Rum Runners (Dice RPG)

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Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Margarita claps her hands together, as she exclaims "No foolin'?! Lonnie that's fantabulous!" There's a brief pause, and Lana can practically see the gears turning in the flapper's head as it occurs to her that she might not be automatically included in that invitation. "Sooo, Lana, darling. I'm thinkin' it'd be awfully keen if I could meet your buddy. Whaddya say?"
~◕ w◕~
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Lana grins. "No foolin'." She watches the other woman think for a few moments. "Well I don't see why not." She playfully elbows Margarita. "'Ey maybe I can convince her to let you come. How's 'at sound?" She weaves her way through the crowd yet again, this time leading Margarita through.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)

This will be the last command you give for the Night Phase.

Jacky returns to The Hideout. It appears that no one is here at the moment, but she can now brew liquor or rest up if she wants.

Paul heads backstage and notices several of the girls running around in various states of dress. It appears there is a couple of men arguing outside of a door in the alley, and one of the girls is in tears with makeup running down her face. Another one is yelling at some other people and seems to be angry about her costume. It appears that she's the main act tonight. There's also the door to the costume closet wide open, and Paul is a bit outplace without his corset like always....

Clide continues on through the sewers. Now and then he can see light streaming from topside and hear various noises. The wet footprints are slowly drying and it begins to grow harder for him to figure which way to go. Clide thinks he sees them go forward, a Questionable act using Ingenuity, and ends up finding a door. [Roll 7v6]. It appears the room is mostly empty, with a table and a chair overturned. There's some papers on the table with various numbers and names on them and a pile of ash on the ground. The butt of a cigar is still warm to the touch, so it look like whoever was in here left in a hurry. In the back of the room is a bookcase with a few books on it, a few crates with empty liquor bottles in them, some overturned and a deck of cards strewn around, and a ladder that appears to lead to a manhole above ground.

Lana and Margarita head back to Lissa who's now sitting at a table. She's smoking a cigarette and looking kind of bored. "Hey gals, let's blow this pop stand. I could go for a bite so let's hit the Dine and Dash. Lan, you gotta come with me to that new Department Store in Forcet Heights tomorrow. I gotta get some spiffy new rags for the party. Oh and bring your friend here! The more hens the merrier!". Lissa hops up and starts dragging Lana's hand towards the exit.

Forcet Heights have been discovered! The more glitzier part of town, this is the location of the brand new Department Store, several upscale restaurants, the Govenor's Mansion, and even the Marina where some of the less illicit boats are kept. Casa Bella and Chez Rouge are always great places for dates, if you don't mind the Italian mob as much.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"Well well well, if this isn't the stash of kings."

Clide acts quick to swipe all the papers into one of the books in the shelf, then inventories the rest. He didn't even check what they were; he didn't want to be around when whomever their owner was decided to come back for them. He then took the cards, because who knows, and heads for the manhole cover to see where the porthole took him. If it was a favorable place to get out, he'd go straight back to the hideout with his prize.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Lana chuckles at the vice grip on her wrist. Just as insistent as ever. "Heh. 'Ey girl, ease up. Don't gotta pull my wrist off." She righted herself, making sure to grab Margarita's wrist before she was pulled away. "C'mon 'Rita." Lana follows Lissa out to the restaurant.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Jacky goes and tries out her new recipe. (Can't be rumrunners without rum after all)
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Margarita waves farewell to the Stitch in Time as she's pulled along to the Dine & Dash. While they're eating, she tries to learn more about the Celebrity.

[flavor text at minimum until I finish this project due...tomorrow >.>]
~◕ w◕~
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
(04-09-2013, 08:52 AM)yd12k Wrote: »Jacky goes and tries out her new recipe. (Can't be rumrunners without rum after all)

You will need to be more specific then this, unfortunately. Although you have the recipes for several liquors, you need to specify things.

For example when making Wine:

2 Grapes in Still 1 at Low, changing to Low during Twilight and Low during Dawn

(even though you don't have any grapes or whatever)

but yeah specify everything cause if you change stuff like this you can experiment to get better quality or special brands of liquor when you use special ingredients

also you only have 3 stills at the moment so you can only make up to three different liquors but hmm ii mean it's totally not like more stills is ever gonna be a reward for quests or special things or whatever
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
[Oo oo make some moonshine we need 8 for that order
Can you fill all three stills in one command period, or is it one brew per command?]
~◕ w◕~
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Paul decides to go into the costume closet and put something on to blend in more. He doesn't want to draw attention to him self. Being the gentlemen he is, he goes over to the crying girl and asks whats wrong.

"My Dear, what is troubling you?"
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
(04-09-2013, 07:06 PM)Whimbrel Wrote: »[Oo oo make some moonshine we need 8 for that order
Can you fill all three stills in one command period, or is it one brew per command?]

Yeah the only limit is the three different types. Also, since moonshine takes 2 Corn and 1 Yeast, if you had 4 Corn and 2 Yeast you can actually make a double batch in one still. So you can load a still up with as many ingredients you have as long as you stay relatively close to the ratio. The stills only carry separate types of liquor. Experiments by changing the ratios a little in larger batches can lead to special brands or different quality, as I said before.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
6 corn 3 yeast in still 1 at medium continuing at medium for the period after that.

[not sure what period it even s anymore]
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)

Clide gathers the things, putting the papers in a book titled "Asian Botany". [Items Obtained: x1 Liquor Accounting Paper; x1 Deck of Cards; x1 Asian Botany] He heads up the ladder into a dark room, and after a while manages to find a light. The room seems to be full of boxes with various labels on them, but it's still too dark to read. Shelves line the walls, and there appears to be some footsteps rather far away. Clide notices a sign on the way. It reads "Department Store Storage".

The Department Store basement is one of the locations you can quick travel to using The Sewers now.

Lana, 'Rita, and Lissa cross the street and head into the Dine n Dash. The weather appears to have cleared up, and several other tired looking men and women from the speakeasy have crawled over here as well. There's a radio in the back that seems to be going over the evening news, mentioning that The Bridge is out in Midtown. Chatter can be heard coming from the kitchen, and busboys shuffle from table to table. A waitress steps up and lists the specials while Lissa lights up another cigarette and orders a coffee.

For Sale:

Paul certain has interesting ideas of scandal, but he fits right in and starts chatting up the birds. The crying woman in particular is the gorgeous Pearl Pounders, a local starlet and longtime girl of the head of the Butchers, another gang headquartered in Midtown. Seems she's gotten in another fight with him, and the guys outside are yelling at the clubowner about his protection payments. They're just doing it to get back at her but she's still shaken. Pearl reaches into her corset for a bit of a pick-me-up before giving Paul a shifty look and shoving a small package in his hands. She says there's more where that came from if you can help get her out of town for a day or two, or at least let her hideout at the safehouse. (paul found a drug dealer) [Item Obtained: x1 Cocaine]

Jacky brews some liquor up and receives a small boost to stats for ending the phase in the hideout. She can also select a new hub to go to at the beginning of this phase without a penalty. (just PM this to me so i can update it all at once)

Current Character Stats
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Spoke too soon again. This was definitely someone's operation, and he just walked straight into its center. But, this could very well be its treasure room if he was clever enough to find the loot. Using his resourcefulness, Clyde quickly grabs the Liquor Accounting Paper, looking for any indicator of which liquors are in what boxes in the storeroom. For the sake of the gang's current order, he puts emphasis on looking for Moonshine, then the more expensive liquors. If he had to to take something, take the better stuff after all.

If light's a problem, he'll try taking a few of the shelved boxes into the light to get an idea of how the storage is layed out. Might help him find the right boxes without strictly seeing the numbers.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"Oh, I think I just threw it all in. I guess I oughta get some more before everyone gets mad at me."

Going to the docks.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"I may know a place for you to lay low for a while, Miss Pounders. Come with me."

Paul changes out of his disguise to avoid getting weird looks on the street. He takes it with him though, you never know when you might need a disguise.

He takes Pearl back to the hideout.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Lana considers her options. "Hmm... I'll just have tea. With lemon." She lays four dollars on the table, smiling at the waitress. "Thanks, hon."
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"I'll have a cuppa java and some brunch, darlin~"

[Not sure how much of this is supposed to be just mechanical... x2 coffee x1 bacon and eggs and x4 sugar because how can you have coffee without sugar so $47 total
Now we can make rum!]
~◕ w◕~
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)

Clide pokes around a little, but investigating the boxes and trying to understand the papers is a Questionable act using Ingenuity. [Roll 4v6] Clide doesn't find any liquors, but it appears the papers are shipping orders for various liquors. There appears to be a bit of Italian scrawled on the bottom, by Clide is unable to translate it. The Govenor's name is circled several times, and the 8th seems to be underlined on a list of dates, as well as the 13th. Clide goes to move some of the boxes into the light, and the one he picks up is strangely heavy. He opens the top and there appears to be several revolvers on top of various articles of clothing.

Jacky heads to The Docks. It appears the fog is starting to roll in, and there are some owls hooting off in the distance, definitely a spooky scene. Your old fence Jimmy stays in The Warehouse, and he might have some new ingredients or other items for you. You can also head back up to The Roadside and walk along there, or go down towards The Harbor or The Shore. It should just about be lowtide, so maybe something has washed up. You can head towards The Cove as well, and poke around there.

The girls purchase their meals. Outside, it seems like the late night rush is dying down and the people are slowing crawling to bed. You can see The Alleys in the distance, but at this time of night they may not be the safest. The Underpass and The Square are also in the area, but the waitress sets the plates on the table when three men in suits walk into the restaurant. It seems like everything goes silent, yet they're still chattering away. A dark air hangs in the diner while the men take seats in the corner. Lissa whispers to the two girls upon noticing. "I hear those are the Famusov brothers. They're in charge of the Butchers. I went to a show in The Theater Distract last month, they run the place. They must be expanding their area or something if they're going out around this area. Ohhh it's just a matter of time till it's a huge gang fight between the 4 gangs in town....oh and you guys of course. But we should get out of here before they recognize you, they're dangerous." [Threat level 26 for 2 People v Threat level 60 for 3 People]

Paul adds the Call Girl disguise to his inventory for later, and takes Pearl back to the Headquarters. Since Clide found an exit in The Sewers, Paul can quick-jump from The Hideout sewer entrance to The Department Store entrance, or choose another hub if he likes.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Guns... a liquor shipment log, and dirt on the governor...

GOOD ENOUGH! TIME TO GO BEFORE LADY LUCK LOOKS DISFAVORABLY! Clide fashions a rucksack out of some clothing articles to carry the revolvers in then puts the box back to avoid suspicion. He then dives back into the sewers, heading straight for the hideout with his catch. Bossman's going to LOVE what he scrounged up.

He preps a single revolver and keeps it within easy reach of his pocket, should Clyde run into someone wanting to snatch his find. Assuming there isn't ammo in the box he'll keep the gun handy. A gun, loaded or not, is an expert tool in coercion.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Lana sneers as the three men enter the restaurant. "You gotta be kiddin' me. More gangs? This is just pathetic. And they're already known enough to be considered 'dangerous'. Le's go girls. I'm sick'a this joint." Lana pushes her chair back, the legs scraping against the floor. More gangs. Hell, there's gonna be more gangs in this town then there are people. They gotta do something about this. She takes one last dignified sip of her tea before grabbing the unused lemon and storming out of the Dine 'n Dash.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Margarita makes her exit with an uncharacteristic lack of fanfare, feeling more than a bit spooked by the Butchers. She decides to return to the base for a bit. "It's been swell, gals, but I think I'll head home for now. See you at Forcet Heights tomorrow, yeah? Around lunch?"
~◕ w◕~
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
Paul makes himself a cup of hot chocolate and relaxes into his nice comfy armchair. He contemplates how his campaign to become mayor will work, he may need the help of the others if he wants it to be a success. He then starts to talk to Pearl about the Butchers gang.

"So tell me, how are the Famusov brothers these days?"

He takes a sip of hot chocolate.
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"If I remember right, Jim was somewhere OH there it was Hi Jim I need to buy some stuff"
RE: Rum Runners (Dice RPG)
"Seeya, 'Rita. I'm gonna go let off some steam." Lana nods at the Flapper, turning back to Lissa. "So, I'll see ya tomorrow girl. I'm gonna go do what I do best." Lana gives Lissa a wave goodbye, heading back to the Stitch in Time and placing herself on a bar stool. "'Ey, bartender. Mind if I play your piano back there?"