Ifenan Legends [Abandoned]

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Ifenan Legends [Abandoned]
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
(09-17-2013, 05:51 AM)MasterBlade Wrote: »[...] its more "consecutive weapon attacks" then coming at an opponent with two weapons at the same time.

That is more or less what it amounts to in most cases. Separate attacks are made with each weapon, in quick enough succession for it to happen in a single half-round.

As for being able to use a bow and swing a melee weapon with that perk; it involves having an arrow between two fingers of the hand holding the melee weapon and holding said weapon with thumb and two other fingers so it can be held out of the way to notch and fire off the arrow. It's a unique skill that requires Duel Weapon Finesse (or similar).

The same thing can be done with a crossbow; the difference being that most crossbows require a second free hand to work the mechanism(s) for it to be ready to fire again, and that pulling the trigger is simple enough to be done without the perk (with the normal duel wielding penalty applied).

It's worth noting that Pewwer had a huge penalty to his attack with that bow shot for being in melee range; bigro in fact succeeded in defending against it... just not by enough to negate all the damage (for which Pewwer had an excellent roll - a perfect roll, in fact, if I remember correctly).
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
I have finished my char sheet and can say that I am available whenever save for weekdays, where I am only available from 4:30-9:00 EST.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
Can it be earlier than 11:00 on Saturday? Like, 9?
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
I don't mind 9 (we're talkin' EST right?)
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
yes, EST.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
9pm EST (2am GMT) is alright for myself as well.

bigro, cyber95 (confirmed via IRC), MasterBlade?
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
I have no problems.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
So is it just me or was Cyber the only one in the channel tonight?
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
It's you. That irc client was all a fabrication. A ruse, to trick you into wasting your valuable time! To WATCH all those dreaded commercials on the way!
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)

So did we change channels then? I could have sworn I was at the right place at the right time. o-o
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
No, that was me making a sarcastic joke.


think this game needs to be re-arranged in-thread though
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
Sorry about the long delay there. I needed to take a step back to examine how this has gone so far, and it's proven productive.

Firstly, the problems up to this point have been firmly at my own feet. As the GM I am supposed to coordinate the group, but I've been too lax in that regard from the word 'go'. It's also my own responsibility to provide pacing - something I've looked to the group for, which simply doesn't work as I'm the one with knowledge of upcoming events.

Another mistake was not providing enough information for people to create characters - I assumed that beginning at level 1 would indicate that the player characters were to be fledgling adventurers; not all that more able than any other person in the setting... yet.

And finally, I tried to start the party with the bare minimum railroading... which, given my lack of experience, only resulted in the player characters being a bunch of random people with no incentive to work together.

As a side note, further examination and testing of the rule-set has brought around some much-needed tweaks. I'll detail those as I iron them out and mercilessly put them through the testing meat-grinder. The changes I'm examining are mostly back-end; I don't foresee them visibly impacting anything player-side.

The long and short of this:

- I will need everyone to post in this thread the times/days they're definitely available for around 3 consecutive hours (with the first half an hour being devoted to prep). "Available anytime" is utterly unhelpful. Apologies for the sudden leap in strictness, but it's necessary.

- The events that have gone through so far make continuing past reasonable expectation where in-character behaviour is concerned. Additionally the starting 'scenario' is somewhat beyond my ability to handle properly. Those two facts mean that starting over is most likely the best thing to be done.

- Possibly more to come. We'll see. Given that this is being rebooted with a different beginning, I'm perfectly fine with character re-creation should anyone like to. More info on the new starting scenario should be coming soon.

Sorry about the troubles; this is very much a learning experience for myself, being my first time acting as GM. Hopefully I haven't turned anyone off with my blatant floundering.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)

don't know what I'm supposed to say if I'm available at any time, but can't say that? I guess I'm more often awake until like, midnight PST most days but I can still most likely make it if it's at a weird time?????

Also I think I'm probably still good with my character. Might consider a few stat tweaks, maybe. Dunno.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
My time is still open pending the job I've still yet to get hours for.

Consider meready wherever, whenever.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
(10-02-2013, 06:59 PM)cyber95 Wrote: »don't know what I'm supposed to say if I'm available at any time
MasterBlade Wrote:Consider meready wherever, whenever.

What times would be ideal in that case?
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
9 PM to 12 AM on Sundays, EST (-5).

That is the best time for me. Definitely.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
There is no ideal! Any time that I don't turn out to be specifically busy! I've given the most information I can!
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
(10-03-2013, 04:13 PM)cyber95 Wrote: »There is no ideal! Any time that I don't turn out to be specifically busy! I've given the most information I can!

Given that you seem to be around a whole lot of the time, and were up for both sessions, I think I can let you get away with that. :P
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
My ideal would be late evening EST, though I can make it whenever.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
Credit has informed me that his schedule has changed, he no longer has time to play.

E: As much as I hate to do it, I'm removing bigro from the group.

I've looked over the characters and found the party to still be good. Lack of an Invoker or Berserk shouldn't cause a problem, and the party as a whole is particularly sturdy. I will be introducing an NPC who will join/hire the party to get things going early game.

Additionally, we will be using VOIP (Skype or Mumble), as it will allow me to give dialogue and descriptions much faster; though, you guys don't need to speak if you'd rather not.

We should be able to have a session this Sunday starting at 9PM EST (the first half an hour will be set aside for set-up), assuming no one wants to redo their character. Is this good for everyone?
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
S'good for me. I'd prefer Skype. My Skype is cyber952.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
If you're going to be talking and not typing, consider me out.

(otherwise, my skype is Garurar)

e: actually, don't. it's not fair that i be booted out because i'm deaf.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
And I'm a mute. Speaking is not happening.
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
MasterBlade Wrote:And I'm a mute. Speaking is not happening.
Not a problem. Do you have a Skype account to use to listen in with?

Garuru Wrote:i'm deaf
Silly as it sounds to say, I hope you don't mean that literally. D:
RE: Ifenan Legends (Live-Session DnD-like)
I actually do! :D
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]