The 2am thread

The 2am thread
RE: The 2am thread
Oh hey would you look at the time
RE: The 2am thread
I am wide awake and with the sore throat of many conversations of copious bitching had

All in all an acceptable evening
RE: The 2am thread
Still figuring out how I feel about this thread, considering my current pet hate of people shouting into voids but: also considering everything in here like folks' insecurities is on-hand if people do want to bring it up at a more reasonable hour???

It's like letting things flow with no filter so you have a record to review things with later, when your filters and faculties are restored
RE: The 2am thread
To;dr heart to hearts are great things when done right. There should be more of them in the world and I should try o facilitate their increased númerosity.

And now, a diary entry as written by my student:
I went to Hawaii to swim.
I bought a car to ride.
I was surprised to see my friends there.
We played video games to spend time together.
RE: The 2am thread
Honestly while the student wrote this confident they could make up whatever they pleased, that last line is super-relatable

More so than the kid who wrote "I bought false teeth to collect. I was embarrassed to see my friends there. We ate the false teeth to spend time together."

Provided they're not using cusses or bullying each other, I will teach my kids to say whatever comes to mind in English.

Should I start a re: the 2am thread thread so we can talk about what our awful darkest hour sleep-indebted selves spat out, free of this effed up asynchronity?
RE: The 2am thread
Eh if someone actually wants it they can whip it up, it's a free e-country
RE: The 2am thread
Goodnight sweet piece of shit threwd
RE: The 2am thread
It's 2am and I'm not sure why I'm even awake

at least tonight I probably won't get jet lag waking me up at 4am again
RE: The 2am thread
maybe I should just get some sleep and stop waiting for things to happen that probably won't for any satisfactory amount of time anyway

or I could try out the new Binding of Isaac game thing why not

at no point am I considering getting work done because eh its barely Saturday I'll be fine this is good decisionmaking

I mean it's certainly rational, I keep getting away with leaving everything to the last possible minute despite constantly pushing that to the limit
RE: The 2am thread
as far as things to be slightly put out about go not having anyone in meatspace to talk to about how neat Undertale is probably lands pretty low on the scale but well here we are
RE: The 2am thread
alas, I've run out of pathos to fuel my 2am post machine with and might just lie around for the next 16 minutes not being particularly productive

props to you, brave 2am thread viewer, for viewing this thread OUT OF BOUNDS

don't let the it-might-be-a-rules-schazer-wasn't-very-clear hold you back
RE: The 2am thread
unless you're reading this between 2 and 2:30am in which case what are you doing you're supposed to be posting not reading
RE: The 2am thread
at least I, too, can bold text at 2am

and so can you, if you just believe

(and stay up until 2am)

RE: The 2am thread
I wonder where these 2am posts come from

are we all in bed as we should be according to Societal And Circadian Orthodoxy

what devices are we posting from

i'm on a laptop (on my lap) in bed, but I think I'm in the minority there

2am seems like more of a phone time if you ask me

what're the lighting conditions like

do we care at all about the fact that staring at a screen for half an hour between 2 and 2:30 am means we're not getting any proper sleep for the night (haha yeah no)
RE: The 2am thread
it's 2:29 and so I too must bid this thread a good night

g'night thread, g'night folks reading this thread

you're all alright
RE: The 2am thread
Hello 2am thread, I'm back (and posting on my laptop, Phone posting is only for the hours of 6am-1pm, aka when i am supposed to be sleeping). I'm making roast potatoes! By the time i am gone from here, they should be ready to eat. Exciting.
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: The 2am thread
One of my friends is feeling super depressed and not taking her medication, because she has trouble swallowing it. We met up earlier tonight and had a really nice time hanging out and talking about armageddon (the local convention here) and zinefest, which is upcoming this weekend? i had a lot of fun but she thought she was being unpleasant and rude the whole time, which makes me sad. On top of all this she has con crud pretty bad and looked half dead by the time she was heading home; losing her voice and everything.

I feel kind of hypocritical being so concerned about her not taking her meds, since i forgot all the time? Even though it completely fucks up my guts every time i do. I hate to think of what they're doing to my organs
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: The 2am thread
I have some leftover chocolate and i'm going to make a lava cake as dessert after my potatoes are done
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: The 2am thread
i know i had the benefit of watching it all at once last time but theres a new season of kanpai senshi after v, a weird like, comedy show about a group of super sentai/power rangers who party after their fights and its about their interpersonal character stuff and how the main villain is the chef at the restaurant they go to every day, but like, uh, the new season feels slow and its like, i dont wknow what i want in that it could just be a new season of doing new jokes and gags and interactions and stuff but i kinda wish it was like, more different things instead of similar ones? idk its like, so far one of the main reoccurring jokes is that the main villain is using his powers to pretend to be waitress and its weird but its mostly used to hhave the main villain help the heroes do things without them knowing hes helping and i kinda want to fast forward to the part where we get payoff instead of all of this i guess, its like, i dont know is it worse? is it because i have to wait a week before theres more? this is such a bother???? yanno uh
uh the other thing is that like, the main villain is a lot more like, "no i got to help tho" like the nightmare knight would do in cuco quest but its worse because in the first episode its implied hes doing SOMETHING actually ambitious or evil but we dont know what and i want!!! to know!!!! and its all just like "but i dont actually like them or anything" but past the point where i feel like its a joke all in itself? also i dont like yellow bc hes an old man but not old enough that hes cute old like the main villain is. i dont know i shouldnt crit shows at 2 am ig
RE: The 2am thread
my sister has a bunch of her friends over and i just want to sleep so idk what im gunna do after i finish watching this episode

everything wants to update and i want them all to shut up
RE: The 2am thread
this episode isnt, quite what i thought it was, its kind of worse than i thought it was, and i still hate yellow
RE: The 2am thread
i hate myself so deeply and in every aspect no matter how i try to escape and also im super fucking horny a lot because im gross
RE: The 2am thread
today i was cute but i dont know if that matters where i am
RE: The 2am thread
the maini villain is cute because hes old and doesnt know a lot and is confused very easily

the other part of this episode i think is about pinks birthday and everyone forgot so im pretty sure its going to only get worse and its like, well, thats kind of why this show is funny, because all of them are jerks, but forgetting a birthday is, idk how to feel despite me forgetting like, every birthday lmao
RE: The 2am thread
i still mostly like the show because th fx is retro wacky nice

but this next bit is, going to be , a thing, i can tell aleady