NoNoNightmare (nightmare is over)

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NoNoNightmare (nightmare is over)
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

> Look for the duck that was just here. Look up to see if it flys overhead.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by The One Guy.

> To the duck pond!
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by STRONG_TYPING.

> Go to the luck river and scoop up a handful of luck.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

[Image: 14.png]

You are already at the duck pond.
However, there is no duck to be seen.
You wonder where it went. It's not in the water.

[Image: 15.png]

It's not in the air, either. Though, it's hard to tell about that.
It's always so dark around here, and not just because you're in a forest.
You wonder if it's ever brighter in other places.

Well, wondering isn't getting you anywhere.
You don't remember seeing any rivers going through the forest.
Maybe asking for directions might help?

[Image: 16.png]

"A river? Nope, sorry, there aren't any rivers in this forest."

Well, dang. You need to find a way to get a jar full of luck.

hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

> You heard me! Jar of luck!
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

Or a miracle pill, or a duck feather. Any would be good.
~◕ w◕~
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

[Image: 17.png]

You need to find where to get luck, and you think it comes in the form of a river! You heard you can get luck somewhere in this forest, so where's the river???

[Image: 18.png]

"Luck doesn't flow in a river, you idiot, you have to find a jar with luck already in it. And you have to be fast if you want to catch it."

[Image: 19.png]

You explain what you need in a bit more detail.

"Ah. Well, there should be a duck near the duck pond, but if there isn't, it probably got eaten. I could get it back.
Miracle pill? I would think that Dr. Stork would have plenty of pills. Maybe he ran out or something, but you should ask him about where he gets them.
As for the jar of luck, you'll just have to look carefully. They hide themselves well.
If I find any of these things, I'll let you know."
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

I think it must have gotten eaten, then.

Thank him, and give him a hugs.

BACK TO STORK! You need to ask about dem pills.
~◕ w◕~
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

> Go back to where you started maybe something will be there.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

[Image: 21.png]

Alright, since you're pretty close to the doctor's office anyway, you head over to ask about the miracle pills.

[Image: 22.png]

[Image: 20.png]

"Where do I get my usual shipment of miracle pills? I have a trusted supplier, of course! They usually arrive in my mail, but my most recent shipment seems to have been misplaced. Those mailmen are always mixing up addresses, yes? I suppose SOMEONE nearby must have gotten them..."

He mumbles and slips back into the office. You're not sure if asking him really helped or not.

[Image: 23.png]

Seriously, does he expect you to just go invade someone's mailbox to see if his mail was misplaced?! Where is the SOURCE of the miracle pills? Asking the lumberjack isn't going to help this time---

[Image: 24.png]


[Image: 25.png]

You're pretty sure you found what ate the duck.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

Dive into it's mouth; the duck is in it's stomach!
~◕ w◕~
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Bagofnuts.

Make small talk, try to get the conversation to beakless ducks and retrieving them from the ethereal stomach of said mouth.
Don't look inside.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by The One Guy.

> Welp, the duck's inside there, right? Head on in!
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by whatpumpkiin.

>Floss its teeth. :3
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

> Cry and run home like a normal person.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by STRONG_TYPING.

Ask if it knows where miracle pills come from.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

[Image: 26.png]

Well, you've gotta get that duck! The rules to fighting off an Eater run through your mind, and you feel like you can take him on...

[Image: 27.png]

But then common sense kicks in. You're a weakling with no weapons or powers to speak of. The rule about fighting when you're a weakling is to RUN.

[Image: 28.png]

You figure while you've got a lead you might as well frantically shout to the lumberjack that an Eater is coming this way.

The lumberjack doesn't seem to want to run.

[Image: 29.png]

"Ah, you found it? Alright then, just stay here and I'll take care of this."

[Image: 30.png]

And with that, he charges straight into the Eater's mouth. What is wrong with this guy? Doesn't he know about the rules to fighting Eaters?

[Image: 31.png]

[Image: 32.png]

[Image: 33.png]

"I got the duck."

hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

> Bring it back to stork and go off to find the next item.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Iyestorm.

>Be sure to thank the lumberjack.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

Victory dance!
~◕ w◕~
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

[Image: 34.png]

You triumphantly bring the duck to the doctor.

"Ahhh? I see you've found an abundant source of feathers... a little damp, a little smelly, but I can clean it up!
Now, you were going to bring me the pill and the luck, yes?
Those are more important than the feathers, so get to it!"

As you leave the office, you hear a crashing.

[Image: 35.png]

Oh. He finished off the tree.

Nice job.

"What do you want now? Didn't you need something else other than the bird?"

Oh, yeah. You needed the medicine and the jar of luck or whatever.

"Mmm. I can't help you with the medicine thing, but remember, the jars like to hide. I heard something rustling in the bushes earlier, that might've been it."

You have a feeling he doesn't want your company right now.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

Go off on your own

~◕ w◕~
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Jacquerel.

High five that tree
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by goggleman64.

> Be vewy vewy quiet. You're hunting Jarbbits . . . with no tools.

> Ask the lumberjack if you can borrow a small hand-axe.
Re: NoNoNightmare
Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

> Jump in the nearest bush!