Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water

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Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
(02-23-2017, 09:24 PM)Robust Laser Wrote: »Let it be known that if you invite me on your next conquest, assuming it's not me, that I have a plan for victory that involves you.

Sounds good to me, like I said earlier I've basically been going for a diplomatic victory all game anyway.

We launch four ships towards Yin-Yang A, three from Reactor A and one from Laser E.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
boy it sure would have been nice if the last few cards werent blue. then i could piggyback onto the next offense for a joint win. that, or they dont invite me and they get screwed by tokens. OH WELL.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Have no fear, there are two cards left in the deck, and the last card is not drawn, but instead, the deck will reshuffle, so you have 50% chance getting to back piggies.

Offense: 4
Defense: Yin-yangA(1)

The lasers BLIND the poor single Yin-yang ship, and they set aside a card.
Invitation phase!
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
i'll invite everyone with the concession that i don't think i will win this encounter regardless. unless cb is up for negotiation, that is.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Laser invites first.
If you do things out of order you can queue them in your QT as i said earlier.

For now I'll queue Yin-yang inviting all though.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
We will invite the Reactors to join us.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Order of acceptance:

1. Reactor (any side)
2. Tourist (defense)
3. Voyager (defense)
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Sup I'm joining the Lasers act surprised. Two from B, one from D, and one from E.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Tourists are good back here.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
I'm super not keen on the thought of a super Laser but Gatr if you don't think you can win this then I don't see how I can help here.

No ships, sorry.

If you negotiate you stand a chance of stealing his Laser Flare or Quash after the fact though.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Offense: 4 + 4
Defense: Yin-yangA(1)
Time for cardchery
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Laser plays an Attack20!
Yin-yang plays a Negotiate!

Anyone wants to interject?
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
On reflection and as much as I'd rather have kept trying to fish theirs out of their hand, I'm glad the Reactor still presumably has my flare and also has that whirligig flare because apparently they can't use theirs to win while holding it.

Just uh, we have to be careful with taking cards out of that hand now.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
The lasers release Ionic Gas, cancelling Compensation from taking place, and boots out the ships of the Yin-yangs.

Reactor and Laser gains a colony.

Reactor's power activates, and gives the Laser Flare to the Laser.
The set aside card returns to the Yin-yang.

Current game state:

Granolaman, the Voyager

Hand: 0
Foreign colony count: 4
A: 4
B: 2,1

D: 1

Gatr, the Yin-yang
Hand: 9
Foreign colony count: 4
A: 4,4
B: 1
C: 1,1
D: 1,1
E: 2

Coldblooded, the Laser
Hand: 8
Foreign colony count: 4
A: 2
B: 2
C: 2
D: 2,1
E: 1,1

Robust Laser, the Reactor
Hand: 6
Foreign colony count: 3
A: 4,1
B: 1,1
C: 2,1,1,1
D: 4
E: 4

Cards on the reactor sheet:

Jacquerel, the Tourist
Hand: 15
Foreign colony count: 3
A: 1
B: 1
C: 1
D: 11,1
E: 1

Cruise Liner: Green system; 2


C: 3

Cosmic Deck: 0 cards
Cosmic Discard: 47 cards

Destiny Deck: 3 cards
Destiny Discard: 15 card

Encounter 16, will the Laser take it?
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
The Lasers celebrate their heroic and historic victory over a single defenseless ship. It's just like that ending scene in Return of the Jedi except with more ewoks and ghosts for some reason.

Anyway yeah we'll regroup a ship to Laser E and cross our fingers for a wild card this time.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
And the crowd goes wild!

Well... Card goes wild...

Select who the defense will be, you will encounter them in their home system.
After which, the cruise liner can move.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Okay so I asked PL and apparently the Reactor can still joint win with everybody else if they use their superflare on the same turn that somebody else reaches 5 colonies, so.........

Sorry Jac, but it looks like you're the odd one out here. As for everyone else I'd recommend joining me this turn, even if you can only spare a single ship, because I'm pretty sure that I can win this one with or without outside help.

We send four ships to go open a new spa on Tourist A, three from the Yin-Yang colony and one from Laser D.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
I am morally opposed to a lazy superalliance victory. I will not join your coalition.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Jac, I suggest using the Wild Voyager to hide your favorite card before CB can Laser it.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Launching is queued for now, cruiser still has to move first, and possible steal cards.
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Before I do that, what happens if I set a card aside with the voyager flare but then that flare is lasered for the encounter?
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
It would count as losing the flare, so the visiting card would vanish
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Cripes there is no practical use for that flare
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
What can you say, Voyager technology is really hard to replicate by non-voyagers, it is probably DNA locked.

I guess it works if you want to hide your Ultimate Card when the Mind wants to read your hand, or to allow the Tourist to look at it
RE: Cosmic Encounter - PBP: Deep Space Water
Those both sound like clever niche uses of a Wild Flare and not intended regular use.

I'm putting together a rules-lawyery rant below that I'll probably send to the cosmic forum but nobody here needs to read since we should probably play with Rules As Written.
