Last Day

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Last Day
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

> Find out what he's watching.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by SNeakyRobot.

> In the following conversation, roll all of your R's so that he thinks you are Latino.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by distainfulCatalyst.

>Do you know this gentleman?
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Saint Game.

Greet your friend the janitor.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Askia.

challenge janitor to a sword duel
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.

Hey hey folks, I'm at a friend's house and away from my tablet, so I won't be updating tonight. But thank you for your suggestions! I like to address several suggestions in one post rather than just one.

To make up for it, here's the design sketch for that guy.

[Image: tumblr_luu8vy7IZU1qhxz5mo1_1280.png]

He is indeed the janitor. Several other characters will be appearing! I only have an ending, certain plot points and characters planned, which I believe is the best possible way to create a MSPAFA with suggestions in mind. Suggestions carry that story, and you just lean towards the plot points.

Hope you guys are enjoying it so far, I'll update tomorrow. (also, I have a tumblr if you'd like to check that out.)
[Image: tumblr.png] [Image: signature.gif] [Image: sig.gif]
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Smash his stomach for candy!
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Jacquerel.

He's cool enough to keep a NORF sword for you and he's a janitor, he must have access to all kinds of cleaning chemicals and supplies that you can make use of for things that may not be their intended purpose
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

Shut the door, you're letting in the light :<
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Godbot.

> Demand you get your dollar back
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Armok.

> Janitor: be closet brony.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.

Saint Game Wrote:Greet your friend the janitor.
[Image: 49.png]

Hello, Janitor! As said before, you're pretty good friends with the Janitor. You have no idea he was in here though, so you ask him.

[Image: 51.png]

"This plum's here my secret haven!" he says, "I come here whenever I'm off the job, you know?"

You tell him that you got in here by accident. "Well hey, you're welcome in here any time."

[Image: 50.png]

You tell him you're planning on quitting today. The Janitor knew about it a while ago, but he's surprised you're doing it so quickly. You ask him if he wants to quit with you and leave with a bang.

"Nah," he says "I don't like my job, but I like the little setup I get 'round here." You ask him if the BOSS knows about it. "Dohoho, you think I would tell the BOSS about something like this? Hell naw! These here's our little secret, alright?"

Pick Yer Poison Wrote:> Find out what he's watching.
[Image: 53.png]

"Well," the Janitor says "I was just watchin' some soap operas. But I've got somethin' to show you."

[Image: 54.png]

[Image: 55.png]

"This here's my surveillance system!" he says, "I've got every place in this buildin' bugged 'cept the bathrooms of course. Even the BOSS doesn't know about 'em. Pretty good, huh?"

[Image: 56.png]

You ask him if he's worried about losing his job. "Who, me?" he says, "'Course not. I've got a million other places I could work and, like you, I don't even like this job. I'm just here because I've got this secret little place. The pay's not too bad either, for a Janitor, I mean."

[Image: 57.png]

Hold up. Who's that little lady?

[Image: 58.png]

[Image: 59.png]

You are now the little lady.

It's your first day on the job as a receptionist at the front desk! You've wanted to work the front desk since you were a little girl. There was something about taking calls and greeting everyone in a cozy little room with nice furniture and atmosphere that intrigued you as a young gal. It's your lunch break now, so you're free to do whatever you'd like for a half hour.

But first...what's your name?

[Image: tumblr.png] [Image: signature.gif] [Image: sig.gif]
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

Jennifer Hazely
Luna Montgomery
Allison Preston
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by KilroyWasHere.

Allison "Big Head" McLastname
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Askia.

Alexandra "alex" Hill
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by SNeakyRobot.

> Bill Frank Joe the third
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Armok.

> Femme Fatale
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Redux.

Jane Blockhead
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.

SNeakyRobot Wrote:> Bill Frank Joe the third
[Image: 60.png]
[Image: 61.png]

Hmm, no. That's the name for the farmer who had...sexual relations...with a cow. He then got, as the media protrayed, "manpreggers" with a half cow, half human baby. When he went in labor (On Labor Day, no less) he gave birth to not the half cow, half human baby, but instead an entirely human baby. The cow was devastated feeling betrayed, and left him a few days later.

Truly a historic day in American history.

KilroyWasHere Wrote:Allison "Big Head" McLastname
[Image: 62.png]
[Image: 63.png]

Ah, no, that was the name of the main character from the show "Big Heads, Small World". It portrayed people with abnormally large heads, and their lives within the real world.

One time on the show a man was drawing caricatures of them, and he drew them with normal sized heads. It was pretty damn funny.

Armok Wrote:> Femme Fatale
[Image: 64.png]
[Image: 65.png]

Heavens no! How immodest! Femme fatales are those girls with big hips and long legs who stand in doorways in detective movies with a cigarette holder and a saxophone playing in the background and seduce the detective to solve a murder case when she was the murderer all along oh no
You are very modest and are surely not a femme fatale! You're not really against being one, though...

Pick Yer Poison Wrote:Jennifer Hazely
[Image: 66.png]

Ah, yes! That was your name, Jennifer Hazely. A lady can forget sometimes.

You're on your lunch break, so what do you do now?
[Image: tumblr.png] [Image: signature.gif] [Image: sig.gif]
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Saint Game.

Wonder if there's a NORF battle going on somewhere. swear you will be part of it.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by -V-.

Race around in your chair.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by wlzrobert.

greet this man with LONG (see: moppy) hair and a BUCKET of a head, and a nice tie

(the fake dude we made [img]images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/img])
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by ChemIisan.

God, subscribe me up!
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

Open your 100% pure organic and freshly-grown-this-morning lunch. You're a vegetarian, of course.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by SNeakyRobot.

> Open your 100% deep-fried freshly-killed-this-morning lunch. You're a bloodthirsty carnivore, of course.