[Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train

[Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/7766
Error: "We will need time to dipos-"
Correction: Unless if you're talking about dipositronium, I think you mean dispo for dispose.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Page: Mendac-Ium
Error: Below the image gallery is a second image gallery. (Also the "The Image Gallery and everything below it are outside the wrapper" issue has occurred on this page.)

Will Hermes / Duskgazer found the doubled gallery issue.
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/4846
Error: I have set them both as my patrons for now and let them free-rome | why I'm letting Mors freely rome around
Correction: Rome is a city, roam is the movement.

Error: I recommend having Nike as a patron for this to keep their moral high but their sanity low.
Correction: Morale? Unless if starving yourself hurts your morals (which I guess technically it might but that's probably not what's intended here)

Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/4916
Errors: He rarely talks about it other then to comment about how rich he was. | Cea seems to be on a level even higher then the usual high class. | This raised more then a few red flags. | the only way I could explain how Cea seems to know more then he should. | "Marble dear I will have you know I am younger then that." | Edel takes care of the bird more then he does himself.
Correction: Hi Gime. Than is a word, too. I know how much you love this correction Ɛ>

Error: it seems the day Cea left his home was destroyed by a fire
Correction: Either put a comma after left, or put the word it after home, because you've got a garden path sentence here.

Error: On a mission, Captain Latta and me found a chest
Correction: Captain Latta and I. Me no find a chest.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
All errors above fixed. Thank you!
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Page: https://cosmosdex.com/cosmosdex/ai/ananke
Errors: "When first created the Ananke units were highly consovertal, and even to this day are as such but to a lesser degree. The orginal units were meant to take those who were deemed "useless" in socity
Correction: In order, "controversial", "original", and "society"
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
(09-13-2018, 02:07 AM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »All the error's above should now be fixed except for KleenFarsight's bug. It seems you may have unintentionally gotten the yell at cowboy cookie. Did you ever accidentally click the other option or go back in a weird way at any point? If you yell at cowboy (even to just check the other option) it overrights not yelling at him. I can take a closer look to see if there's a bug though.

Yeah, I clicked it just to check what it did. I know it's a bit late of a response, but I thought I'd at least give clarification. Curious it would override even if you went back though.
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/1288
Error: I'll be heading to the grocery store. I should radio in the caption for help.
Correction: 'caption' → 'captain' ?

Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/1349
Errors: *Background: Hermes Control Room* "While that is underway, I shall head to the control room to speak to Cobalt about where we'll be heading next!
[Geko takes no time making his way to the control room.]"
Correction: This might not be an error, it's pretty likely the background was picked because geko went to the control room in the second statement...
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
If you submitted any major application this month (Aka, fauna, legendary, god, Species, planet) and would like it approved before or during Halloween please post the link here! I'll be approving as many apps as possible but I do want to be a little careful as I know some species applications likely looked finished but are still in the works!
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Gimeurcookie Wrote:If you submitted any major application this month (Aka, fauna, legendary, god, Species, planet) and would like it approved before or during Halloween please post the link here! I'll be approving as many apps as possible but I do want to be a little careful as I know some species applications likely looked finished but are still in the works!
Planet: Alphim-Queol
Legendary: Leyler Erdel
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Species: Skabel!
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Legendary: L-3453

Planet: Hazmeat

Fauna: Jhator
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train

Scholar Otters
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Species: A.S.H.A.D.I
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
I would like to have Lucevians and scarvies looked over. I believe they are finally set up!

Species: Lucevian

Fauna: Scarvies
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Legendary: Piccolo Fritz
[Image: hzso4Pf.png]
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Species: Phylum
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Species: Ignivis

[Image: UZraNAX.png]
someone made my child grumpy[Image: NQE1VH9.png] I am very proud of my child :3
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
species: https://cosmosdex.com/cosmosdex/submissi...ies/wolrid

legendary that g0es with that species: https://cosmosdex.com/cosmosdex/submissi...vankitsune

please & ty

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Species: Galooper

Galooper Homeworld:

Notail Legendary:
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Two more!

Species: Waylend

Waylend Homeworld:
[Image: hzso4Pf.png]
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
i'd like this legendary looked over please!

[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
This page from the MSPFA mirror appears to have been eaten by the redux, which skips it by going from page 4779 to page 4780 .

edit: something is also very very wrong with this page
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Please make sure to read the entire application rule section. The name of the species is capitalized incorrectly. "You" is used in the entry.
From the application rules
Quote:Keep names of species and faunas lowercased.
This is a fairly simple mistake people make. Names of species and faunas are always lowercased unless they're at the start of the sentence. For example, it's not "Those dang Humans are always floating around." it's "Those dang humans are always floating around."

Quote:Keep the tone formal.
The tone of the entry should not try to directly speak to the reader, such as using the word you, instead attempt to impersonal. An example of this would be turning “You won’t believe what aftiks do at the end of the year.” into “Many have a hard time believing what aftiks do at the end of the year.” Feel free to have your entry be comedic but do not attempt to go overboard.

Please make sure to read the entire application rule section. Same issues as the above. There is also random capitalizations that need to be fixed.
lower than Iridium and > lower than iridium and
List are incorrectly formatted. From the application rules.
Quote:Likes and dislikes
These areas are for the common likes and dislikes of your submission. It should be formatted with every item uppercased, such as "Like1, Like2, Like3."

Approved but do note (this isn't in the application rules so it's fine) that the [br] at the start of every section is not needed as the dex automatically spaces that.

@Everyone else
Species approved and moved to the main section.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
Species: Divirot!

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train
i fixed the err0rs, s0rry f0r messing up a bit.

Egg It hatched.Show