...Into the Frying Pan [A Loud Crash]

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...Into the Frying Pan [A Loud Crash]
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [...Grey Guy?]
"I'll take a length of rope and a bandage. The crutch seems a handy substitute for my cane. I suppose I'll take that too."

Junior ties the rope around the loop at the top of the crutch for easy access to it, should he need it. He puts the bandage in his pocket.
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [...Grey Guy?]
"I'll take the cloth pile then." Grey slips the random shreds of cloth into his pocket, nodding. "Ready whenever."
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [...Grey Guy?]
"Alright, so I guess the last guy gets the spare uniform and the last bandage. Oh well, first come, first serve I guess," Rein mutters, "It doesn't look like anything's here, so we might as well try the doors again..."

Rein takes the last two items as well as the last guy's share and leaves the room. He hands the items to the guy outside the door. "Here, this is your share of what we found in there. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to read through this book." With that, Rein goes back to reading through the book.
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [...Grey Guy?]
Laef's lost again. He finished his explanation only to find that Junior was already gone, and he wasn't sure which room they had gone into. The latter question had since been answered, but now he was holding 2 uniforms and a bandage. He walks into the room, after the guy in brown.

"Is this a dormitory? If so, then I'm going to take a guess and say the other two rooms are too."
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [...Grey Guy?]

[Image: update6k.png]

Grey, Junior and Rein All put on uniforms. They seem somewhat starchy and stiff, but otherwise seem normal. There are nametags on each uniform which read: Theodore, Fillith and Treadbier, respectively. Everyone takes a bandage and some take the miscellaneous objects.
Grey pulls the rope to see if it is in any way strong, and sees it fit. He then pockets the cloth and is ready to move.
Rein picks up a book and flips through the pages. It is a small book and should take no more than 1 turn to skim through. He brings the extra uniform and bandage to Laef and continues to read.
Tanner looks frantically around the room, but fruitlessly because there was no sign of his treasured Synthesizer. He sighs and takes the other books.
Junior shoots a distasteful look at the garment, but puts it on anyway. He takes the crutch and loops the rope around the top for easy access.
Laef is confused. Lots of things are happening and he can't wrap his head around any of it. He is handed a uniform and bandage and walks into the barracks.

Chest/Room Contents:

Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
(Whoops! I meant to take two bandages!)

Rein pockets another set of bandages before continuing to read the book. "You guys can go look at the other rooms again if you want. I'm going to finish reading through this and see if there's anything worthwhile in here."
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
Junior sees a ladder to the left and goes up it. "Let's see where this leads..."
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
(05-04-2013, 12:53 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Junior sees a ladder to the left and goes up it. "Let's see where this leads..."
Hey, just pointing out something about that ladder. It goes up to the top bunk and the middle bunk. Just so you know. There's nothing up there. Except for a bed. No, I'm not acting suspicious. (I'm actually not.)
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
Oh, okay. Junior just heads out then, without saying anything.
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
Laef puts on a uniform, on the assumption that he'll probably best off seeming like he belongs here. Plus his normal clothes were fucked.

"So, I've seen this floor and the Muffler room. Anywhere else I should know about?"
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
Tanner puts on the Guard uniform and looks at the first book. Maybe there is something useful in it.
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
Grey leaves the room and checks the two nearby doors. Perhaps they unlocked or something.
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
ARBLEGARBLE I was making the update when...
I accidentally closed the tab. Fcuk.
Update coming in ~30 minutes.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
[Image: update7.png]
Rein, after taking the extra bandage, calls out "You guys can go look at the other rooms again if you want. I'm going to finish reading through this and see if there's anything worthwhile in here." He finishes the book, only realizing that it was a journal for the guard, Fillith. He didn't really focus on very many important subjects, some of them off the top of your head are: Paychecks, Work, family, friends, etc. One entry did, however, strike you with intrigue. Two weeks ago, a couple people had signed up for testing. He remarks that one of them had pure dark yellow eyes, and it had worried him.

Laef throws on the uniform, of a guard named Withor, hoping to blend in. It seems scratchy at stiff, so he keeps his shirt on under it. He looks over to Tanner and Rein. "So, I've seen this floor and the Muffler room. Anywhere else I should know about?".

Tanner puts on the guard uniform of a guard named Quinn. He flips open the book and begins to read.

Chest/Room Contents:

[Image: update75.png]

Junior tugs at his uniform as he leaves the room. He stands around, vaguely noticing something on the far wall...

Grey exits the room and tugs on the door. Nope, still locked. As he approaches the far door, he steps in some form of thick dark fluid. Disgusted, Grey jumps off of it and tries the door. No luck.

Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
"Well, the room past the muffler room has a single locked door and the doors on this floor are locked," Rein recounted, "I'm not sure where we're going to go from here. Maybe we could check the doors again..."

With that, Rein goes back to the room to the left of the muffler room and tries the door again.
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
(05-08-2013, 11:05 PM)Entilliumn Wrote: »Junior tugs at his uniform as he leaves the room. He stands around, vaguely noticing something on the far wall...

Junior goes and inspects it.
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
"Huh?" Grey takes a step back, inspecting the strange fluid on the ground. It looks... kind of like oil. He takes one of his cloth scraps onto the puddle to sop some of it up, then balls it up and wraps it in another cloth scrap. He then climbs down the ladder.
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
Tanner reads the title of both books in order to determine if either are of any use.
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
Shit. Uh, my computer's being stupid and I can't use it. It might be a couple days before I post the update. I'm using my phone to post this. Well, sorry.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
(05-09-2013, 11:16 PM)Entilliumn Wrote: »Shit. Uh, my computer's being stupid and I can't use it. It might be a couple days before I post the update. I'm using my phone to post this. Well, sorry.

Have you tried driving a syringe full of cocaine into the hard drive? NO DON'T DO THAT WE'LL WAIT
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
Oh, hey there. Working on the update now... No need to thank me and praise me like a god, I have all the time I need.
*Flexes* Ooh yeah, look at that.

EDIT: Oh wait, Leafsword didn't post yet... Huh.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Phat Lewts]
Laef... just... kind of spaces out in thought. What the bloody hell is going on? Who is Withor? Where are these guys? What's in the other two oh god DAMMIT.

"I'm doing the eye thing again!"

After staring into the next room for a few seconds, Laef gets frustrated. Now he's going to have to wait ages until he can see again. And he still doesn't know what's in the far room.

...Can I push this further?

He tries to see through the adjacent room, into the far one.
RE: ...Into the Frying Pan [Updatapan... Activate!]
ShitshitshitshitIhaven'tforgottenaboutthisnoIhaven't Heh heh heh.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]