[Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train

[Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
I think I'll do the Athonae next.

Edit: Here's what I have:
I had a hard time picking a red trait for these guys. I've considered [Insensitive], but as a species that's about teamwork so much it didn't seem appropriate. I've also considered [Pushover] as it's more of a team player trait but that meshes poorly with their territorialism. I've just put [Boring] in, since it doesn't seem to clash with anything.
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
Thanks! I think Boring fits them pretty well, I'm sure they like to drone on about their queen a lot which is a super exciting topic to them, "Hey what's you're queen like" "Oh she's the best!" but is really really really boring to other species.

As a note, I have finished the notails (but haven't posted them just yet.) As such I am now doing sweeps, which means I'm going from A - Z and well, just mass entering info in. Because I'm just sweeping some of the info is going to be pretty generic and dull and I suspect I'll be able to do at least 5 + a day while sweeping. So if you want to hold on to a species I suggest doing it now. Once I'm done with my sweep (Aka finishing any species not claimed), if there are any species who are still claimed but not done I'm going to wait a week before just doing them myself so do keep that in mind!

Things that got done today
Athonae entry
Ackolid entry
Ashlaiz are done.
Catlas are done.
Celiracks are done.
(Currently doing some quick fixes to them so you might see some mess.)
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
Here's the Klannec entry!

RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
Some more things that got done

klannecs got done (Hic is going to submit some art later)

Copezs are done

Cortz are done.
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
Posting to announce undertaking of the Pagepoh, Aoeyoi'ie, and Oblein dex entries.
[Image: lmmpL3T.png]
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
I have dragged myself out of my grave and signed up for this forum just to claim my species 'u' I'll take care of the Gondii and Kheiron! Soon soon
People throw these words around like tennis balls. But I eat balls for breakfast.
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
I guess I'll go ahead and take a shot at the Quelan and Malrus
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration



RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
I guess I'll take the Volkronn and the Soothal on my plate.


Edit: Added quote


I gave the Volkronn a high strength attribute and a low charisma one since they are supposed to be intimidating rather than diplomatic. (We've seen cobalt pass a strength check for intimidation earlier). I don't know if it's appropriate, if not I can change it.
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
I'll claim the Noxis-Noverum and the Slarym now. Gonna go for the highscore.
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
I'm gonna take a shot at the Helixian and Eemen I suppose then
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
Heya! I'm still workin' on those three species I claimed, they're coming along really well, ESPECIALLY the Tockhaus. I should be finishing them up pretty soon.

For now though, I have something else! I sent this thread to Captain Combusken to make sure he knew about it, and he filled out a thing for Geptads! He doesn't have an Eagle Time account, so he asked me to post it, so here it is!


(Anything in {} are comments to Gime and not part of the actual entry.)
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
So I decided the raffle will include the following.
The person with the highest amount of submissions automatically wins A free tiny animated sprite or a Fortuna style talk sprite of whatever they want, be it fortuna oc or anything else, or 12 buttons.

They'll be taken off the raffle and the rest of the raffle will have 3 randomized winners. (none of which can be the same person more then once.) Like before every entry done = 1 "ticket" so to speak.

All 3 winners get to pick between a Tiny animated sprite, Talk sprite or 12 buttons if they're willing to give their address.

I will attempt to see if I can try and give everyone who entered a free doodle prize but no promises at the moment.

We can likely do the raffle live in a stream so everyone gets to see the tickets and winners live.

If any one has any questions please do ask!

Things that got done today, As always thank you to the submissions, they're all really great!
Streamlined the submission form to auto input certain info (or cut it out) if nothing is inputted thus speeding Dex submissions by like 25% by making it so I no longer have to open dex entries to take out and put in stuff.

Husses are done
Trump Skeletons are done.
Scottish style battle seal is done
Cthulhu but slightly gaga is done
A soccer/foot ball is done
Slug people are done
Too many legs for this world are done.
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
Well, it's been this long and nothing, so I can work on the Hyurans and Zektrons. I mean, the second was the somethingtagonist of a thing I wrote and Hyurans are cool so...
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration



RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
I'll take the Plantolk and the Skarv!
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
Comin' back for round two: the Mites and the Spiraji, please.
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
Hey Fellow, are you up for working a bit with the Isments?
Not asking you to take over, but the Isments as a race tend to prefer not to let their existence be known, and I sort of see them as looking at the Kounini and going "aww can we keep it"
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration

[Image: tumblr_mv5aniclyT1sm3dbfo1_1280.png]
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
(06-06-2016, 03:06 AM)LoverIan Wrote: »Hey Fellow, are you up for working a bit with the Isments?
Not asking you to take over, but the Isments as a race tend to prefer not to let their existence be known, and I sort of see them as looking at the Kounini and going "aww can we keep it"
Okay, I'm willing to help.
Mind you, you're free to involve the Kouninis in the Isments' trivia. There's no need to ask my permission for that, though you have it.




I've considred giving them [Reflexive] since they tend to bite people, but that'd be like giving them [Auto-Attack] as a blue trait. I've given them the inoffensive [Talkative] instead.

I'm claiming the Stomatopoids now.

RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
Reading the trivia everyone comes up with is pretty much the best part of this stuff.

Stuff that got done today and kind of yesterday, look it took me a very long time to eat a pasta.

Robot furries got done (They had a slightly huge rewrite)
Literally a giant shrimp got added
Big mouthed horses got added
Noxis got added. I have no pun for them.
Angels got added.
Giant blobs got added (slightly big tone rewrite, also took out the part where they go super nova when they die. It'd kind of be lame if they turned in to a nuke whenever killed.)

Geptads added
Legs the species added
Twitch tv added

We are now 58% finished with this with most of the species being claimed by people. I'll likely finish up the last * species and then work on another section of the dex, so no one has to be in a rush to finish stuff.

Look at this awesome art by an even more awesome artist done for the tourists!
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
Alright, I got the gondii and kheiron done 'v'


People throw these words around like tennis balls. But I eat balls for breakfast.
RE: [Cosmosdex] The great species migration
Things that got done today

Mites are done
Gondii are done
Leg Horses are done
- I have decided that the extral entry will be hidden and can only be found by putting in certain words in the url bar or via reading the comic. *Extrals are not currently in the dex at this moment.
- The Pezjx have been downgraded in to Fauna.
- I will be pming the creator of the Coraeite as the redux app they sent in was lost when the forums went up in flames.