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RE: Power-ups
I'll take the heal, the bow, and the defense +1

EDIT: Whoops, that's not very nice is it.

Okay, I'll take the heal and the bow then. C:
RE: Power-ups
>Grab that yellow power-up. It seems... interesting to say the least. See if nobody else is taking the defense + either.
RE: Power-ups
RE: Power-ups
Well blast.
Seems I missed this. :I
Ah well. Good luck to all of ye!
RE: Power-ups
Just a quick note, the ♥+5 is a health boost, and that yellow power-up is +1 speed.
RE: Power-ups
Oh. Whoops. Then I take the fireball powerup as well Melonspa (I am the ultimate hog)

So what I'm taking so far (because shit is confusing when you don't know what's what):

The Bow
The Health Boost
The Fireball
RE: Power-ups
Not sure you need both the Fireball and the Bow; we don't have too many actual sources of damage yet and taking two ranged weapons feels a bit like overkill this early on. On top of that, with either the Bow or Fireball you'll be at range and want to stay at range, so probably better to take Speed+1 (to keep you away from enemies) over the Health (only useful if you're taking damage, which as a ranged attacker, you shouldn't be).

Personally I'd leave the Fireball for Trout (who has decided to take Magic+1, which is useless without a spell).
RE: Power-ups
(03-27-2013, 10:55 PM)Not The Author Wrote: »Not sure you need both the Fireball and the Bow; we don't have too many actual sources of damage yet and taking two ranged weapons feels a bit like overkill this early on. On top of that, with either the Bow or Fireball you'll be at range and want to stay at range, so probably better to take Speed+1 (to keep you away from enemies) over the Health (only useful if you're taking damage, which as a ranged attacker, you shouldn't be).

Personally I'd leave the Fireball for Trout (who has decided to take Magic+1, which is useless without a spell).

Trout isn't taking fireball because Schazer doesn't want it (Schazer: Do you want it?) and someone else is already taking speed (plet, i think). Also, what if I come across a link? It would be useful with this selection. Running out of arrows or mana is also something that can happen.

So, although you're right, some of these things are beyond my control (the fact that others want different things) so i pretty much have to take what I can get. And then trade things off between my inventory/other people when I can.

Lankie: Going north is something that I'd like to do after retrieving such koolio powers.
RE: Power-ups
Power-Ups a go go baby!

[Image: PU_002_zps76fb84bd.png]

Trout takes the Link and the MAG +1 Power-Ups

Ug-Grag takes the Broad Sword Power-Up

Nathaniel takes the DEF + 1 and SPD +1 Power-Ups

[Image: PU_003_zpsd9fc75d3.png]

Ralyk takes the Icicle Shot Power-Up and heads west. You encounter a SwordBot! It doesn't look happy to see you.

[Image: PU_004_zps2e129c26.png]

Jack takes the Jump Power-Up and Krawdrie takes the HP +5, Bow and Fireball Power-Ups. Then they both mosey nnorthwards.

Where they see another Power-Up.

[Image: PU_005_zpsb1d42e2f.png]

Kellander takes the Buckler and STR + 1 Power-Ups and goes east. You encounter a Mini Mage!

Stat sheets:


I was drawing this update while you were discussing more Power-Up distribution stuff so please forgive any discrepancies in said update.
RE: Power-ups
I forgot to ask this: Where is Krawdrie's long-flowing, beautiful hair?

Krawdrie goes east, leaving the power-up to Jack. No use in having a character who jumps all the time (unless Jack is going to go mario and jump on all the enemiesHappymelon)
RE: Power-ups
Alright, it's a mage. Shouldn't be all that much of an issue as long as I don't give it any time to cast spells. To that end, Kellander will charge at it and kick it in the face. This is clearly the best and most logical plan. Also, he'll keep his shield up on the off chance doing so might help block spells.
RE: Power-ups
Knife! My knife. Mine.

C'mon, Kraw. We can loop around through the north-west to the north-east and clear out the top. Anyone wanna join us? Three should suffice; the top isn't quite as large as the bottom.

...Or you could go East. That is also an option. An option that I shall opt not to... opt... to.

Jack takes the Knife (Dagger?) and heads West.

RE: Power-ups
Ralyk will use Icicle Shot, aiming for the swordbot's eye. Also, loving the brass, pretty damn stylish!
RE: Power-ups
As I see it, the map's roughly divided into three loops: North, East and West. One group should be able to manage each loop on their own, though I can't recall quite how rogue-like this roguelike is.

RE: Power-ups
Mini-Mage. ha, I see what you did there.
RE: Power-ups
Jack, I'll go with you then.

New order: Krawdrie shallz follow Jack.

Now pick a direction Fact Seagull
RE: Power-ups
>Quickly! With newfound speed head west and punch that swordbot!
RE: Power-ups
I believe Ug-Grag shall head East, and endeavor to bludgeon the enemy with his broadsword (I.e. go east, then attack the Mini Mage.)

Also. Once we've cleared stuff out a bit, I suggest meeting back up to trade power ups around a bit to ensure that one person doesn't end up with 20 while the others have three (I'm looking at you, madam toaster ;) )
RE: Power-ups
We're all going to have lots of power-ups soon anyway <:D besides, where I'm going, there aren't many power-ups
RE: Power-ups
Trout heads with Ug-Grag and at any rate, punches the Mini-mage.
RE: Power-ups
A shop on the first level, easily accessible? Interesting, interesting. I wonder if the fellow from last game relocated, and how much of his sweet inventory he brought with him.
RE: Power-ups
Hello, stat sheets have been added to the previous post.
Update will come tomorrow times haha I mean the day after that.
RE: Power-ups

[Image: PU_006_zps3d1fc678.png]

Trout and Ug-Grag head east to help out Kellander! Kellander and Trout both punch the Mini Mage for 3 damage.

[Image: PU_007_zpsf622c56d.png]

The Mini Mage casts a ring of fire round itself! Dealing 4 damage to Trout and 3 damage to Kellander!

[Image: PU_008_zps55aa9674.png]

Nathaniel heads west and punches the SwordBot! Dealing 1 damage.
Ralyk casts Icicle Shot! Dealing 5 damage.

[Image: PU_009_zps54d5fad2.png]

the SwordBot spins it's arms ferociously! Dealing 5 Damage to Nathaniel.

[Image: PU_010_zpsb5fb38d5.png]

Jack picks up the Equip: Dagger Power-Up!
Jack and Krawdrie head west and encounter a Holy Guillotine!

Stats coming later again haha why do I keep starting these things in the dead of the night.
RE: Power-ups
Trout flanks that sucka and punches it again.
RE: Power-ups
Huh, so attack and defense just add to/subtract from damage directly then... that's good to know. Either that or those were some really coincidental rolls right there.

I'll punch it again, then back away before it can use another ring of fire. Or if I have to move before attacking, I'll just stay where I am and punch it again.