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Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

Cor, AS THE LEADER, looks at her flock, the flock that she is the leader of, and decides to make CHOICES. She floats to the box and picks it up, and picks it up and opens it, as she does this, she does the magical, high tier, amazing act of MULTITASKING, and speaks to those mortals she is in charge of. "Hmm, this box seems like as good as a reference point as any, tell me, are any of you tired or something, I know that mortals have different needs than one like myself, if any of you are in need of rest or something you can speak up now~"
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

"DIBS!" Svedberg pounces and opens the SHIT OUT OF THE BOX like a metaphor of a cat pouncing on a mouse.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

Noticing the nurse come after her, Cor floats upward a bit, holding the box far above his reach, "I am sorry Svedberg, but you agreed to be the Official Reading Person. You can not read a box. As I am the leader and as we do not have an Official Box Opening Person, I will take such a role until said role is filled by someone who does not have a role already like you do! Now shush, I am going to look inside the box."
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

His mask partially opened to revealing his snarling teeth and bleeding gums, Svedberg attempts to pounce on Cor like a cat if the cat was a Xenomorph.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

"I could open tha-"

Kim goes to try and participate and maybe get what might be the last five creatures alive to come to trust her or something, but is cut off.

It's not much of a surprise really. Instead she turns to Cor.

"I think that I'll be fine for a little while longer, though I would rest if others needed to stop."

This was of course a lie. Kimberly could always go for a snack and Cor was actually looking pretty delicious right now. They all were actually, except for Herbert because oh my god he's adorable and so rare and now she could talk with nature and it would talk bac-

Kimberly shook her head. Eating a teammate would probably not help her earn the trust of the rest of her comrades.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

Cor is pretty content with floating up high enough that she thinks Svedberg can't reach her, "YOU WILL NOT UNDERMINE THE PERFECT JOB SYSTEM THAT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED, SVEDBERG. FOR THE SANCTITY OF JOB SYSTEMS EVERYWHERE, I SHALL NOT LET YOU."
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

Yet another squabble ensues, but Cor eventually manages to look inside of the box.

[Image: IS15.png]

Score! The box contains:

Emergency Ration x6
Water Canteen x3

Oh, did I say "score"? I meant score for everyone who isn't Cor, who has no use for the items in the box whatsoever.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

Svedberg starts hissing loudly, his teeth snapping and clacking loudly as he tries to bite at Cor's air-toes like a very angry shelled pit bull.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

When the box was opened Kimberly quickly grabbed a bottle of water and a ration. She downed most of the bottle almost right away but holds onto the rather pitiful snack for now.

She also volunteers to 'take care of' the rest of their supplies.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

Meanwhile in his anger, Svedberg swallowed a emergency packet whole. Pretending the packet was Cor.

Have you ever seen a crocodile eat? Svedberg is kind of the same.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

While Cor is annoyed at the RUDENESS demonstrated by Kim and Svedberg's hasty and quick ration-snatching, she understands that mortals will be mortals and raises her internal smugmessuperiority bar. It is full. It has been full for a while now. It still rises of course, due to the fact that as a spirit of the currents, of course she does not have to settle for such plebeian limits.

At any rate, she just glares a little at the two but doesn't like, try to take their stuff away, and she waits to see what the others in the group will say with regards to JOBS.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

Svedberg gags a little and spits the wrapping of the ration packet Cor-wards because he highly disproves of her for not allowing him to opening the box first.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by ProfessorLizzard.

"Oh hey, free water!" says Herbert, telekinetically moving a few drops of water into his pot from one of the canteens held by Cor.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by BlazerC.

Eidell moves herself into the middle of the group and quickly snatches a water bottle without asking, silently takes off the cap and pulls down her cloth mask to take a quick swig. She then screws the lid back on and hands it back to Cor, muttering something to herself about 'a bitchy know-it-all' before walking to the back of the group again.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Psychout.

The Hydra sweeps three of the remaining rations into a nice little pile, before they rip them open with their claws and start eating, kind of like a pig at a trough. Agni understands some of Indra's thoughts, due to the minor hive-mind the hydra has since they share a body, and he faces the box and gives it a good warming to start a fire. At the same time, Kali lets out a burp before speaking. "Well that was a nice snack. I hope there's something else around here. I'm not too fond of vegetables, but when times are tough, I guess plants make a good dish." She's obviously talking about Herbert, but her tone isn't threatening enough to be totally offensive.

Indra meanwhile tries thinking on how to best do this, before asking Kali to breathe some ice, and a small, misshapen block starts to form on the ground. "Can someone perhaps melt that? If Agni tries, he will likely evaporate the remaining water."
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by BlazerC.

Eidell goes to place the cloth mask around her mouth again, but then notices the Hydra doing the most peculiar things, carefully she watches one of the heads form a small chunk of ice with their breath, this is where she surprisingly speaks up, she had after all had been silent to the entirety of the trip.

"Excuse me, I don't think that will work." She says, cautiously leaning forward to get a closer look at them. "I mean, you're trying to make water right? I suppose that would work but... you're breathing any water in your body, except out as ice, while we could melt it into water and drink it, it would be entirely pointless because you'll be dehydrating yourself. Plus, it doesn't help that it would be in a sense, drinking spit..."

She pauses, looking directly at the beast in front of her, quickly realizing that she might of just insulted it. Eidell begins to act nervous and hurriedly begins to reassure it that she totally did not intend to insult them.
"...That's what you were trying right? To make some water? I'm not saying it's a bad idea, it was a good one really but I'm just saying it won't work! Y-you know? But yeah! That's something we need to do! Get a fire started and get some supplies! Lets work on that right away! Because that's a thing that needs doing!"

Eidell just shuts herself up and pulls the cloth mask over her mouth, mumbling to herself some more as her eyes dart around.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by ProfessorLizzard.

Herbert sniggers as the Hydra snatches out the rest of the rations away from the bossy spirit. He never trusted people who declared themselves Boss.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

The odd gray material of the box appears to be flammable, and erupts into flames. It seems to be a very slow-burning material, and should last most of the night.

Campfire get?

(Incidentally, the box is also still in Cor's hands.)
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Psychout.

((Yay instant fire. AKA OP Hydra Breath))

Kali gives a roar and snears at Eidell. "How do you know how our body works? That ice isn't our spit. I mean, take the other two losers. What would that fire and lightning be? Our breath is just special magic or from some sac inside us, I don't know. But I bet I know better than you and I'll just eat all this ice myself." Kali takes a big bit of the ice chunk before throwing her head up and roaring. "Ow my teeth! It's cold! And I'm such a sensitive little lady."

Indra just stares at her, his face saying everything, though he does comment. "Just because you get something to wet your whistle doesn't mean we don't need something. We share a body, not a stomach."
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

Cor says nothing to the BLATANT DISREGARD and DESTRUCTION of her AMAZING JOB SYSTEM and instead continues to hold the box as she looks around the camp, leaving the mortals to their resting and jocularity and such.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

Remaining on the ground are:

Emergency Ration x1
Water Canteen (full) x1
Water Canteen (90%) x1

It is getting cold rather quickly. Cor is still holding the box, which is also on fire, and is the only obvious source of warmth. Great job, spirit.

Kali's attempt to create water via ice breath is a success, but only as long she has the energy to breathe ice. Magically-created water is just as hydrating as the real thing.

Character Statuses:
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by ProfessorLizzard.


Sitting near the burning box (and spirit), Herbert pretends to sleep. He cunningly yells "SNORE" every now and then.
Re: Interstice: Judgment has been passed.
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

Cor is just going to float-stand there until the mortals are finished with their mortality or whatever it is they do.