Mafia: The Last Resort [EPILOGUE: THE END]

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Mafia: The Last Resort [EPILOGUE: THE END]
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Sruixan Wrote:...and since then, Sanzh has claimed third party, which explains Solaris's "innocent" on him


Solaris got an innocent on you, not on Sanzh.

Solaris Wrote:Oh.
Okay uhm, wheat I just want to make sure because I am telling the truth here.
I have a guilty on Mirdini and an innocent on Sruixian.
So are you saying that you investigated ix on night 1 and got innocent?
Because in that case, I am either insane or random and that means that Sruixian is guilty and I was wrong not only about Mirdini but everythign that I extrapolated from that guilty which is just
sort of

You're the scum, it's you.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
If you read the spoiler, Mirdini, you would see he's claiming the reason why he came up as guilty was because he busdrove himself and g0m/sanzh. Just to clear sruix is saying up. The way he explains it seems kind of suspicious to me, though. I don't particularly trust sruix right now. I'm not going to vote on it quiiite just yet though. I want to see how it plays out.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
While I can understand wanting to lynch me, given that I can't really substantiate my claim (short of elaborating on my abilities I guess? This is basically my second forum mafia so I'm probably making blunders that make me look scummy), throwing a vote at me seems a little counter-productive when it fucks over Pinary.

It just seems like you're trying to redirect votes right now even after a cop guilty, that's my understanding at least.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Ah didn't quite catch that but yeah not really buying it here.

Kinda scared of a massive superscumgambit somehow so before we lynch anyone

whoosh will you inform us when it's mylo/lylo?
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
As for what I'm getting at Wheat, is what I'm worried about is that there's a large cabal of you/Pinary/whoever else (PL mayhaps he seems scummy no matter what actually) who're gambitting like mad (vote prophecies etc. etc.) because it's actually unannounced mylo. Bit paranoid? Yes, certainly, and I'm still more sure that Sruixan's just scum who's trying to save himself. Would like to cover the bases though.

You have a good point on Sanzh re: sruixscumflip though.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Wait did I completely miss PL's claim ._.

oh yeah I did

herpaderp :I

Still fact of the matter is we've only had town flip so far which makes me incredibly leery of the probable fact that a large minority of us are scum. 20 player game my money'd be on 4-5ish scum, and it can't be 5 otherwise today'd be mylo. Which means we've got 4 scum players running around which is still plenty and I'm wondering where they all are though hrm.

Sruixan scum, Times scum, Sanzh scum would be uh 3/4.

Man if that's the team I'm going to be pretty weirded out.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
But yeah reading back properly and not dashing things off asap yeah PL's cleared.

Slorange get in here and vote :I :I
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Well what else could I say about it? It was a roleblock and the flavour was extreme pain.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
It's not yet MYLO. When it is either MYLO or LYLO you will be informed.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Apparently I missed an entire page :V

So, Sruix, you are saying you Busdrove yourself with g0mSanzh N2, so Solaris's Innocent(which is actually a guilty) is actually on g0mSanzh?


Well we could try to lynch Sanzh instead, just to see if he flips scum, then we could according finish off Times according to Mirdini's revelation. And if Sanzh flips town, would Times be confirmed town and Sruix be confirmed liarScum?

Actually, why would you drive yourself with someone being very, very scummy???
Also I am said that Malky locked me that night, because I wanted to investigate g0m that day...

but uh, where did Sanzh claim third party? Ugh. I am thinking both of you are quite scum.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Sanzh Wrote:Mirdini, my role is just a third party so it could just mean that Times is also a third party-- that would probably qualify as a connection?

Also I have some suspicions but I want to re-read stuff to make sure I have a better case for them, though probably I'd just be parroting already-used arguments.

Last page PL.

Sanzh still hasn't come up with these "suspicions" either so yeah Wheat might be right on the money with 'hey they're both (Sruix and Sanzh) scum'.

PL my conclusion on Times isn't entirely/nearly as certain as the apparent guilty on either sruix or sanzh, but his play so far has been a scumpartytime and he isn't doing anything to help that case by lurking the heck outta the thread so he'd be my preferred lynch after we lynch Sruix/Sanzh (barring ofc investigations flipping new info and the like).
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Actually hrm.

Lynching Sanzh would off two birds with one stone, we'd be able to see if Sruix was lying or not AND verify whether something's up between Sanzh and times. Not to mention he's claimed 3P but not what sort of 3p he is, heck he could be an SK for all we know.

Ofc the problem with this is that if Sruix is really scum (even IF he busdrove the investigation onto a 3pSanzh he could still be scum) that allows him to DO THE BUSDRIVY thing for another night.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
I actually can, uh, confirm that Sanzh is a harmful role. Since everyone is talking about our connection and stuff, I'll guess I'm going to come out and tell people what my role is, and why I think we may be connected.

I am Edward Hopkins, and I am the town archive. When its nighttime, I get haunted by the spirits of the dead who have unfulfilled goals in life, or they simply just want to talk to a living person about things. So, when a cop or other vaguely investigative role dies, they tell me the info they collected in order for them to be at peace and pass on to the afterlife.

N1, when Schazer died, I received information about g0m (now sanzh). I suspected this is what turned up as the connection between me and him. It was vague, sort of suspicious, and all it really did was made me suspicious of g0m-sanzh, but not enough to act on it. So basically I've been trying to lay low, waiting for more information.

So, last night, Solaris died, and I received investigation info. Apparently, he searched Sanzh/g0m last night, possibly to check the nebulous connection between us, and got an "Innocent," meaning that Sanzh would have received a guilty, lining up with the information Sruix received. Combined with the bit of information I had earlier, I'm pretty sure Sanzh is a harmful third part, possibly a serial killer. However, I'm also skeptical of Sruix's claim and explanation, he looks guilty to me, and I'm fine with lynching either one of them today. Right now, we just have to decide who we're going for. I'm not voting until we have a consensus on who.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
But what was the info you got gom/Sanzh

And actually,
Vote Sanzh
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
I am Aaron Lance, a third party gambler--at night, I am to make a prediction as to who will be lynched next day phase. Assuming I make two correct predictions, I leave the game. I'd probably prefer it if those two lynch targets were scum, but just from a perspective of win conditions that's not really consequential. I think it's possible that I turned up guilty because my night-action mechanic is related to who gets lynched, as well as on a more thematic level of gambling not being a particularly innocent activity (but that's just a conjecture).

Times I'm a little suspicious of your claim because it's a bit vague, so I'm sort of seconding PL asking you to elaborate further.

Just for clarification, the presumed evidence against me thus far is the connection Mirdini found, Sruix's busdrive claim, and Times' investigation results from dead Solaris? The way I see it, the latter two claims seem sort of fishy.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
wheat Wrote:He poked Sruixan on the shoulder, trying to get his attention from the music:
"By the way, p-pal, who'd you drive last night? I didn't quite catch that..."
I Wrote:I did do the sensible thing of forgoing my action last night and probably won't be abusing it any more from now on.
Apologies for hiding that rather crucial titbit away like that. I was somewhat conscious of having a HUGE WALL OF TEXT so I hid it to make things a bit tidier.

wheat Wrote:why self-drive and why to sanzh?
Being honest? Silliness, tiredness and gross misconduct. I just wanted to swap round the two people least likely to be targeted so as to prevent myself from being an inconvenience as I possibly could. Wanting to get it done sharpish, I figured trying to pick one person would be quicker than picking two and besides, hilariously in hindsight, I figured lurkery me would be about as interesting to peeps as a used tissue collection (pretty damned wrong - if anything it did in fact make me more likely to be picked by an investigator...) and I remembered g0m was playing because he'd done that magic bagging thing D1, then I couldn't recall him having done anything noteworthy D2 and the icing on the cake was his absence from the Star chat. here's a thing: an insane cop would presumably return an innocent result on both a third party and a mafioso, so Sanzh doesn't have to be scum. His claim does make some sense, actually, since it does kind of explain g0m saying "hey guys lynch Malky plz" on D1... but on the other hand, two kills floating around and a claimed third-party. Visibly twitching here, to be frank...

I think I'm going to need to be properly awake to deal with that Times claim, rather than just putting into pixels what I was thinking earlier after I snuck a peek at this thread (bar adding the bit about Sanzh's claim fitting, that is), so for the time being...

Say, whoosh!, I might as well ask; what result would a third-party return to a sane cop?

FAKEEDIT: ...leftfield theory time: we only got our first second kill last night because until then, there was no third-party killer. Wojj became one after winning the duel.

Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
"If Times is scum, Sruixy and Mirdini are also scum."


Please explain.

Not against a Sruixlynch here by any means, was just thinking through advantages of a Sanzhlynch.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Sweet catch on the disparity between Forge n' Times accounts of Solaris' check though Wheat.

Not sure why you apparently suddenly think I'm scum in cahoots with Times, who I've wanted lynched since D2?
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
But yeah you have a good point there, Sruixlynch seems like the best course of action (also copguilty and "I derped" being the perennial scum excuse).

whoosh can we get a poke on Slorange or somethin'?
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Wheat Wrote:it could be MYLO.

'cept it ain't, because I asked whoosh if she'd confirm mylo and she responded in the affirmative and we don't have a mylo sitch going on.

Wheat Wrote:Why did you check those two when they both had already claimed to be duelists?

Because I wanted to check if my ability even worked properly? For all I knew I was a quack, or insane, or random. I assumed that if there were two very linked characters (and I was thinking Pharms/Wojj were trueclaiming throughout D2, scum were deflecting onto them as a distraction) my ability'd give me something indisputable as a result - and it did.

Wheat Wrote:Plus you can pick and choose the restrictions--no, I can't vote for that person because of my QUIRKS, no I can't mention them, I can't do this I can't do that..."

Do explain how I "pick and choose" my restrcitions. I can't mention or allude to (in any way) my previous night's two check targets. That's it. That's what I've said since I claimed during N2 nightchat and that's still the case now, and I would like to know where you think I changed that around.

As for why Times would bother to try to make his claim plausible with my claim - did we forget the part where I'm confirmed town bar godfatherliness? He knows he can't win in a straightup counterclaim to my power, so he'd obviously try to cook something up to make me less suspicious of him. Little did he know he'd strike paranoiabonanza and have you haring to lynch me even if he does flip scum. You're pushing a fallacy.

HOW does hitting Sanzh "clear" anyone?! He's a claimed third party, his linkaging still makes no sense to me, and isn't at all helped by the vague "in a way" result I got on them.

As for why I'm "always right" it's because I was actually arguing against those lynches, but people were just too inactive/apathetic to pay any attention to my arguments. If you note I repeatedly pushed for a lynch on different players on d1/d2 (PL included) but was soundly ignored by the apathetic "let's just lynch Tea" and "let's just lynch PYP" wagons.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Now see I'd love to vote Sruixan to drive all this home but I can't because PINARY HAS A PROPHECY WOOOOOOO and Slorange can't seem to get into the thread and half the playerlist left alive is barely talking and I have a shitty typing quirk and ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

This game is infuriating.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
whoosh! Wrote:It's not yet MYLO. When it is either MYLO or LYLO you will be informed.

For reference.


Ugh missed that you said if Pinary's telling the truth and he dies it could theoretically be actual mylo.

Which could be a thing indeed you have a point there.

siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh this just gets better and better.

better fulfill the prophecy even more now I guess -_-
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Actually it wouldn't be even then because

12 players 4 scum

2 town die (mislynch, Pinarydeath) = 10

1 NK = 9 = lylo.

If there's two NKs as there were last night on two non-scum yeah then it'd be game.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
It would be a sweet catch regarding what Times said except what times said is utter crap.

The check on Sruix happened on night two. The bus from Sruix to Sanzh happened night two.
If you know that checked Sanzh last night and got "innocent" then you would know if he checked Mirdini night one right.

Now tell me what Mirdi actually showed up as.

And as for you Wheat, bar your rolecop thing (did you even mention what you did last night) you're absoultely no use to me. You roleplay and get nowhere and post stuff I've yet to agree with once.

I can however reveal several missing points you so clearly lack, one of them being why you think my "Sol said he'd check one of these three" thing.

But I'm saving that for when there's some real scumhunting to do and not just "follow the cop, do what wheat says because half the players are gone or sheep"

But I do like how you still go on about a vig, even though every night bar last has been missing one.
Re: Mafia: The Last Resort [D4: Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Whoosh, how would nightactions concerning Pharmacy have been resolved on n2, considering what Wheat said (she technically died before the end of n2)?

Wheat Wrote:who are these scum deflecting onto them?

The "I was thinking" modifier applies to the second part of the statement as well - as for who I found weird for doing so:

TimeothyHour Wrote:Woff's roleclaim is kind of suspicious in my eyes.

^ The rest of his post then waffled the other way which feels even more off in hindsight.

Pinary Wrote:I'm also suspicious of Woffles (as others have also mentioned being) and now Pharms. I'd like to see this whole duel thing play out- if we hear "they duel and are now both essentially confirmed town" straight from whoosh!'s text-mouth, then I'm all good, but anything short of that reeks of a scum plot to me.

ProfessorLizzard Wrote:Actually, I would rather lynch Woffles. If she is telling the truth, the other hunter will get a new wincon!

You had the same feelings yourself:

Wheat Wrote:"Look at me I'm suspicious of the claimed third party dudes that makes me so edgy and town."

And yeah, looking back on my posts I'm getting a bit vocal about my annoyance with the restriction (which I guess it is technically rather than a quirk). But it's the part that I can't even mention/talk about/address my previous night's check targets that's the problem -

Wheat Wrote:It ain't a quirk that you can't mention your results, it's a restriction.

Ah but I can mention my result just fine. It was a straight "No" and nothing more. I just can't mention or allude to the players I checked, which as I've made blatantly clear is annoying as all heck.

Wheat Wrote:"If the vague linkage doesn't say anything in case sanzh flips town, then why were you, just earlier today, agreein' with the s-s-tatement that if one of sanzh or times flipped scum, it'd mean finding another?"

Yes. If one flips scum, I find it plausible to extrapolate that that means the other is scum as well (bar obvious flavorlinks).

I think that the converse might not be true though - townies aren't necessarily 'connected' (nor nearly as intimately as scum, who're themselves not as connected as say pharms/wojj were). My power's vague as all hell (and probably would've been helped by PYPelixirs) so I'm honestly taking that claim with a grain of salt.

And I was voting PL throughout the day, and asking people to talk about people other than PYP. Not sure what more I could've done apart from spamming the thread with all caps posts (not to mention I wasn't even certain PL was scum! I found him very suspicious, but I was looking for input from others on his play as well - which never materialized because most of the players were going "this wojjpharms thing is weird eh vote PYP I'm done here").

In other news where the heck is everyone else apart from me/you/Drakenforge.