Aluudon [DF]

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Aluudon [DF]
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Thriggle's Log: 1st Granite, 251, Early Spring - Not My Fault


RE: Aluudon [DF]
Deer Diary:

It's all thriggle's fault.

Seriessly, I'm the youngest dworf hear, and even I no that this whole situ- setyu- sichuayshon is redicyuluss.

Wi, of all places, would she deside to stop in a sodding DESSERT?! And NOWAIR near the few sorces of surfase water around.

Backtrack? No, thatd be silly. Talk to hyoomans yer bloodee self if yoo want to no the informayshon? No, lets send a guy hoo's lissening through a kote and a guy who's nown for his shitty memoree, that sounds like a plan. Not, maybe, sha fuk it the ranger, who has an exselent memoree, oh no.

I reelee hate it wenn a Rakust wershiper takes things 2 seriouslee, without telling everywon first.
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Purple Walrus's Journal:

So I decided to start a journal. I don't know how long I'll keep updating it, but hey I'll worry about that later.

So anyway, morale is pretty low since we are in a desert with no sign of the mountain of riches anywhere. Though I feel all is not lost. The geology of this place intrigues me. Who knows, if we dig far enough we might find something valuable. We may have not found a mountain, but we might still find riches.

Purple Walrus Idokosh
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Thriggle's Log: 2nd Granite, 251, Early Spring - Strike the Earth! (Not the Badgers!)
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Thriggle's Log: 28th Granite, 251, Early Spring
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Entry the first of Schazer Mengishash:

I've been tasked with writing down my personal experiences on the frontier by Expedition Leader Thriggle, for future generations or some rubbish. I personally can't see how the inner workings of a ranger keen to just do her job is gonna grip the minds of "future generations", but I guess that's why Thriggle's in charge of this outfit and not me.

Not that I'm fully on board with that. He promised me falcons to deal with any rats, damnit! And sure he didn't promise me decent bolts when we embarked but by Uthgar's ministrations, he surely could have done better than caravan scraps? I'm stealing those real bolts as soon as I can from under his Bookkeeper-aspirant nose. It feels like I've been wheedling and extorting and waiting to go out on a hunt for months, now.

Dare call me an elf, but I hope somewhere in this sandy hell is a patch of soil to plant some crops on. Nothing like a handful of cave wheat scroggin to tide a dwarf over while she's out hunting.

On which note: Badgers! Exquisite beasts. No shortage of bones in those little balls of rage, which'll make damn better bolts than this splintery rubbish. If Tripps might humour me and turn that wreckage into something more useful, such as cages, there's enough of the Meles Menace that I could turn my hand to capturing and taming a breeding pair. They'd be a nicer sight around the fortress than cats, at any rate.

I'm also capturing that echidna and leaving its egg-stuffed carcass in Thriggle's office if it's the last thing I do. Ask that degenerate which one of us knows their animals. That'll learn him.
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Journal of Palamedes Ecemlimul:

Entry One:

Entry Two:

Entry Three:
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Tripps entry the first:

5th of Granite

There are no fish here. No river. No water. It is a grand shame, in my opinion. Our glorious leader seems concerned that I will take him up on his offer of a crossbow bolt. But I am not as zealous as him on that subject.

And I actually find myself somewhat optimistic about our chances in this desolate wasteland. The humans seem to thrive here, so surely we can survive a scant few months! That is, if I can make anybody else understand that even particularly good batches of alcohol come in finite quantities. I for one would gladly volunteer to scout for some water. Even just a pond or something would be quite the relief, from the cruel desiccation and the overfriendly heat.
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Journal of Palamedes Ecemlimul:

Entry 4:
Entry 5:
Entry 6:
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Thriggle's Log: 1st Slate, 251, Mid-Spring - Thirst For The Worst

3rd Slate, 251, Mid-Spring - Oasis

9th Slate, 251, Mid-Spring - Of Cats and Quacks

RE: Aluudon [DF]
Thriggle's Log: 11th Slate, Mid-Spring - Release the Hounds!
16th Slate, 251, Mid-Spring - Thrippin' Out
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Deer Diary:


RE: Aluudon [DF]
Entry the second of Schazer Mengishash:

I'm pretty sure Palamedes has been converted to that foul overlord Thriggle's ministrations. I've still seen not hide nor hair of any bolts worth sneezing at, and Tripps still won't make with the wooden cages with which I must suffice if I'm going to catch us some badgers. My stock of war dogs that I'm apparently meant to be using to raise a canine militia look positively inbred, and if Leafsword's howling's anything to go by they're going to be put through their paces sooner rather than later.

[Image: db6427040a4ac8c90589da94f94f050f.png]

The male (left) can be Rumpus, and the female Leo. Short for Leotard. Long may they bite on greater beasts' ankles and produce many offspring.

E: Bonus:

[Image: 0RSSoON.png]

How did the ducks get a place to sit before I did?
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Looked up the names of the Players which could be translated into dwarvish.

Leafsw0rd -> Govosdast0t
MasterBlade -> KinTarmid
Purple Walrus -> Rashrul Bufutgembish (Technically, that's purple tusk-seal, but there's no direct translation for Walrus.)
Denizen "Tripps" Shipper -> Bomsanrebaral "Umid" Zuglararal (Technically, it's Homeownwoman "Fall" Shipwoman. I had to get really creative with this one, can you tell?)

Rumpus -> Givel (Technically Scuffle, but it still kind of works.)
Leotard -> Kurel??? (That's Lion???, I got stuck.)

For the rest of you, you're beyond my help, I'm sorry to say.
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Purple Walrus's Journal

Entry 2: 17th Slate, 251

Just realised that I should probably be dating these, so I know when I said what.
I haven't been writing in this thing, since I'm too busy mining and finding a butt load of jewels.
I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I totally called it that we would find something of value as soon as we started digging. I mean I literally stuck obsidian on the second day we got here.

In other news, we found some water and it looks like there could be more. Thriggle has asked me to figure out a way to channel it into the fort but I have bigger plans. If I channel the water into the right places I could turn this desert into grassland in a matter of months!
Though I feel that Thriggle is more concerned about having a bath.

Oh Also the other day I saw Leafsword bolt out of the fort. Apparently he was defending us from Bug people.
But all I heard he did was wave his sword wildly and fell asleep. Let's hope he doesn't nod off while fighting a dragon or something.

Thats pretty much it.
I don't know how Palamedes and Thriggle do it.
They write so much in their journals. I took a quick look at Palamedes's and he has like five entries. I mean thats how much time he has on his hands... lazy ass.

Purple Walrus Idokosh
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Tripps entry the second

19th of Slate

The doctor keeps asking me to make him a crossbow. I've been telling him I'm too busy but the truth is I'm not sure I can.

When I work with wood, my intentions are mostly ornamental. I have to take into consideration the grain, the natural hue, and the surface finish. A skilled bowyer would be thinking about an entire different set of conditions, like tension or something. I don't even know where to begin.

If he asks again, I'll just make him the crossbow and claim he's a bad marksdwarf when it falls apart. Maybe Schazer would back me up, at least.

Although for all their insults, they seem to talk to each-other more than anyone else, now that I think about it. Weird.
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Thriggle's Log: 26th Slate, Mid-Spring

Thriggle's Log: 10th Felsite, Late Spring
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Thriggle's Log: 1st Hematite, 251, Early Summer
Thriggle's Log: 12th Hematite, 251, Early Summer
Thriggle's Log: 8th Malachite, 251, Mid-Summer
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Journal of Palamedes Ecemlimul:

Entry Seven:

Entry Eight:

Entry Nine:

Entry Ten:

Entry Eleven:

Entry Twelve:
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Journal of Palamedes Ecemlimul:

Entry Thirteen:

Entry Fourteen:

Entry Fifteen:
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Name: frigidScholar, dwarf nickname: "Dizzy"
Immigration Preference: Don't care!
Overseer Preference: I literally just picked up the game, so definitely not right now. Maybe later, but probably not.
Skill Preference: I know it's random now, but if I have the aptitude for masonry send me there.
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Thriggle's Log: 9th Malachite, 251, Mid-Summer - EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Thriggle's Log: 16th Malachite, 251, Mid-Summer - Have You Seen This Duckling?

Thriggle's Log: 22nd Malachite, 251, Mid-Summer - Goose Update

Thriggle's Log: 26th Malachite, 251, Mid-Summer - Buzz Kill
RE: Aluudon [DF]
Thriggle's Log: 28th Malachite, 251, Mid-Summer
RE: Aluudon [DF]
I love how my journal posts keep fitting with things happening after the fact.
RE: Aluudon [DF]
If ducklings provided usable bones, you would have had a crossbow by now.