Godhood XIV [Syrup Edition]

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Godhood XIV [Syrup Edition]
RE: Godhood XIV [Syrup Edition]
Oh! I remembered what we were talking about!

I swirl around Ournaro, gazing at the little souls labouring away. Oh, how they are so busy!

I feel that for now, our afterlife should be devoid of abstractions such as doors! None of our creations have yet discovered the majesty of the door, and oh we can be so much more graceful than that. Recording the past is imperative, but wastefulness and silly endings are oh so dangerous... I think. I can't recall being in this position before, but it seems to make sense somewhere.
You understand, of course?
Oh, but we may still create! Oh yes, oh yes! I feel that it may be time to establish certain pretty little self-perpetuating cycles with which to catapult ourselves into infinity, and perhaps if such a thing exists, beyond!

For now, see as I do this thing. I forget what the thing was, but that is okay. I've already prepared for doing it!
Oh, wait I remember!

I seek the Greifous Feeders of Melody, and softly, oh so gently, twist the mind of but one colony, composed of so many little minds. I warp endless memory and joy in discovery into them. I place a prophet in their ranks to begin their ascent into the halls of the eternal truth!

Prophet created for 3 acts!

Oh, it's gone again. What did I do?
RE: Godhood XIV [Syrup Edition]
Tlaca-Ica, too, has taken an interest in the Redweed and their use of waves to feed themselves over the past few centuries, but thinks their progress is disappointing. Many of these Redweed have outright abandoned the tides for, what, trawling through the canyons and soaking up dewdrops? (The Ouya Mousse or whatever look like they have their heads on pretty straight other than that.) What's worse, though, is how damn CATTY these Redweed are. War? Huh? What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

Tlaca-Ica turns their eyes to the Tornbygge, the most buttoned-up and severe group of Redweed, wagging their head back and forth because their eyes are on opposite sides of their head. With their remaining 3 acts Tlaca-Ica sends down a prophet for this group to send out good vibes (which are a type of wave!) and lead the way back to the waters with godly-perfect optimized traffic patterns for Max Churn in hand. There is no way this won't work.
RE: Godhood XIV [Syrup Edition]
Oiren slowly pulled apart the cotton candy in his hands, peeling back the layers of its physicality until nothing but the metaphysical remained. Spun sugar was soft in reality, but its very nature was even softer, malleable. It was a simple change, a minor modification really. The effect would be far flung, for Oiren had granted this substance known as Candy Floss a very unique property.

And thus it became a great barrier between worlds.

Modified Spun Sugar to be a Dimensional Insulator. -1 ACT

1 ACT remaining

A dimensional insulator acts as you might think. It insulates Dimensions from one another, making it very difficult for aspects of each to cross between them. Mortals and physical objects in particular will have a lot of trouble getting past dimensional insulators. Ethereal beings such as spirits can pass through but at a quite reduced speed.
RE: Godhood XIV [Syrup Edition Turn 5]
Turn End

And now, it seems the gods would intervene
With mortal words and mortal needs and thoughts.
Yet with what they have done, we must now ask
Will this be more a gain - or more a loss?


The Weaver of the Wilds carves a tremendous volcano from the Matriarch's planet, designed to draw heat from the rest of the planet and concentrate it in one area, so that the Summerweed may thrive.

The Gatherer of Memories, the Faceless Philosopher and the Protector of the Steppe continue to spread and tweak life throughout the universe: the mighty Platewood and frantic Wiremoss sprung up, and Canary coaxes the plants of Ournaro into a delicate seasonal cycle. This is followed by the creation of the Buzzts - who quickly go to work pollinating the plants in the sky - as well as the Roundfish, Buzzers and Aerwhal, scattered across several planets. The Thieving Whale also contributes, in the form of a bizarre pre-cooked creature with a piercing laugh.

Suddenly, Tlaca-Ica comes to the realization that there is no afterlife - that the souls of the dead either linger as shades, or entirely cease to be. He proposes that a proper afterlife is developed to deal with the problem.

As a demonstration, the Silent Scorpion grants the Narkissts a simple afterlife and the souls to enter it. Following her lead, The Hidden Librarian creates two entities to judge the dead - but the afterlife remains unfinished, so the two remain inert, slumbering, waiting for their duty to be realized.

He Who Obscures thinks it best that the space between dimensions is difficult for mortals to traverse; to that end, he weaves a lattice of viscous sugar into the fabric of the universe. Thus shall crossing between the planes be reserved for the gods, the dead, and the most determined heroes.

Though the gods may not yet speak easily with the dead, for the first time, they speak to the living: the Woman Outside Time decides to make contact with the Redweed, and the Gleaming Trickster follows suit. Two prophets arise: Costro Memorius of the Greifous Feeders, and Frue Hjerteler of the Tornbygge.

Finally, The Matriarch crafts five animals of gleaming metal and great power - trophies for those who would prove their worth - and scatters them across Progenitor. It isn't long before the locals start to notice them, and take interest.


The Volcano of Fury soon sees the Winterweed pushed away from the Matriarch's Temple. The lava flows freely, but never touches the sea. The remaining Winterweed accumulates at the opposite end of the planet, where it can grow more freely.

For the most part, the Narkissts have no idea the afterlife exists until they're already living in it. Occasionally, though, one becomes convinced that they saw a glimpse of a recently-dead family member soaring into the sky at midnight. The tales spread far and wide, and their meaning and authenticity are debated.

The Buzzts and Aerwhal frequently come into conflict over resources during the warm season. The spirits of the Narkisst occasionally intervene in favor of the pollinators, but are generally content to merely float among the plants and see to it that they are kept healthy.

For reasons unknown, during one Collision, the Screws find that they may look into the very minds of the creatures of Progenitor, seeing their knowledge and memories. Though this mostly lacks a practical use, it nonetheless reassures the Screws of their superiority, as it quickly becomes clear they are the only ones with this ability.

The Saxa happily incorporate the RBs into their diet, and - at the urging of some benevolent Screws - begin to move away from eating the Snakevines. In turn, the Snakevines begin training the RBs to eat nothing but the Bummerweed, ensuring their safety.

With tensions lowered between the two species, and further encouragement and aid from the less self-absorbed Screws, the Saxa and Snakevines begin to interact peacefully, developing a shared language with a variety of dialects - some focused around signing, others around the written word. A few Snakevines even gain the ability to hear and speak, but this is not a tremendous advantage, and so only takes root in a relatively small portion of the population. The two establish trade routes so that the vines may exchange their technology for the cave-dwellers' gems, and soon the Saxa begin to spread out of the caves, forming aboveground villages.

Peace is short-lived once the Matriarch's gifts are discovered. Three prominent bearers arise: Granite, a Saxa who keeps to themselves and isn't interested in much beyond immortality; Princess Twistknot, a Snakevine who - with revolutionary tactics and inimitable skill with throwing spears - has arisen as a conqueror that seeks to unite her people as one; and Old Blood Eye, a Saxa bandit who seems to have little on his mind beyond cheap thrills and as much wealth as he can get his hands on. In particular, the machinations of Twistknot and Blood Eye bring forth conflicts that not even Sizzurp can stop.

For the first time, a Screw is killed by a mortal weapon, and the question of whether they are truly divine arises. But for the most part, the locals have bigger things on their mind.

Meanwhile, on Melody, the prophets set forth on their mission. Costro Memorius has a relatively easy time getting the Greifous Feeders to follow him, and they quickly rally behind him as their leader. He sees the strengthening of their oral tradition, and sets the great thinkers of the land to either write things worth recording or devise a new method of recording them.

Hjerteler finds significantly more resistance among the conservative and serious Tornbygge, and for a long time, the only laughter she brings about is directed at her. Eventually, furious, she manages to convince a small group of outcasts and skeptics to follow her east, and settle a new nation on the coast. Still, the Tornbygge laugh. Once they decide on a location, they begin recruiting from the small local clans, promising to protect them from the major tribes. Still, the Tornbygge laugh.

Finally, Hjerteler and her followers craft a strange device according to the visions she has received from Tlaca-Ica: a complex instrument to make their churning far more efficient, allowing them to gather far more nutrients from the water than any of their rivals. Their population explodes, and within a few years, they finish constructing a tremendous and beautiful castle that dwarfs any building the Redweed have crafted before. They fence off their piece of the sea, then retreat within the walls of Hjertelfestning to make merry for several days.

The Tornbygge are silent once more.

Supernerd - Mi'Grata: 2 + 5 = 7
Bigro - The Matriarch: 1 + 6 = 7
Chwoka - Tlaca-Ica: 1 + 6 = 7
Garuru - The Arbitrator: 3 + 4 = 7
Truegreen - Oiren: 1 + 4 = 5
Dalmationer - Canary: 2 + 6 = 8
Schazer - Solbruin: 4 + 4 = 8

Universal Reference Sheet
RE: Godhood XIV [Syrup Edition]
Tlaca-Ica does nothing. It terrifies everyone.

RE: Godhood XIV [Syrup Edition]
Oiren watched Tlaca with interest and curiosity. Normally the strange god couldn't sit still, but now he was showing a surprising amount of restraint.

He slowly circles the chaos god looking for some sort of trick or trap. Finding none he leaves the room, only to come back moments later carrying a fish. It was large, far too blue and rather lumpy, almost as though molded from dough in the style of a small child. It also smelled suspiciously of heated sugar.

Oiren carried this anomalous object and placed it on the ground before the unusually still god. Then with a swift mechanical pivot, Oiren marched off towards his next endeavor.
RE: Godhood XIV [Syrup Edition]
Solbruin decides to ignore Tlaca-Ica's anti-antics and get straight to work on Melody, where she figures a little more strife wouldn't go amiss.

She cruises down to the planet's vapour-core, and there assembles a device, all meshes and funnels and working on a time scale closer to geological. It gathers the metal vapour, clicking mechanisms within giving the cloud produced a vital spark formerly unknown the planet.

The cloud of ore and rain and lightning billows up and out, trailing threads of metal which produce bright sparks as they stray on deposits of Sliver on the cave walls. The electricity runs along specially-woven lattices in the belly of the beast, giving it a consciousness of vaguest sorts.

If nothing else, these golems, woven from gas over the span of a generation, shall prove interesting for the civilisations on the surface.

Solbruin creates the Rainmaker, a Supermassive life form, for [4 acts]. The Rainmakers have been given no name, she'll accept whatever name the mortals give it. It is an enormous storm cloud of Melody's vapour-metal-atmosphere, trailing wirelike strands. It spits ore and lightning and has intelligence on par with a golem.

She creates the Storm Engine, an artefact in Melody's core, which gathers+weaves the atmosphere/vapour over a long period of time to create new Rainmakers. [3 acts]

1 act remaining
RE: Godhood XIV [Syrup Edition]
Addendum, as Requested by Loather:

The creation of Rainmaker is an act which contains such a great amount of Metal, in every sense of the word, that another god pops out of the aether, summoned from another time and place. Joining you is Elbridge Murderfree, the Great Skull Lord. With him comes a skull-shaped nebula and a skull-shaped planet, placed a bit off to the side so as not to disrupt the existing universe too much.

As he yet has untapped reserves of power, Elbridge is given 10 acts to begin with.
RE: Godhood XIV [Syrup Edition]
I behold our newcomer with awe. Truly, they are spectacularly cool.
Oh my! You look like a skull! That is very good! Skulls are good, I think! Behold as I do a thing! Oh, it will be such a good thing.

I sweep over the Greifous Feeders of Melody and give a gift to the the long-lived mutant Greifous in particular, making a subspecies. They become more intelligent, and gain the inclination to preserve the knowledge of their handlers. I also make the greifous stronger in general, that they may assist in construction and transportation.

-2 acts Intelligence to Greifous Elders
-1 Strengthen Greifous for carrying heavy weights and travelling long distances.

I turn my eyes to space, staring up into the vast void. With a smile on my face, I float through the cosmos, until I find a nice spot. I create a sun, Vermilion. A scorching hot orb aglow with the prospect of creation.
I construct a small planet to begin with, and create another orbiting Erudito, both small rocky spheres.

-3 acts for sun, Vermilion.
-2 for planet orbiting it, Salmon
-2 for planet orbiting Erudito, Pael.

I believe it's time we gave our beings a nice starry sky to look up to, to covet, don't you think? Oh, motivation is something so important. The desire to explore, the treasure to find! Oh, how that is what we seek, isn't it? We will motivate our beings to great stories that we may enjoy here in pleasant comfort, with ethereal candyfloss and hot chocolate. To do that, we need a stage vast, oh so vast. This is but a start, you see!
RE: Godhood XIV [Syrup Edition]
Elbridge Murderfree nods.

yeah stars are cool sure

[Image: FXyjTwl.gif]

From Vermilion to just beyond the furthest planet orbiting it he places a massive ring of skeletal rock star caricatures, luminescent and grotesque. From the surfaces of Salmon and Peel, it lights up the night sky as a magnificent glowing cloud.

RE: Godhood XIV [Syrup Edition]
It's glorious....................................................
RE: Godhood XIV [Syrup Edition]
Oiren grants the Cavern Greifous 2 each of intelligence and Sapience, then grants them one final boon. An obsession, a drive for technological advancement.

-5 Acts, 0 acts remaining