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Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by XX.

Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Edo Nagori.

>Man-man's Summon beast, eat Guitar villain!!!
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

Whimbrel Wrote:Summon fight!

After the fight, makeouts with the former bassist.
He is the first bass, after all. [img]images/smilies/icon_winky.gif[/img]
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by XX.

Anomaly Wrote:
Whimbrel Wrote:Summon fight!

After the fight, makeouts with the former bassist.
He is the first bass, after all. [img]images/smilies/icon_winky.gif[/img]

Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by ThirdEmperor.

> Play Stairway to Heaven. When the gods shoot a lighting bolt at your face to punish you for ever playing that song, ever, use your guitar to deflect it and send it flying at your opponent.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.


> Summon fight!

[Image: mm43.png]

You ran away
You broke my heart

[Image: mm44.png]

Baby you tore
Me right apart

[Image: mm45.png]

But the worst thing
'bout what you did

[Image: mm46.png]

Is I still can't get you
Out of my head

[Image: mm47.png]

Why'd you leave
I thought we had love

[Image: mm48.png]

I said you were
My precious dove

[Image: mm49.png]

"Hey, guess what was a distraction."

[Image: mm50.png]

You leveled up! You get +1 to STRENGTH and AGILITY, but your low MUSIC score gets a +5 instead because you defeated someone with a much higher rank in it. Too bad GUITAR VILLAIN'S guitar vanished with him; you could probably use it to some effect now.

[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

So... those numbers were supposed to go up, eh? Not what'cher hud says...

Anyway, give a bow to the audience, then jet out the back to avoid being smothered by adoring fans... and the few that might be pissed at you for crashing the show. You've got a Dapper Fellow to chat up.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by SquirrelPants.

MAN-MAN: Punch the stat numbers until they display the appropriate increase.


Run from the ANGRY MOB whose concert you just crashed.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by GuAndrade.

>Go back to the ole man and see your next assignment. On the way, pick up some chick-chicks.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

Find Bassist. Makeouts.
~◕ w◕~
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by The Dr..

Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Edo Nagori.

Man man> Steal the show with awesome singing!

Adoring fans> Leave.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by ThirdEmperor.

> Bassist. Sloppy make-outs. Now.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Supernerd.

Pick up the skull and cross bones!
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

> Get ready for the waves of fans!
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Grug.

> Finish the set.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Vero.

Don't leave that crown hanging, with your new found musical talent finish that concert
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

> Bow to the audience.

[Image: mm51.png]

"Thank you, thank you."

> Run from the ANGRY MOB whose concert you just crashed.

[Image: mm52.png]

Wow, these guys sure are adoring fans. They're giving you free stuff, if a bit too enthusiastically. You'd better leave, though; some of this stuff looks pretty heavy, and you have a rule about not taking rewards for your heroism.

...wait, is that a MAN-BURGER?

[Image: mm53.png]

Rules were made to be broken anyway.

> Pick up some chick-chicks.

Funny story about actually have restraining orders from every chick in town, mainly due to what you've been gracious enough to refer to as "communication mishaps" and that shall not be explained in detail.

[Image: mm54.png]

...speaking of chicks, you don't recognize that one. She must be from out of town.

[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

Hit on her. She's orange, so she must be an important character.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Fakeimposter.

Quick tell her she has nice hair in a deep creepy voice! Chicks love that!
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by DairunCates.

Could it be? YES!
[Image: ManBurger.jpg]

Take your fan-art, PYP and go forth and make the greatest adventure of all time!

Note For Those That Are Confused: I drew that picture months ago saying it was fan-art for an adventure that didn't exist yet. Clearly, I was right.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

> Hit on her.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by Edo Nagori.

>Hit on her with your Man powers of Courtship.
Re: Man-man
Originally posted on MSPA by XX.

Show off your newly earned ACCELERANDO SLASH. Chicks dig that kind of stuff.