Eagle Time
[LIVE] - 2/20/19 - 0th Planet - Printable Version

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[LIVE] - 2/20/19 - 0th Planet - LoverIan - 01-10-2018

author noteShow

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[Image: UlajdYw.gif]
For those who are just finding my channel my name is Aliyah, and the username's AliCat2020, because what you see is what you get (+cats are the best :3).

[Image: UlajdYw.gif]
This year has a fun lineup, and I'm so excited to experience all the latest releases and even play some classics with everyone

[Image: HsAbOwT.gif]
Here's to another fun year ❤️

You skim the rest of the channel trailer you find a lot of clips from various games. Most are sugar overdose, and pretty good at that Time to check out the actual video...

[Image: mVfvN2n.png]

[Image: UlajdYw.gif]
Kitkats and everyone else I have news!

[Image: TknzWTI.gif]
I'd thought about it once or twice, but thanks to pumpkinTaco's generous donation I'm gonna start streaming Fortuna!! I've also gotten signed up as a streamer for the World Powers pre-release. I've heard how cute Fortuna is, and I'm just so excited I feel I could explode :DD

[Image: TknzWTI.gif]
There's a form in the description you can use to help me figure out what mods to use, and what DLC is worth the time to buy. Thanks again to patrons, as without the monthly donations there wouldn't be a budget for things like DLC <3

RE: [LIVE] - 1/12/2018 - LoverIan - 01-13-2018

[Image: CgpzWrr.png]
We're excited to be announcing the next Fortuna DLC:
[Image: POYXLjV.png]
In the past you've played as brave crews boldly venturing to Fortuna, some causing tragedies or wars across the universe, and some causing the end of entire civilizations. You've defended the last stand, protected planets, and still done so much more.

Today we're announcing the next Story DLC, and it's something some of you are more familiar with than others....

World Powers is a dlc that will overhaul the game to allow you to run not just a fledgling colony or a fortuna crew, but an entire civilization.

[Image: Xj7QnHo.png]
The same deep character arcs, interactions, and long term stories will take place as you navigate the universe with an entire group of people by your side. Reach new heights, or become just another abandoned world the next fortuna crew will visit.

Every action has added stakes as how a character arc ends determines once more how they affect those around them, and in a position of power this goes down to the people of your civ too.

[Image: bjfRDUC.png]

[Image: gnKQ7Lb.gif]

We're also including a number of new species that each affect the gameplay we've mentioned so far, and given the coming sneak peaks your favorite streamers will get there'll be a free Streaming Mode DLC that will get out the features we've heard the fans requesting for a while now.
Stay tuned for further updates here, and add World Powers to your wishlist!

[LIVE] - 1/19/2018 - Species Trailer - LoverIan - 01-19-2018

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[Image: vCadBBy.png]

RE: [LIVE] - UPDATE INBOUND (don't > just yet) - LoverIan - 02-27-2018

[Image: JBQZfpg.png]
Looks like the stream has already started.

RE: [LIVE] - 2/26/2018 - OPEN - LoverIan - 02-27-2018

[Image: CgpzWrr.png]
[Image: GCY9FQ9.gif]

[Image: UlajdYw.gif]
For those just joining we just watched the cutscene, and it's the night before release!! Wish I could have kickoff at midnight, but you know how life is,,

[Image: rVDrbw1.gif]
(I passed out before midnight and I had other stuff to attend to during the day ^m^;)

[Image: TknzWTI.gif]
I downloaded a ton of mods, and we haven't seen a CTD so I think that means the load order tool works :0

[Image: UlajdYw.gif]
Modlist is in the description!! Since the form I found out about some other mods..and I got carried away,, >w<;

[Image: QSmC2mm.png]

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[Image: HEUnFtX.png]

[Image: 2CCo3lg.png]

[Image: OJm2IWX.png]

[Image: HsAbOwT.gif]
Who should we add to the blocklist? Then there's the dominant pantheon..


RE: [LIVE] - 2/26/2018 - OPEN - IronLionShark - 02-27-2018

Blocklist: Hecate, Mors, Hel, Loki, Set
Dominant Pantheon: Norse

Perhaps Coeus for some Ship/Ai/Patron options?

RE: [LIVE] - 2/26/2018 - OPEN - SirBlizz98 - 02-27-2018

>Block: All except Hermes. If they want to know what we're doing they have to use the messenger.
>Dominant Pantheon: Egyptian

RE: [LIVE] - 2/26/2018 - OPEN - CosmicClaxon - 02-27-2018

(02-27-2018, 04:02 AM)SirBlizz98 Wrote: »>Block: All except Hermes. If they want to know what we're doing they have to use the messenger.
^Totally seconding

Dominant Pantheon: VOCALOID (JP)

RE: [LIVE] - 2/26/2018 - OPEN - Hichico - 02-27-2018

>Block Hephaestust, he may be nice but he's SUCH A FUDDY DUDDY EUGH.

>Dominant Pantheon should totally be the Norse pantheon

RE: [LIVE] - 2/26/2018 - OPEN - Robottobt - 02-27-2018

>yes, block everyone but Hermes.

RE: [LIVE] - 2/26/2018 - OPEN - LammarWesley - 02-27-2018

>Blocked, blocked and blocked, youre all blocked. None of you are free from sin
>actually don't block hatsune miku, Hermes and anything that sounds cute
>Dominant Patheon : vocaloid ( Japan ), let's wreck the world like a bowling ball.
> give! Us! Donations! Rewards!

RE: [LIVE] - 2/26/2018 - OPEN - awkwardcarapace - 03-02-2018

>BLOCK THANATOS (and everyone else except hermes but especially him)
>Dominant Pantheon: Vocaloid (JP)

RE: [LIVE] - 2/26/2018 - OPEN - wiltingMyosotis - 03-04-2018

> Gumi for a Patron Option!!
> Dominant Pantheon: Vocaloid [ENG] for a change :p

RE: [LIVE] - 3/5 - Update In PRogress - LoverIan - 03-05-2018

[Image: gdTXbL5.png]

[Image: 8RfSEfd.png]

And that's it! Votes are closed and the update is in process :D

RE: [LIVE] - 3/5/2018 - Achievement Shopping - LoverIan - 03-06-2018

AliCat2020 sets the Vocaloid (JP) Pantheon to full dominance with a higher spawn rate for norse, egyptian, and english vocaloids.
The universe already feels to be changing.
Because of AliCat2020's opinion on Hermes the chat's mention causes him to be the first block. She then follows this with blocking Hecate, Mors, Hel, Hephaestus, and Thanatos.

[Image: CgpzWrr.png]
[Image: GSbdJfS.gif]

[Since AliCat2020's playthroughs aren't speedruns she takes a moment to check out the achievement section]

[Image: egErhx8.png]

[However she has just started playing]


[Image: aZuftQa.png]

[She checks out a random assortment of achievements.]


[Image: HMX9hLM.png]

[Image: XviEeC2.png]

[Image: tJmVwwZ.png]


[Image: TOXMZdr.png]

[Image: U4tSfLu.png]


[Image: AFNaPlV.png]


[Image: NWGOhMw.png]

Free Patrons
Patrons for ₽250
Patrons for ₽500
Patrons for ₽750
Patrons that cost ₽1000
Locked Patrons

AliCat2020's likely plan of action
  • (Lucky Keyword or Starting Item), 2nd Patron Slot, Ole Switcheroo = 1700-1750
  • Unsure Patron
  • Upgrade Slot + Unsure Upgrade = 250+

With streamchat watching there is always the likelihood that her plans might be changed...

RE: [LIVE] - 3/5/2018 - Achievement Shopping - Arcanuse - 03-06-2018

[Image: dHkyOuv.png]

RE: [LIVE] - 3/5/2018 - Achievement Shopping - IronLionShark - 03-06-2018

Suggestion: Lets go a bit unexpected here.

Get wild universe, Coeus ship, and pay Sobek's fee. Either that or go for Coeus patron, puzzles can be fun!

RE: [LIVE] - 3/5/2018 - Achievement Shopping - Robottobt - 03-06-2018

> Anubis, we need to give him pats.

RE: [LIVE] - 3/5/2018 - Achievement Shopping - LammarWesley - 03-06-2018

>Gumi if we can.
>Devouring Lady.
>Let's not pick starting item/Lucky Keyword rn because we need a few points for patrons! You're not going to regret it, the first run is always good for achivements.
>If you want a upgrade slot, pick Crank! Is cheap and easy to use.

RE: [LIVE] - 3/5/2018 - Achievement Shopping - Robottobt - 03-07-2018


RE: [LIVE] - 3/5/2018 - Achievement Shopping - CosmicClaxon - 03-07-2018

>Anubis patron and that Miku ship
>Crank upgrade does feel useful

RE: [LIVE] - 3/5/2018 - Achievement Shopping - Hichico - 03-07-2018

>Anubis patron totally
>Miku Ship allllll the way.
>Go ahead and get the crank upgrade too, might come in handy

RE: [LIVE] - 3/5/2018 - Achievement Shopping - Robust Laser - 03-07-2018

holy shit that miku ship hell yes

RE: [LIVE] - 3/5/2018 - Achievement Shopping - LoverIan - 03-09-2018

AliCat2020's choices have changed!
  • Patron: Anubis
  • Bonuses: Wild Universe, The Ole Switcheroo
  • Ship: The Miku
  • Upgrades: First Slot (Crank Power)
150p remains ; AliCat2020 will swap to Starting Item if The Ole Switcheroo is not used.

RE: [LIVE] - 3/5/2018 - Achievement Shopping - LoverIan - 03-09-2018

This is a bump! I want the next page to start clean. Update should once again be done by monday, which is a nice groove I'm settling into as I get better at this.