my wincon because I have to be standing in a pile of your goddamn camper corpses which again I'm not really cool with?

That would be like me asking scum to just shoot each other and town lynch each other until I win.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
You aren't an SK tho'. That's the thing. That's a stupid amount of kills.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Wait who is masons and who is murderous im confused.
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
cat and myw claimed masons apparently both vigs (but cat was compulsive and myw was broken or something?) and palamedes claimed SK

can you offer an actual opinion now 'laris please

'cause g'damn I seriously doubt you're scum at this point but at this point almost anything seems possible and your two posts so far are making me ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
I'm thiiiinking Agent/Pala/? for the scumteam?
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
im not thinking agent is scum so much for some reason?

bad vibes seems too
It doesnt sound like something that would be on a scum enough and also agent's claim felt townier?

the thing about this whole thing with myw and cat feels like they could be scum and ????

i dont know i would say cat myw and either konec or nola ?????????????????????????
RE: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!?!? MAFIA T2 D6: keep your hands inside the ride
Granola, Agent
Also granola please give info fr night actions thank