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RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Accepting Applications!]
(03-18-2013, 08:46 PM)Mythee Wrote: »Does anyone here remember an RP guild called Exile that was a bunch of gods exiled from a destroyed world being given a second chance, populating and guiding the fate of a new one? Because if this is in any way tied to that, it'll be like a reunion with old RP friends amg. O_O

Never heard of the RP guild, but the game itself sounds similar to this one, in concept, at least? Like I said in the first post, if there's any sort of character arc or pre-existing plot elements that go with your character and you'd like them to find their way into the narrative, PM me some details and I'll see what I can do/want to do.
~◕ w◕~
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Accepting Applications!]
It's a fun as heck concept that left a great impression on me, so it's great to see it again, and with an added game system to boot! I looked at the outline of the rules (How Acts work and such) in the other thread, and I am intrigued. 8'D

I had considered my 'Exile' god character (Myth) but opted for a more comic-relief oriented one (Lord Rack) instead, since I think that would be more entertaining for everyone! But she's my namesake. Golden-armored, riding a giant-mountain-goat-beast-mount, a goddess of fear, valor and courage. Coz you can't have courage without conquering your fears. I don't think it overlaps too much with the existing apps for me to apply, but I felt like trying something different.
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Accepting Applications!]
Sign-ups are OVER!
~◕ w◕~
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Jubilations!]

Team Honey!
Team Jam!

Bacardi Clear
Science (Alcohol, Water)
Discovery (Travel, Penance+Duty)

Small Living Things (Intricacy, Deduction)
Cycles (Oils and Minerals, Ecosystems)

Practice/Learning (Predatory Species, Refined Metal)
Lost Things (Deception, Solitude)

Lord Rack
Dalibora and Abselon
Creativity (Missed Opportunities, Progress)
Duality (Life, Death)

Macian Scelle
Stories (Endings, Flaws)
Craft (Earth, Agriculture)

Pacian IX; HRKH
Underground (Curiosity, Memory)
Authority (Precious Metals, Monuments)

Suki, Mia, and Amelia
Fire (Communication, Industry)
Living (Mistakes, Mist)

Demons! You will know who you are once I send you your info-tastic role-PM. You are to keep it an utmost secret! I still need to write it!

About the teams!
Each team has its own universe!
You can't pass anything from one universe to the other! Not items, not acts, not words!
The two teams are competing!
What's the win condition? That's a secret! Don't worry about it!
Just work together with your team-mates as best you can to have as much fun as possible!

The games will start when I post their IC threads!
~◕ w◕~
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Results]
Yay for Honey! Come on, guys, we should start considering combos!
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Results]
Yeah! Team Jam!

We got all the OPs from the previous games (who applied) and we're ready to be awesome!
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Results]
ooh, here's a few questions:

DaliborAbselon doesn't benefit from the 2 team setup, right?

are the two teams aware of each other/the competition?

Do the players know their own team to some extent?
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Results]
(03-19-2013, 08:40 AM)Leafsw0rd Wrote: »ooh, here's a few questions:

DaliborAbselon doesn't benefit from the 2 team setup, right?

are the two teams aware of each other/the competition?

Do the players know their own team to some extent?

Answer to the first two is no. Dunno about the third but I'm assuming it's also no, unless players decide that their gods have met before. Probably not a GM decision.
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Results]
If anyone wants to be from the same precedent world/universe as Lord Rack I'm okay with that OuO Aaaa this will be so awesome [/rainbowdashvoice]
Team Honey is TEAM SCIENCE >D
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Results]
Competing universes? I hope you know what you're doing, Whimbrel... :P
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Results]
Quote:Team Honey is TEAM SCIENCE
^Can that be our team motto, right there? that'd be great, thanks.

I'm already trying to think up how Craft will react to his team. Probably dismay, because he's kind of an ass like that.

Craft is also open to anyone on my team who wants to include him in their past. He probably hasn't heard of you unless you've done something to annoy him, but those who know him recognize him as "target for mischief" or "not this guy again"
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Results]
We are the healthiest team!
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Results]
...How exactly do you define team "health"?
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Results]
I just like to eat honey when I have the cold :U
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Results]
(03-19-2013, 08:40 AM)Leafsw0rd Wrote: »ooh, here's a few questions:

DaliborAbselon doesn't benefit from the 2 team setup, right?

are the two teams aware of each other/the competition?

Do the players know their own team to some extent?

He does not; only from Duality within his universe

They are aware neither of the competition nor of the other team, it is a purely metagame conceit

They do not know they are on teams (it's purely metagame), they only know that these bozos are the other gods in the universe with them.
~◕ w◕~
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Results]
Oh, a note to all players! If you have Private Messaging disabled, please enable it so I don't have to chase you down! ~◕ w◕~
~◕ w◕~
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
The walrus speaks the truth. Honey is very nutritious and makes your throat coated in a delicious protective layer. 8D

I wouldn't mind that motto. Craft sounds like fun to bug /punintended. Methinks L-Rack is prolly gonna be wanting to cooperate with whoever he can, though.
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]

Jam Edition

Honey Edition

and as always
Godhood IRC: [link]
~◕ w◕~
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
The threads are up! I'm off to school, so I just posted to say Craft was in, really.
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
I should've done this earlier

These are the costs for basic things. Extraordinary properties may add to the cost.
Planets and junkShow

~◕ w◕~
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
FAQ #1!
Q:What is the difference between SAPIENCE and INTELLIGENCE? Do I have to purchase both?
A: SAPIENT creatures have self awareness, emotion, individual preferences and desires, and are spontaneously artistic. Free will, perhaps?
INTELLIGENCE is the ability to think logically. To be able to learn and organize and create complex tools and make observations and so on.

You can inspire SAPIENT creatures to worship you if you're creative, but they probably won't pass the tradition down to their progeny on their own, and their worship is fervent but a bit aimless, especially if your concept is difficult for them to understand.

INTELLIGENT creatures are unlikely to worship you without a continued incentive to do so--which is to say, you have to keep bribing them for their worship. And really, they aren't sincere in their worship in the first place. It's poor quality worship.

Creatures that are both INTELLIGENT and SAPIENT are considered ideal followers.

Sapience and Intelligence cost one act EACH to apply to a living thing at average levels. You can, of course, restrict features to fit your flavor as you like, or spend extra to add special features.
~◕ w◕~
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
what about creating creatures themselves?
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
Does this still apply (from previous session?)
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
Yes, those are good costs, as are the ones for interacting with mortals!

The only thing I'm changing is that you can't straight up cast "Kill Creature" 'cause it's BORING
If you want to kill something you're gonna have to get imaginative!
~◕ w◕~
RE: Godhood XIV [OOC] [Enable PMs, Players!]
I would like to request that people put a bold summary of their actions at the bottom of their posts.
I will give an example as well.
Note that the total is not necessary but if you want to do the adding for everyone you can.
Raptarion made a polite request- 2 Acts
Raptraion gives an example, "You can also do it like this!" (12)
Total- (14 Acts)