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RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
I think everyone's done that so far. Have I missed something? o-o
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
Jam edition.
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
You... You're not even in Jam, dude, to say nothing of the fact that all the Acts in the post are bolded and priced as they're used. It's not exactly hidden or ciphered. I like it better as-is, and since you're not even in the game you're asking for changes in, I'm gonna have to say that unless you have some sort of really good reason I'm not going to bother.
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
She is possessed by the soul of an accountant. Quickly, we must exorcise her before she gets a look at our ill-devised budgets and expense reports and shames us all
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
It is easier to keep up with act spending and serves as a quick way to look back at past actions. It can get annoying when looking back in the thread to find previous actions if you have to skim entire posts for them.
There will be plenty of posts that may have no actions at all so it makes it easier if people only have to check the bottom of the posts for any act spending, and not have to read through a bunch of flavor text. I'll give an example.

"And the god Dem Onstration looked at the void surrounding the star and was displeased. He put out his hand and made a rocky planet. It would be a Utopia for his future creations, and so that is what it was named. (3 Acts)

Next he reached into the planets core and squeezed to melt it down. The purpose was to shield the planets future life from the harmful rays of the sun with a powerful magnetic field. (1 Act)

He next brought forth a great many rain clouds to cover the planet with water. His world would be covered in oceans, vast and blue. The land that remained uncovered would serve as the resting place of his future creations and worshipers. While the deep depths would house a great many creatures and mysteries. (2 Acts)

With what remained of his power he put a great abundance of iron on the planet. This would be used by his future children to create many a fantastic creation. Tools of science and luxury and, if it came down to it, war. (3 Acts)"

When going back to reread posts, it is easier for people to read the actions like this.

Create Utopia, an Earth sized planet- 3 Acts
Melt Utopia's core- 1 Act
Cover two thirds of Utopia in water- 2 Acts
Make iron an abundant resource on Utopia- 3 Acts
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
Except that, again, the actions are all bolded. Setting aside the fact that treating the roleplaying portion of a game like Godhood as "flavor text" kind of colossally misses the point, someone attempting to look back over at who spent what when would still literally just be looking for blocks of bold. As in, exactly what they're doing in your system. If having to skip over a few paragraphs of IC action in between bolded chunks is too much work for you, I just really don't know what to say.
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
All I'm saying is it's a polite thing to do.
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
No, a polite thing to do would have been not to try to dictate the way people playing a game you are literally not involved in at all play their game.

If we're talking about politeness.

But we are clearly not! This is a convenient thing. For you. Your reasoning ultimately boils down to "Do it this way because that is the way I like it best", which is pretty intrinsically impolite. Doubly so because you made a public spectacle of it and singled me out specifically while so doing rather than send a PM or go on IRC or literally anything other than passive-aggressively trying to bend my game to your will in the OOC thread.

So, yes, you can request other players do that. You can't demand it though, and I won't be doing it. Thanks for making this a Thing, though.
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
Jeez. I was just asking.
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
It is pretty traditional in GH. Makes timelining easier for me as well but I'm not in either game so who cares what I think.
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
Ok, Modbeast sauntering in and telling some people in this discussion to quit the whiny passive-aggressive demeanour. None of that in my forum.
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
Planet atmosphere, how much? Earth sized planet for earthlike atmosphere
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
nvm, if that's not enough i'll put more in next round.
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Demons, Remember:]
I need those PMs from Demons before I can start writing up the turn end!

Earth-size atmosphere is 2 acts for normal density, 1 act for a thin atmosphere.
~◕ w◕~
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Demons, Remember:]
Editing my original submission with a slightly more specific definiton of the third sphere.

Also thanks Leafsw0rd!
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Demons, Remember:]
Have the range of temperatures I'm going to be using to describe planetary conditions, from hottest to coldest.

Actually on Fire
Almost on Fire
Quite Hot
Absolute Zero
~◕ w◕~
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Demons, Remember:]
Cool, 'cept 'quite hot' sounds like something that'd be between 'tropical' and 'warm', and 'absolute zero' is cooler sounding than 'utterly frozen'- *bricked*
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Demons, Remember:]
It /does/ look better this way, doesn't it? Good call, kid.
~◕ w◕~
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Demons, Remember:]
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Demons, Remember:]
Sorry about not going with the shoreline biome yet, DShipper. It's just that when you posted it I was like 90% done on my god act usage post there.
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Demons, Remember:]
Just to clarify, Craft isn't yelling at Bacardi's "transgression" alone. He's got an enemy in his past, and talking about being small and tiny at any sort of length brings it boiling up in him.

EDIT: Craft's been using a lot of fancy-sounding names, but they don't have a direct translation. They're all latvian words adjusted for legibility.

Seriba comes from Cerība, meaning hope.

The rest of these will be introduced in the morning, with this huge expodump.
Fantāzija means Fantasy
Sapnis means Dream
and Murgs means nightmare.
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Demons, Remember:]
Ohh, looking forward to it! *whaps Bacardi with rolled-up newspaper tho* XD; Not a very classy deity, that one! (But plenty entertaining. 8'D)

If anyone's wondering, Philomela's Nest is thus named in homage to a greek myth. The name itself means "friend of song", and the myth is a rather gruesome one.
Ironically, Philomela was turned into a nightingale, whose females do not sing. So Lord Rack's choice of name for the Lygiswyrm birthing grounds- Philomela's nest- is like a wish for her to regain her voice and sing once more, through proxy of these here musical space worms.

As for the name Lygiswyrm itself, I just taped some greek onto the word "wyrm". Ligys means "clear-voiced, shrill, whistling".

Edit: Oh right, and an Atrium is an open-roofed entrance hall. When I named it, I was thinking of the asteroid-nebula-belt as an open-air 'entrance' to Esmeralda's solar system.
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Demons, Remember:]
I choose to wear my unclassiness with pride.
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Demons, Remember:]
A clarification about Kahtrak's little spiel. It was triggered by the accusation that animal life is a frivolous pursuit. So he is using the word "we" to mean himself and Craft in this situation (since he has probably not noticed the skyworms yet and Olmolm has been transparent about his creation's sapient intentions). He's acting like he's rushing to Craft's defense, but is probably just exploiting a chance to lecture somebody about ecology.

Also, if we want a species to have a social flocking behavior, do we have to spend an act on it?
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Demons, Remember:]
Nah if you want them to flock they can flock.
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