[LIVE] - 2/20/19 - 0th Planet

[LIVE] - 2/20/19 - 0th Planet
RE: [LIVE] - 3/16/2018 - A chat

[Image: CgpzWrr.png]

[Image: 5jQQG4y.png]

[Image: UtmtYdJ.png]
I'm the mod creator ƐZ12Pz v1, if it isn't clear by now.

[Image: Afargp6.png]
Oh! Uh, where are my patrons?

[Image: UtmtYdJ.png]
The universe doesn't exist just yet technically, so I have to run a few things. It is time for a personality quiz.

[Image: BbsLZWl.png]
Hope you don't mind me getting perfect marks

[Image: ab81Ga1.gif]

[Image: ZnNR8Qd.png]

[Image: UlajdYw.gif]
My name is Aliyah, but I'd prefer you call me AliCat2020 as it's my NoTube name. I was born on May 29th, and I'm She/Hers

[Image: UtmtYdJ.png]
♊ got it.

[Image: UtmtYdJ.png]
2. Would you say you roll with the punches or get caught up on your mistakes?

[Image: TknzWTI.gif]
Well I think I'd say that I do 'o'

[Image: mGhzpns.png]

[Image: F8gqcWi.gif]
I'm not sure I get the question, but probably say they have to explain why they feel that way?

[Image: 89d2HU6.png]
4. Are you saying you wouldn't threaten them until they change?

[Image: F8gqcWi.gif]
No!! It makes more sense to just make it a discussion.

[Image: jBPmpmc.png]

[Image: UlajdYw.gif]
As long as they're not violent as long as it takes I think.

[Image: UtmtYdJ.png]
Thank you. This narrows the list some.

[Image: r2w3TCO.png]

[Image: TknzWTI.gif]
I think I'd go with the blade? I'm not violent but I think the blade would have a lot of uses like imagine cutting through diamonds like butter :0

[Image: 0VR5t1t.gif]
That...is an interesting answer.

[Image: 89d2HU6.png]
7. Is killing fun?

[Image: F8gqcWi.gif]
No, but I think it's understandable when you have to. Hunting for instance I guess is important.

[Image: yDjA9pz.png]

[Image: F8gqcWi.gif]
There's a limit, but I think I'd only get violent if it was something horrible.

[Image: wJxm6kR.gif]
I think everyone would commit murder if it was nightmarish enough.

[Image: WEwro0O.png]
That brings us to a different question...

[Image: WEwro0O.png]
9. Do you dream often? How do you handle nightmares?

[Image: UlajdYw.gif]
I do, and I keep a dream diary ^o^

[Image: F8gqcWi.gif]
But with nightmares I tend to try and keep calm and reshape it to something I can handle if it's too bad, or I just force myself to wake up.

[Image: 0eORiPv.png]

[Image: TknzWTI.gif]
I heard it was really cute, and my fans wanted to watch.

[Image: WEwro0O.png]
Ah right you have the streamer DLC, and your computer is running a streaming program alongside this one.

[Image: 4BFjiuS.png]
You can see that?

[Image: UtmtYdJ.png]
Some AIs are fully capable of snooping. I made sure that I would be able to do that when people downloaded my mod, and that I would be here at all.

[Image: vAToHnr.png]

[Image: nhrcYB1.png]
[Image: UtmtYdJ.png]
While I know this is exciting I personally recommend that you do your best to focus on just a single sphere.

[Image: UtmtYdJ.png]
If you divide yourself across everything possible you might be demoted to Support, or worse Culture.

[Image: UtmtYdJ.png]
Which is still a valid playstyle, but please decide mentally now so you can go for your dream rather than wasting all the boons your setup has afforded you. Deleting everything and reinstalling is too much of a pain.

[Image: BbsLZWl.png]
Got it!

[Image: 0iMLP7O.png]

AliCat2020's next choices:
  • What are examples of each sphere I could get :?
  • How many player AIs are there in this game? I thought I did a fresh install :o
  • Will I see you again? How did the quiz work?
Aliyah will try to choose questions from the stream chat, and try to get one from most people.
When you were watching, what question did you remember her picking?

RE: [LIVE] - 3/16/2018 - A Chat
>Can you give a few tips about a secrets? Like, how I say it... The secret shop.
>Or a secret patron/achivement?!
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [LIVE] - 3/16/2018 - A Chat
[Image: 4BFjiuS.png]
Can I get some examples of each sphere :?

[Image: WEwro0O.png]
Yes. Click the box to read them.


[Image: nUhoK3A.png]
Thanks for that. How about some tips on secrets :?

[Image: UtmtYdJ.png]
I'm not fully sure what you mean...but here is what I can offer:

[Image: 0VR5t1t.gif]
People say to dig deep for the undergame, but I think they're digging too deep and pay the cost for it.

The 'secret menu' achievement requires you find out the password of whatever shopkeeper that has one. This achievement can be gained from ordering off an Edesia unit's secret menu, or getting access to a black market. It's highly varied and typically involves a very small sidequest like asking another customer what the secret menu is like rather than begging for the password.

In case you're asking about patrons there aren't any secret patrons. Some must be unlocked through an achievement, quest, or by another patron 'vetting' you. The only secret patron past that is a limbo god becoming your patron.

Most 'secrets' can be discovered by investigation or talking with those around you. Lore is treated by in-universe characters as being more or less common knowledge (sometimes); This can be a hard skill to learn.

[Image: WEwro0O.png]
I fully recommend reading the cosmosdex and brushing up on your mythology (and ancient history). I hope that answers your question.

[Image: HsAbOwT.gif]
That was.. a lot =0

[Image: UtmtYdJ.png]
Yes; It was.

[Image: nUhoK3A.png]
Are there other player AIs?

[Image: UtmtYdJ.png]
From a fresh install you'd have 0-5 based on your install roll.

[Image: 0VR5t1t.gif]
Currently the approximated number (impossible to narrow due to the way beta tester AIs are added. Thanks Fortuna) is around 14.

3 developers, 2 staff, 3 testers, and then 6 modders. I'm one of those, so that's 5 unseen from that group.

Miss Itty Bitty, Mr Tommy Gun, and O13 are likely candidates basing from my recognition of your installed mods.

[Image: Afargp6.png]
Is it possible I'll see you in the game? How did the quiz work?

[Image: 89d2HU6.png]
Aside from teaching people how to mod I honestly fucking hate interacting with other people.

It's why I set up an agreement. I stay the fuck out of pantheon affairs and that of the universe so long as I'm left alone Helios style.

[Image: UtmtYdJ.png]
So probably not.

[Image: UlajdYw.gif]
RIP, so what about the quiz, what's the point of it :0

[Image: 0VR5t1t.gif]
The quiz is designed to narrow you down into one of twenty different sphere pools.

This process was created so that people could steer things more easily to a specific sphere, while also allowing them to try out powers along the way.

[Image: HsAbOwT.gif]
I think that's all the questions

[Image: WEwro0O.png]
That's good news. For your patience with the quiz and installing the mod please take this complimentary gift.

[The captain of your next crew will start with a Fortuna Dice as a key item.]
[EZPZ v1 has quit being your patron.]
[Anubis v1 has become your patron.]

(There'll be another update to follow this one. Just finishing up Anubis v1)
RE: [LIVE] - 3/27/2018 - Ship Selection
[Image: qDtdiHi.png]

[Image: vNlPcHP.png]
[Anubis has arrived and he is borfing at you.]

The Devouring Lady
The Miku
The Undertaker
The Valkyrja
The Vasikos
RE: [LIVE] - 3/27/2018 - Ship Selection
>The Devouring Lady
RE: [LIVE] - 3/27/2018 - Ship Selection
>The Undertaker and Anubis
RE: [LIVE] - 3/27/2018 - Ship Selection
>Undertaker, Anubis.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [LIVE] - 3/27/2018 - Ship Selection
>Undertaker, Anubis.
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [LIVE] - 5/17/2018 - Loading
[Image: 9XjluoN.png]

Seems the game is stalling just a bit as it moves to the crew creation screen.

RE: [LIVE] - 5/29/2018 - Crew Database
[Image: rRv8NhP.png]

[Image: 465y68R.png]
...Aliyah, yes?

[Image: UlajdYw.gif]
Yeah!! 8D

[Image: YSnPE80.png]
Thank you for choosing to hire me. I will additionally do my best as your first crew's Ship AI.

[Image: F8gqcWi.gif]
Aww you don't need to thank me, but I'm really excited to have you onboard

[Image: HsAbOwT.gif]
Come to think of it, this is a fairly good time to bring up that I'm a streamer :0

[Image: XyvVDef.png]

[Image: F8gqcWi.gif]
And while I definitely want to make a character of my own the rest will be left to anyone watching.

[Image: CDMDQiv.png]
But I was thinking.. do you want to make one too Anubis?

[Image: xpqFvSl.png]
This is your tutorial. I will make one if you insist.

[Image: joAxwkt.gif]

[Image: rBEcBpV.png]
Fortuna has rolled a 4d20. The results included a 9, 18, 5, 20.

[Image: FDw8Gcd.png]

Fortuna has rolled two legendaries: Nafi and Zhiliatt

[Image: dqcJ1tz.png]
You rolled well it seems. Are you aware what Legendaries are?

[Image: UlajdYw.gif]
Enough to know they're like vips and all UuU

[Image: ziJdYJH.png]
That is a sufficient summary. I await your decision.

RE: [LIVE] - 5/29/2018 - Crew Database
>Mr. B and Nafi, they're both lovely.
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [LIVE] - 5/29/2018 - Crew Database
Getting legendaries is p rad, and giving Anubis a character sounds like a good way to bond.

[Image: hzso4Pf.png]
RE: [LIVE] - 5/29/2018 - Crew Database
>Lets get nafi and B and let anubis make a character.
RE: [LIVE] - 5/29/2018 - Crew Database
>B and Nafi. B. and. Nafi!
>Also yes let the dogbot make a toon.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [LIVE] - 6/4/2018 - B & Nafi
[Image: 3jfoMTc.png]

[Image: bh8pE3J.png]

[Image: 4BFjiuS.png]
Hm, what sort of job is good for B..

[Image: KgAqvo3.png]
Halfway decent charisma and good agility should have something useful. Unfortunately the low strength means B isn't the best fit as a weapons user.

[Image: updR3dF.png]
True, but it’s hard to think of where that fits into a crew, like do we go for an errand-runner sense :v

[Image: 0KEiik7.png]

[Image: Afargp6.png]
Now this one’s easy!! The dex entry says they tend to be a chef. Maybe that'll keep them de-stressed :?

[Image: 4a58TR4.png]
With the traits [Paranoid] and [Distrusting] I’m not sure Nafi can destress. If they had [Loves Cooking] then maybe, but the combination of unfamiliar territory and the dangers of a Fortuna crew make a constant stressor. At least you didn’t have to go through the process of recruiting them.

[Image: updR3dF.png]
It’s a good thing the tutorial stacks things in their favor. I know you said I’d have to insist, but I really think seeing what type of character you’d add to the crew would be a better way to get to know you, and from the way chat’s reacted to you I think they’d love that too :D

[Image: H5qDRDY.png]
… … …

[Image: Xnr2wKw.png]
As you wish. I shall try to create a fine crewmember for you.

[Image: updR3dF.png]
Great! I can see why runs take so long to start now... Creating characters, assigning jobs, but hopefully we'll finish this off and stream can pick who the captain will be.

[Image: LqDYxyb.png]
Are you not creating someone with captain-hood in mind?

[Image: CDMDQiv.png]
Nah, I thought this would be more interesting. If they’re supposed to be the best character on the crew I’d rather pick the best one.

>What will B's job be?
RE: [LIVE] - 6/4/2018 - B & Nafi
>B might make a good engineer.
RE: [LIVE] - 6/4/2018 - B & Nafi
>B is a baby boy and his job must bee as Air Guitarist.
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [LIVE] - 6/4/2018 - B & Nafi
>B isn't good at anything except being fast, ergo he should be speedmaster
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [LIVE] - 6/4/2018 - B & Nafi
(06-04-2018, 08:24 PM)Robottobt Wrote: »>B might make a good engineer.

^this so the character has a useful profession, but as a hobby/side job, is a professional speed metal air guitarist
[Image: hzso4Pf.png]
RE: [LIVE] - 6/12/2018 - Iza
[Image: iRv7e9v.png]

The Job has been set to Speed Demon / Engineer

[Image: updR3dF.png]
There’s a need for speed with this bee B >:D

[Image: 1bI6Dqr.png]

[Image: nUhoK3A.png]
Oh! You’re done already :?

[Image: 465y68R.png]
Yes, although I was not able to make up my mind on what pronouns to give them. Would you…and your stream, be able to fill that out?

[Image: obWL0Dm.png]
That shouldn’t be too hard, let’s see what you made uwu

[Image: hWmblyt.png]

[Image: YSnPE80.png]
This should be fully fitting. Iza has positive traits and stats that balance out their faults, while not having anything that truly detracts from their job.

[Image: obWL0Dm.png]
I see, I see. Saving lives sounds like a good fortuna goal too. Sad Iza won’t be winning any talent shows when it comes to [Musical] though.

[Image: 465y68R.png]
Yes, but that is the price often paid on a starting character.

>What pronouns does Iza go by?

Heads UpShow
RE: [LIVE] - 6/12/2018 - Iza
>Ask him if he wants to keep any rule other than the "desecrate the dead" one.
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [LIVE] - 6/12/2018 - Iza
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [LIVE] - 6/12/2018 - Iza
[Image: aN0FgCR.png]

[Image: obWL0Dm.png]
Happy to have her on the crew~! I wanna ask while there's time, but what can I do to avoid making you upset? I know there's smth about the dead, but what else is there?

[Image: 465y68R.png]
Outside of disregard for the dead’s rest only things like wanton cruelty bother me... and since you are new I will speak if I sense you are close to actually doing such a thing, but there will be no patience if your hand is poised to strike down the innocent. Do you need additional clarification?

[Image: obWL0Dm.png]
Bit heavy there, but I think I can see where you come from? I can't think of anything to ask so I guess that means it's time to focus on the next crewmember.

[Image: w7IHW1p.png]

[Image: uOu4UNl.png]
Let’s go wild >8D

Valid SpeciesShow
RE: [LIVE] - 6/14/2018 - Make a Character
Incomplete Character idea:


Name - Terri Aux

Has a lil’ radio necklace thing.

[Cryptic] and [Calming Presence]

Used to have a hobby of finding wandering spaceships and broadcasting strange messages to toy with them, but these messages were always wholesome. Likes to think of life as a scavenger hunt. Host of a star mapping podcast. If you hear crunching, they’re probably binging on rock candy. They’re fully aware of how innocently macabre this is for their species.
[Image: hzso4Pf.png]
RE: [LIVE] - 6/14/2018 - Make a Character
A character? Here ya go:
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.