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NoNoNightmare (nightmare is over) - Printable Version

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NoNoNightmare (nightmare is over) - Kitet - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

oh man what am i doing

[Image: 01.png]

You are No. You recently got a letter from a man named Dr. Stork.
Dr. Stork requires your assistance for something. Unfortunately, you don't know where his office is.
Well, it's somewhere in the Graspen Forest, which you are standing outside of, but you're a little afraid to go forth. It's scary in there.

Re: NoNoNightmare - OTTO - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Squiggles.

> Go backwards, then realize that with a name like that, it involves delivering babies.

Re: NoNoNightmare - OTTO - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Fuade.

>High Five.

Re: NoNoNightmare - Whimbrel - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

Take the stop sign, use it to fend off any unwanted advances from those hands.

Re: NoNoNightmare - Norivia - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Norivia.

>Run! The faster you get through it, the less time you gotta spend in it.

Re: NoNoNightmare - OTTO - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by TheArmordillo.

They're just hand shaped trees, is it superstition that's stopping a man of science?

Re: NoNoNightmare - OTTO - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Alyss.

>C'mon! Just stride on through there with your swag levels up to eleven, and if they want to touch, let 'em touch!

Re: NoNoNightmare - OTTO - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

> Fist bump now.

Re: NoNoNightmare - OTTO - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Iyestorm.

>You are being depended on. Be dependable.

Re: NoNoNightmare - OTTO - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by The One Guy.

> Go Forth.

Re: NoNoNightmare - Kitet - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

[Image: 02.png]

You head back to the house for a moment... wait.
There's no point in that.
Your house is empty.

[Image: 03.png]

Graspen trees are shaped like hands. You've always wanted to do something stupid, like slap one of the "hands", but you're too short.

You might as well head on through.

[Image: 04.png]

Nothing interesting here at the forest's edge.

[Image: 05.png]

Oh hey, a lumberjack.
At least, you think he's a lumberjack.
He's cutting down the biggest tree in the forest.
Maybe he can help you.

Re: NoNoNightmare - Whimbrel - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

Excuse me, can you point me towards Dr. Stork's house?

Also my eyes seem to be stuck shut. I cannot see, help!!

Re: NoNoNightmare - Norivia - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Norivia.

>Ask him if he's seen any offices in the middle of the woods lately

Re: NoNoNightmare - Jacquerel - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Jacquerel.

Wait until the tree has fallen, then give it a high five

Re: NoNoNightmare - OTTO - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

> Ask if he may point you the way to where you need to go.

Re: NoNoNightmare - OTTO - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Squiggles.

>Ask the trees for directions, they'll point you in the right direction. :3

Re: NoNoNightmare - OTTO - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by TheArmordillo.

Jacquerel Wrote:Wait until the tree has fallen, then give it a high five

Re: NoNoNightmare - Kitet - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

[Image: 06.png]

You ask the lumberjack about Dr. Stork's office.

"Office? You mean that gigantic building in the center of the forest? I had to chop up a few dozen trees just so he could have space to build it, and then another few dozen for materials! Ahahaha!"

Okay but WHERE is the office?

"Oh. That way. Just past the duck pond."

[Image: 07.png]

You guess this is the duck pond? It's more like a puddle. With a beakless duck sitting next to it.

Hello, beakless duck.

[Image: 08.png]

Well, you found your way to a large building you suspect it Dr. Stork's office.
It looks a bit big to be just an office, though.

Re: NoNoNightmare - Whimbrel - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

Climb on the fence to get to the upper-story window.

Re: NoNoNightmare - OTTO - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Squiggles.

Maybe he's out, delivering them babies.

Re: NoNoNightmare - OTTO - 07-06-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

> Knock

Re: NoNoNightmare - Gatr - 07-07-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by ~ATH.

Barge in with reckless abandon.

Re: NoNoNightmare - Kitet - 07-07-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

[Image: 09.png]

Before you can knock on the door, Dr. Stork suddenly appears!

"You are No, yes? Come on inside, quickly now."

[Image: 10.png]

"This is my office. Is it nice? Have a seat, No? Some water, yes? Comfortable?"

Well, what did he call you in for?

"Ah, yes. I need you to do something. Through this door, if you please."

[Image: 11.png]

A baby is floating in a tank of gel. It doesn't seem to be alive...

"You see the infant, yes? I am trying to create the perfect baby. I need special things, though, I cannot find them. I know they are in forest, not far from my office... I need miracle drug to make baby alive, jar of luck so better chances this works out, and duck feathers to keep baby peaceful. Can you get these things for me?"

Re: NoNoNightmare - Whimbrel - 07-07-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.


...Okay, we'll /TRY/

Re: NoNoNightmare - Kitet - 07-07-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

[Image: 12.png]

You agree to the task. Dr. Stork shoos you out of the building.

"Yes! I am glad I asked you. Hurry, if you please, as I need those items as soon as possible!"

[Image: 13.png]

Well, now what? Miracle pill, duck feathers, jar of luck. What part of the forest should you head to?