NoNoNightmare (nightmare is over)

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NoNoNightmare (nightmare is over)
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.



...Open the box you're sitting on, see if there's anything in there to help you on this anti-free market quest :3c
~◕ w◕~
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

> Hide the kid, maybe ask that helpful lumberjack, its not like he eats babies too!

Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by The One Guy.

> But think of the baby eaters, why don't they get any love? [img]images/smilies/icon_sad.gif[/img]

> Where else is there to go? There has to be more to this world than just your house the forest!
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

Gimeurcookie Wrote:
I didn't think of this before, as I thought the requirement was 10 pages, not 10 updates
I'm not sure it's ready yet anyway though, considering they have to be "quality updates" and like 2/3rds of the images are just edits with sprites lol
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

Trust me, they will count as quality updates ^-^
~◕ w◕~
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

These updates are beautiful, you have more then enough to get out the Cradle but take your time if you want.~
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

Arright, I'll plead for cradle release.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by The One Guy.

It just occurred to me that this adventure, in which we will try to save a baby from baby eaters, is made by someone with a username of "KittenEater."
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

The One Guy Wrote:It just occurred to me that this adventure, in which we will try to save a baby from baby eaters, is made by someone with a username of "KittenEater."
It is a delicious, delicious irony. :3c
~◕ w◕~
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Yoshi.

What's that box you're sitting on?
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

[Image: 61.png]

This box? There's just some balloons in it. You vaguely remember why you got them...
Some guy told you this story when you were a kid.
If you were a good kid, you could tie a balloon to yourself and float off of a mountain, and the winds would take you to a world you deserved.
You tried it, and it didn't work out how you wanted it to. That's why you're here now.

[Image: 62.png]

hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

> TO THE MOUNTAIN TOP! He/she/it was just born so so far it couldn't have done anything wrong or bad so he should float right up.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

Gimeurcookie Wrote:> TO THE MOUNTAIN TOP! He/she/it was just born so so far it couldn't have done anything wrong or bad so he should float right up.
Yes, this is a great plan! Surely it will take the baby to safety! (Unless it somehow deserves to be eaten? But I can't see that happening!)
~◕ w◕~
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

[Image: 63.png]

Well then, it's decided. You're taking the baby to the nearest mountaintop.

[Image: 64.png]

These foothills don't look very difficult to traverse...

[Image: 65.png]

You're at the top already.

[Image: 66.png]

You sure hope this works...

[Image: 67.png]

Hey, he's floating!

[Image: 68.png]

And almost immediately, the wind picks up and sweeps the baby away to wherever good babies go.
Good bye and good luck, little one.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

Bye bye baby! ^-^


You've got to go break Stork's equipment. Or something.

Definitely something.

~◕ w◕~
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

> Random flying creature, take the baby.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Jacquerel.

Now you are free of responsibilities you can finally live up to your dream of high-fiving one of those giant hands
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

[Image: 69.png]

Well yes, you're going to stop Dr. Stork from creating more babies, but how will you do that?
There's nothing in your house besides that box of balloons and some materials for sandwiches.
Perhaps you could talk to the lumberjack about this, but he's already done basically your entire job for you, and he built Dr. Stork's office, AND you don't know whether he enjoys eating babies as well!

You're going to have to do this alone. You just hope his equipment is fragile...
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by goggleman64.

> Inspect the line above your head.

> Creep over to Dr. Stork's office; see if he's in and if there's a back door.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Martusino.

Tell Dr. Stork that sandwiches are a much better thing to be eating than babies.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

Martusino Wrote:Tell Dr. Stork that sandwiches are a much better thing to be eating than babies.
> Make sure to bring sandwiches to his house at that.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

Go make a sammich and give it to the lumberjack! Over lunch, try and figure out if he likes eating babies. Or, y'know, how he feels about baby eating in general.
~◕ w◕~
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

[Image: 70.png]

Well you went inside to get a bag and put your sandwich stuff in it. You really don't know how much this will help, but

[Image: 71.png]



[Image: 72.png]

You've never seen an Eater this big, and you've never seen an Eater smile.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

Can you reason with it? Will it join you and the Lumberjack for sammiches?

If not, RUN.
~◕ w◕~
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by gloomyMoron.

> Eater: Thank No for the delicious baby. You simply must have more. ("Feed me, Seymour. Feed me!")