Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic

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Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
Seriously? CANWC, but for Lucidstuck? I don't even know how to classify this. But it has the potential to be hilarious, so whatever.

Everything possible, eh?
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
[Image: bv4xiNm.png]

we have... LIFDOFF
[Image: iR9ayyh.png]

at your current skill level you manage to fly for like half of a second, this flight was comparable to a puny human jump, achieving higher heights will require more practice

[Image: 48aBxlh.png]

you summon dream gote friend, give a name
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
> Bambi no
I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
(10-31-2016, 09:49 PM)Panur Wrote: »> Bambi no

RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
[Image: 9QFJQre.png]


[Image: u9xc0iv.gif]

[Image: 1b8o0Ck.png]


[Image: 5dWWZC7.png]


[Image: Es3yKGJ.png]

the misterious cretur of the nite runs away crying, and flippong the bird
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
> Feel bad and go hide in your closet
I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
>go to nite fourt
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
go to the night of the fourth
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
>go to THE DAWN OF NIGHT FOUR (96 hours remaining)

[Image: Youtube_profile_pic_2.png]
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
[Image: lDzyfUw.png]

you head to your NITE FOART, entering your closet

upon entering you find the lamp mysteriously turned on already... very mysterious...

you have a ton of shirts that are exactly the same, one day you decided to finally get out of your house and buy new clothes, but instead of buying some actual nice clothes with the healthy allowands your GRAND DAD gave you you just ordered like 20 copies of the same goddamn shirt like a STUTID DUMP ASS

[Image: kbe3pkU.png]

you enter the NITE FART, inside, theres eggie
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
>eggie: hach
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
> Devour eggie
I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
(11-02-2016, 08:13 PM)Panur Wrote: »> Devour eggie

RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
> Eggie: Become a hardboiled detective.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
> Devour eggie
[Image: DVPriEF.gif]

eggie consumption has been successful. what to do now?
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
(11-02-2016, 08:08 PM)Princezz Wrote: »>eggie: hach

bambi no: Durrick, why?
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
eggie: hach regardless
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
eggie: become infertile and rotten, thus inducing durrick to vomit and you to be undead
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
>wonder what that caeg is for
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
Bambi no: smack Derrick.just as a makeshift heimlich maneuver, not because you want to, of course.
I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
[Image: vyOaplS.png]

>Bambi no: smack Derrick.just as a makeshift heimlich maneuver, not because you want to, of course.

[Image: OdxBDjn.png]

>eggie: become infertile and rotten, thus inducing durrick to vomit and you to be undead
>Eggie: Become a hardboiled detective.

[Image: cy2LpYA.gif]

the eggie has hatched into an UNDEAD HARDBOILED BIRB DETECTIVE. give a name?
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Cool and New Lucid Dream Comic
> Luigi