Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim

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Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
[Image: U0vU5.gif]
"Sticks" let's loose some more shots.
Gerardo hammers in his nail into the mook and swiftly moves to Marco.
Marco puts away his mook to prepare to grab Gerardo.
Uh-oh, it seems that James' efforts to disable to the Vertically Gifted Fudgesicle have resulted in him raging out!
The Sunglasses'd Mook shoots as well!
The other mook was knocked out.
Fat Fudge Franko is still preparing something...

[Image: kF931.gif]
Totes lets off her Boom and Bust! Direct hit!
Marco launches off Gerardo just before he is attacked by the bullets.
James continues to stab around with the Vertically Gifted Fudgesicle, dragging his pick up his back!

[Image: uxH9N.gif]
The upper mook dies! His partner doesn't though, he just drops his weapons in pain.
Those sunglasses must make that mook resilient or something.
Vertically Gifted Fudgesicle dropped his minigun!
Gerardo plants his hammer right in Franko's face, causing him to drop his pillar!
However... Fat Fudge Franko is still glowing...

RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Totes moves in and gives the sunglasses-clad mook a blast of battery-powered dehydrating goodness.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Mirdini, I hope you're leaving that Vertically Gifted Mook in a state where he's still usable as a weapon. I wouldn't mind having some additional melee range.

In fact, I'm going to head over and see if I can grab him now.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I'll use MAFIABILITY: QUICK-HAMMER to get around Fat Fudge Franko and hit the base of that pillar, knocking it upright and hitting him in the back while hopefully getting back in front of him in time to protect the party from whatever he's about to do.

(Too much description?)
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Godbot, there is a bazooka on the floor.

I believe you are familiar with rocket jumping.

I might be able to whip up a charismatech regarding the Rule of Cool to help with that. Winky
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Wait, what bazooka? You mean the pillar?
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I'll stop being invisible when Marco grabs the Vertically Gifted (and stunned???) mook, moving to icepickshank Franko in the back while Gerardo distracts him.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
(01-14-2012, 07:21 AM)Godbot Wrote: »Wait, what bazooka? You mean the pillar?

Looking back, I don't actually think it was ever specified. I just assumed it was a bazooka, since it seemed an appropriately boss-ish weapon. Then again, a pillar could easily fit in that category as well, so I could be wrong.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
(01-14-2012, 05:02 AM)Solaris Wrote: »Gerardo plants his hammer right in Franko's face, causing him to drop his pillar!
However... Fat Fudge Franko is still glowing...

RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Whoops. Alright, nevermind. I did a Ctrl+F for both "pillar" and "bazooka" on the last page, but for some reason it didn't catch that. Melonspa
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Rocket-jumping sounds pretty sweet, though.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Oh, also, I finish off Sunglasses McMookface and take his sunglasses.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
[Image: jgOGf.gif]
James removes his pick and goes for Fat Fudge Franko.
Totes and "Sticks" finish off the Sunglassesclad mook, shooting him down.
Marco prepares to grab the dazed Vertically Gifted Fudgesicle.
Gerardo successfully moves behind Franko and hammers the pillar.

[Image: woWnX.gif]
While they deal damage, it seems that Gerardo's and James' moves do not stop Franko's attack!
As the sunglassesclad mook dies, his glasses fly into the air...
Marco has equipped the Vertically Gifted Fudgesicle!
The mook that Marco is standing on seems to be stirring...

[Image: G8f4p.gif]
Fat Fudge Franko repels James, Gerardo, and his own pillar, dealing damage as well.
"Sticks" McGee has equipped sunglasses. Meloncooly

RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim

I'mma go grab that sucker. Does anyone want my assault rifle?
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I'll use GUARDIANTECH: PILLAR OF STRENGTH* to lift the dropped pillar and bring it down on Fat Fudge Franko.

* © PickYerPoison, 2012. All rights reserved.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I'm going to hit the mook under me while he's down. I'll reposition myself if necessary.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I'll keep shanking Franko in the face I guess.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Totes goes and wails on the necromook for a bit, to make sure Marco doesn't lose his footing.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Oh man, I should totally try and attach that taser from before to my hammer.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
(01-21-2012, 01:01 AM)Godbot Wrote: »Oh man, I should totally try and attach that taser from before to my hammer.

"Stunning blow?"
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
I was actually thinking more along the lines of the effects of hitting someone impaled on a giant rusty nail with an electrified hammer, but that works too, I s'pose.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
[Image: WnkJ5.gif]
Totes and Marco wail on the downed mook for a while.
"Sticks" grabs the minigun! It... it is pretty big for him.
James stabity stabs Fat Fudge Franko.
Gerardo prepares his GUARDIANTECH: PILLAR OF STRENGTH* and lifts the large pillar over his head.
* © PickYerPoison, 2012. All rights reserved.

[Image: 5g7pe.gif]
Fat Fudge Franko smashes in James' face with his invisible fudge fists.
Gerardo returns the favor.
Meanwhile, the final Fudge Mook has been slain.

RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Well, I guess I'm whacking Franko with my Vertical Fudgemook.

It's that or I try to sell him a used guitar.
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim

and then get up
RE: Popsicle-Fudgsicle Gang Warfare Sim
Mirdini, do you want to get my stuff while you're at it? You could probably even shank him with the giant nail for extra damage.