Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

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Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

You'll let them nap. But first..

You look them straight in the eyes and whisper softly.

Jack: We are friends now.

They stay silent for a while, before producing a soft snore in response.

Well. You suppouse that went well?

It is now 7:20 AM. What will you do now with this spare time?
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Sign out some noob level books on mech piloting. You'll need em, so better get a head start!
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Time for your toughest challenge yet
>Charm yourself into learning how to learn. Gotta get that first point of int somewhere
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

You politley ask the librarian for help in checking out a 'Mech Piloting For Noobs', which they helpfully check out for you. Fortunatley, some girl named Steffi just returned it, so the book was still on her desk.

You briefly think about charming yourself into learning, but you're pretty sure that wouldn't work. You can't charm yourself! Plus, even if you dcould, the results would be null as you have the same charisma as yourself.

If you want to earn INT points, it'd be easier to have someone tutor you, tutor yourself via books, or to fulfill a task that rewards stat points. Tasks are typically given out by students, and fulfilling them makes the game give stat points as a reward. The rewards students give varies.

You could also 'level up' by achieving something new. (Eg., become friends with someone, completing a duel, etc.)

RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Let's get our learnin' on... later, when we have time. Something tells me we should hand in our schedule.

Also, make a mental note of Steffi. I suspect she'll be one of our classmates soon.
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

You get a feeling today's going to be a long day.

You decide to try and remeber if you see a Steffi in your Mecha Piloting Class.

With this in mind, you exit the libary and head to the libary.

It is 7:35 AM. The faculty seems mostly empty, but you can hear the distinct chatter of teachers (and some prefects?) inside.

You knock on the door. The chatter stops. You hear footsteps coming towards you.

The door swings open. A teacher with her hair styled upwards comes out and asks, “What do you want?” You note her apperance is elegant and elaborate. Too elaborate for like 7 am in the morning, though.

“I just came in to turn in my schedule, ma'am.“

“Hmph.” She takes your schedule and skims it. “I'm in a middle of something important. Why did this so long?”

“I had trouble choosing.”

“Of course. They all do.” She shakes her head. “Well, Miss Jack Aiden, I do hope you perform well in my class.”

A small chime plays in your ear. You sucsesfully completed a small task and are rewarded three stat points for turning in your schedule.

The teacher closes the door firmly. The chatter starts again, alebit in more hushed tones.

You could probably eavesdrop if you wanted to, but you'd risk a good chance of getting caught.
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Don't get in trouble on day 1! Do something else. Maybe look for more first years?
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Take mental note of possible faculty conspiracy.
Instead of eavesdropping, maybe get a head start on Mech Piloting for noobs.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Put all three points in Strength.
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

You privatley wonder what they possibly could be talking about. Something gone wrong? A tv series? Aliens???

You decide not to stick around to find out, though, and exit to the hall.

You could look for more first years, but there's a good amount of places you could go! The plaza, the halls, the dorms.. There are so many possibilities. For future reference, the Map (or acessed areas) will be listed after every post, acsessible under the 'Menu', which should've been avalible for a while but the author forgot to put it but some technacalties came in.

For now, you decide to head towards your dorm and read the first few chapters of 'Mech Piloting for Noobs'. It's a rather thick book, and could take maybe an hour or two to finish.

You take ten minutes of your time skimming the introduction.


The introduction drones on and on like this for a while, but you think you understand the basics of your elective.

You gained Basic Understanding Of Mechas! You gain 1 INT.

You put your three remaining stat points in the STR stat.

It is 7:50 AM. It is ten minutes before class. Do you want to skip English, or go?

RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Don't skip!!!!!!!
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

You head off to the English classroom determined to become 'smort'.

You get there exactly on time. Suprisingly, however, when you get there, you find the door open with a loud argument ongoing.

”As I said earlier, Miss Deré,” the teacher says. ”I am unable to help you with your situation.”

“You’re the teacher, surley you can’t-”

No. Sit down.”

Ku huffs and takes her seat. The other students seem unaffected, save for a few who cast confused looks at Ku.

The teacher massages their temples before noticing you standing by the doorway.

”Excuse me, I hope I hadn‘t made a bad introduction.” She clears her throat. ”I take it you’re the new student?“

You nod your head and make your introduction as charming as possible.

”I am.” You curtsy. ”My name is Jack Aiden, ma’am.”

Naturally, the teacher is unaffcted, but she does seem pleased with you. ”A pleasure. Please take a seat. We’ll be doing a simple worksheet today, as a simple refresher.”

You nod and take a seat besides Ku. She seems to frown when she sees you, but says nothing.

As the teacher passes the worksheets out, you wonder if you should attempt to talk to Ku. She’s just there, after all. Alternativley, you could always talk to a nearby seatmate (and possibly charm them into helping you if needed).

RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Violently vibrate your eyebrows at Ku in an attempt of seduction.
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
(05-24-2017, 11:12 AM)Myeth Wrote: »Violently vibrate your eyebrows at Ku in an attempt of seduction.

You look at Ku and wiggle your eyebrows violnetly.

Ku seems unerved.

You wiggle your eyebrows even more.

She passes you a note.

Do you need something?

What do you reply?

RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
"dat ASS"
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
(05-25-2017, 02:51 AM)Myeth Wrote: »"dat ASS"

I need your ass.

Ku seems to redden by reading this, though also confused.

My what.

You know what I said.

I just met you.

Well, you're always open to know me better...

Charm someone else.

Well, that didn't work out so well. You can still see her blushing, though.

Will you take up her advice and try to charm someone else, or will you work on the activity? You do need to sumbit this eventually, after all.

RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
For feck's sake we need to do our work
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
(05-25-2017, 04:17 AM)Tuesday Wrote: »For feck's sake we need to do our work

Flirt with our work.
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

You are tempted to flirt with your work before you feel the teacher’s eyes on you.

...You decide to do your work.

Due to your low INT stat, you barley manage to finish your work before the class ends. You need to remeber to improve that.

It is 9:00 AM and thus time for your next class. You could possibly try to not flirt with Ku and ask her to walk with you, socialize with someone else, or walk by yourself.

RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
It's too early in the year to fixate on one person. Try and socialize with someone else -- who's here right now?
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
(05-25-2017, 08:02 AM)Tuesday Wrote: »It's too early in the year to fixate on one person. Try and socialize with someone else -- who's here right now?

Everyone is piling up to leave, so there's only a few people left.

There's a boy in a soccer jersey idly texting on his phone and casting occasional glances at the door.

There also seems to be another girl talking to the teacher. From what you can hear, they're just talking about the lesson.

There's also someone in a gray hoodie reading a book. You can‘t tell why they aren't moving yet.

Who will you talk to?

RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Gray hoodie person, the quiet ones are usually pretty smart!! They might be able to help your dumb self with stuff in the future, who knows
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure
Pfft algebra? More like...Alge..don't. Skip it, only machonists take algebra. Go Zone in on some prime tiddies.
RE: Lovestruck: The Visual Novel Adventure

You walk over to the gray hoodie person and give a small wave. They just look at you then nod in acknowledgement.

Understanding that they won’t say anything more than that, you try to strike up a conversation. “Excuse me, aren’t you going to leave?”

“Do you need this seat that badly?” They glare at you.

“Well, no, but I was simply wondering what you were doing.”

“Reading a book.”

“I meant after class. Everyone’s left already.”

They look up from their book and notice the near-empty state of the classroom, then shrug.

“It‘s my free period.”

You glance up at the clock. If you stay any longer, you’ll definetly be late for Algebra. On the other hand... algebra.

You decide to continue talking with this person in the meantime. You can always find a way to make up for it. Eventually.

“And I take it you enjoy spending these in the English classroom?“

Their cheeks color before they huff, close their book and stand up.

“Do you have a better place in mind?” They shoot a glare at you.

You can clearly see this as an opening to get to know them better and possibly gain a new friend. On the other hand, you could escape to your room and do.. other things.

Which path do you choose? Take note that if you truly intend to skip class to get to know them, you will have to find a way to not get caught. Staying in your dorm however doesn’t make you do any rolls, as no one (re: the teacher, who probably wouldn’t send a prefect for someone skipping) would look for you there.
