Battle Royale! Game Complete!

Battle Royale! Game Complete!
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Gadget opened his eyes. "It doesn't seem like Scout survived. He still should have been living off of me, and I can't feel his energy any more," He looked rather upset, "I shouldn't feel too sad. It barely had a life of it's own yet, and I did make it for the specific purpose of looking around so I could be in a safe place... but it did have a soul."
He stood silently for a moment.
"It's happened before though, and that's not going to stop me from using my power. For everything that dies, there are a lot more that live. I'll give this a shot."
Focusing on the mass of darkness and building, Gadget willed sentience and a soul into it. It twitched, and stood up!
Gadget sat down, and felt a little winded.
"That... that was interesting. Right now it's living off of my own life force, but in a short while it'll be it's very own being. Anyway, you can give it a name, and it'll sort of grow a personality and sense of reason as it lives."

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

"I'm sorry for your loss. As for the name, I suppose I shall name it...Debree, as that is all it is. Debree, how are you?" "Who said that? Where am I?" "You are in a battlefield. My friend over here, Gadget I believe, has given you life. Your objective is to aid us in the battle. Now, pick up that piece of rock next to you, and throw it at the...Let's say, top floor, of the Ministry of Plenty to test your abilities." Debree picks up the rock and throws it at the top of the building, with such a precision toss that it landed on top of the wrecked entrance to the lower floors. "You have an amazing arm, Debree."
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

You are not worth my pity or my Patience, I will kill you another day!Xeno yelled to the fleeing man, He would die later, for now he had to find that one, mike fellow. This one would suffer for his impudence, suddenly a crunching sound ripped through Xeno's sensitive ears, he snarled as he relised that this building was going to collapse as well. he climbed the stairs up a level, and went to a window facing truth, he built up speed and crashed through the window, and soared though the air once more. Soon, he would make quite the entrance.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

[background=#80BFFF:3azq695p]The Composer watches the next tower start to crumble with a small sigh. "I suppose utter destruction appears to be the order of the day with the first round of these battles...

Oh well. It can only be so long now..."

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.


'Interesting. Very interesting, indeed.
Not only have these three formed some sort of alliance, but that man can create life...
In other words, he does the exact opposite of me'

After contemplating the opposition, Mike bagan to notice smashing sounds, followed by a dark blur launching between buildings.
He did not know it was Xeno, but he was wary. Something that powerful could be trouble.
Especially now that if he used his psychokinesis, they would find that they could see his vecters.
Mike wanted to avoid that if he could manage.

Thats when it moved again. The window on the building of plenty. One moment things were normal, then the next, the blur was smashing through the glass.
Mike's adrenaline began to pump. Everything around him seemed to move at half the normal pace. He gazed up at the airborne object, noticing its beast like appearance, and its body, covered in the blood.
His heart was racing, his mind was blank. This beast, Mike knew, was headed straight for him, intent on his blood.
Before he even realised it, his feet were moving on their own, just as the beast flew towards him, he would sprint towards it. Even with the adrenaline, the beast was moving incredibly fast. It might have been one second, or two. The two bodies collided, and were both sent tumbling through the wasteland, bouncing of rubble and ground.
Mike's power had guarded him, but his back ached.
The two bodies seperated, and landed parralel to each other.
Mike circled, the beast responded likewise.

These two bloodthirsty creatures both had the same urge punding through their veins.


Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke stood with his eyes closed and arms crossed, listening to the whole conversations that were happening, slowly getting more and more irritated.
Finnaly he snapped and lunged at Cobra, bringing up his shield instinctivly to block the attack.

"I tire of this, I came here to fight, not to talk!"

Zeke pushs Cobra back, him, Grimm, Gadget and that 'other creature' eyed up Zeke, getting ready for combat.

"Hmth, fools, your little alliance will not save you. You will all eventually rip each over apart. But if your so inclined to fight together..."

Zeke entered a combat stance, ready to strike.

"...then very well, I'll take you all on!"

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

Itzal puts the finishing touches on its setup. No for his "audience." It walks towards the entrance of the building, spraying arrows on the walls with a can of spray paint he got in the ministry of plenty. It reached the door outside and started setting up something to attract attention. It started launching some fireworks off, as well as applying sparklers around the edge of he door. These weren't the type of sparkler that you hand to kids on Independence day. No, these were are serious, professional sparklers. They are much more visible and last a lot longer. It pulled out a small voice amplifier and started speaking through it: "Come one, come all, come see the most twisted show this side of anywhere!" Confident that should get somebodies attention and cause them to investigate, Itzal fled back into the Ministry of Love to operate his trap.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by snoomanwaff.

Schazer Wrote:
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

"Hmph. If you wish to die, ninja, I've no trouble assisting you with that."

Cobra didn't hesitate. He rushed Zeke and bashed him full force with the flat, front end of his shield, directly after that he spun in a clockwise motion and attempted to cut Zeke through his side. Zeke barely moved an inch when be blocked.

He's quick.

Cobra sped up his attacks, shield bashing, stabbing, slashing, punching, any sort of attack her could muster with his injured legs, but Zeke kept blocking, although Cobra could tell he was getting a bit tired. He is only human, after all.

"You've some skill, ninja, but you're no match for a Fang Layonin."

Cobra transformed into a half-wolf mid swing thus increasing his speed x2, then used his energy channeling ability (see char. description, page 1) to increase the power and aerodynamics of his sword and shield, while decreasing the weight. Being unable to speak, he let out a horrifying roar, one that would make a mighty lion cower into his den, and swung his shield arm at the side of Zeke's head. Zeke barely dodged the attack, the edge of Cobra's shield grazing his hair, but Zeke saw the momentum change as an opportunity. Zeke rushed Cobra, blades out, and began attacking. His attempted strikes were so fluid and quick, but Cobra kept blocking. He had to, it was his only way out of this game. He brought his shield back from his side directly in between him and Zeke, bashing Zeke's arms out of the way in the process, and ran towards Zeke full force, attempting to push him over. Zeke was a ninja, though, he put his foot on Cobra's shield and frontflipped over him, then attacked from behind, he stabbed with one arm and slashed with the other, Cobra barely made it out of the way in time, and he took a bad gash to his left arm and could barely lift his shield. He'd have to go shieldless, something he hadn't done in a thousand years or so, and hated to do. But now he was quicker, he swung his sword around in an almost unrecognizable blur, and chuckled a little.

Foolish human, now you'll learn what a perfect harmony of speed and power can do.

He did a jumping slash attack at Zeke (Syyyahhhh!) and came down hard, knocking Zeke off his center of gravity. He was open, Cobra very quickly brought his sword around and baaaaaaaaarely cut Zeke's right leg, only enough to warn him... But warnings weren't going to win him the fight. He frontflipped into the air and brought his sword down on Zeke again, slashing wildly, advancing forward with every slash, forcing Zeke backwards. He was unstoppable. He pumped more energy into his sword, making it now practically weightless, and its cutting power increasing 5x, he stabbed, but Zeke still dodged, Cobra's sword badly cutting Zeke's robes.

How the hell is he so quick?!?! I can't land a damn hit on him!

Cobra took off his fedora and threw it at Zeke as a distraction, then charged. Obviously though, Zeke had heard that one before. He sliced the fedora into tiny pieces and rushed Cobra as well, grazing his right ear, cutting off the very tip. Cobra howled in pain and swung wildly, his fedora and his ear? This was unacceptable. He dropped his sword completely and transformed full wolf. Now he was as fast as he could get, no weapons, no armor, no shield, only him, his claws, his fangs, and Zeke were in this battle. He rushed Zeke, jumping clear over him and rammed the back of his legs, Zeke backflipped over him and made a stab at his head, but Cobra turned around and dodged backwards, then jumped right at his face, he succeeded. He pinned Zeke down, his arms immobile, and attempted to bite Zeke's face off, but Zeke, using his legs, hurled Cobra 20 feet off of him. Cobra landed hard on his side, but still persisted. He utilized his energy channeling ability to enhance his claws and teeth, what looked like cyan smoke appeared to be emanating from his mouth and paws, Zeke laughed and rushed him, Cobra rushed, too, using his paws to force the blades out of the way, they collided, Cobra howling and growling, biting and clawing wildly, his tail still aching, he bit Zeke's shoulder and drew a little bit of blood, and a chunk of robe, then backed away quickly. He was too tired, he couldn't do it anymore, but so was Zeke. Cobra transformed into his half wolf form and nonchalantly picked up his sword and shield. Zeke looked bewildered, and charged, Cobra blocked with his sword, picked Zeke up, threw him back 30 feet and transformed full human.

"Enough! I could kill you right now if I wished, but there are larger foes to worry about. We will do battle another time, ninja."

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Zeke backfliped and landed on his feet, his landing wasn't graceful, with a few unbalanced steps back. he was breathing heavily, clearly tired from combat. After a small while Zeke straightened up his stance and withdrew his blades.

"Good fight."

Zeke streches, very audiable cracks enimate from his bones, he took a quick glance at his wounds, nothing he couldn't out live.

something then caught his eye, bright lights emitting from Love. As well as a familiar voice.

"Til next time Fang Layonin. I look forward to out next encounter."

Zeke rushes off to the Ministry of Love, he had infinished business to attend to.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

re, re what now? reserved.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

Xeno's mind raced, his blood pumped, one of them would not leave this alive.This, will be over soon.Xeno said, but now was not the time for pleasantries, now was a time for death. Xeno leaped forward, striking the first blow, drawing blood. mike winced, but he would not be stopped by such a simple move. his arms let off a slight humming sound, then he moved to strike. Xeno quickly jumped right over the blow and landed behind him, are untrained, weak and yet you fight, tell me, your power must have caused you such inconvenience. perhaps you where ostracized, no, that's not it. ah, you killed all who you loved, then you spiraled into self-loathing and then into a murderous insanity, am I right? mike was shocked, how could he know this? you have no clue what true pain is, Xeno said, then smiled.but soon, you will. you will know pain as I know it, pain unending.Xeno picked up mike by the throat, and began to slowly drive his claws into his skin. He smiled evilly, his eyes shining with murderous intention. Xeno slammed him down, then released him. Fight me like a man, coward. let your last fight be one of honer, It is so much more fun to watch you struggle.
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

"Cobra, you are an amazing fighter, though you really shouldn't have been fighting after being injured from Truth..." The only response Grimm got was heavy panting. "Debree, if Cobra tries to fight anymore, make sure he doesn't, he needs to be healed. I'm going to scout around." Debree lifted Cobra up and put him on his back. "You will be safe." Grimm arrived at the Ministry of Love. "Hmm, arrows. I wonder why they're here. It's almost definitely a trap, but I'm a master of shadows, not much could happen to me." He walks inside and goes up a couple of stairs. "This could be very stupid, but..." Grimm yells up the stairwells, "HEY! ANYONE HOME? I'M UNARMED IF IT HELPS!"
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Mystify.

A echoing voice calls out from an undetermiable direction,"Come on in, enjoy the show!"
Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Mike hesitated. This... thing, it was mocking him. Something that had made so many vital mistakes, was mocking him.
It was funny. So very funny.
"Fool. My power is a gift, not a curse like yours."

He rolled over to one side slowly, and stood up.

"I am not weak, I do not self loath, I do not fear, I do not die"

Mike repeated these lines, like a vow to some unseen force.
He didn't even laugh, for once.
He stared the beast in the eyes, and pointed with his left hand.

"You died the moment you entered my range, dumbass."

Suddenly, the ground under Xeno burst open. Mike's vectors rushed out, and sliced at the tendons in his ankles. Xeno in turn, leaped backwards, exceeding Mike's range.
Mike unslung his shotgun, and fired a shot while running to circle his opponant.
Xeno dodged, by merely sidestepping, and leaped behind Mike as he ran.
Mike could barely trun as XEno clawed a gash in his ribs, his blood shooting out and splashing onto his face.

For some reason, in the small time it took for Mike to realise what happened, he smiled.
As Xeno prepared to strike the killing blow, his arm simply waved past Mike, showering him in blood.
His claw dropped to the floor, unmoving.

Xeno drew back, and gripped the stump he once called his arm.

"These arms know where you are at all times, demon. They don't care for my safety. They are selfish, always thinking of themselves, but they won't let me die, oh no. They can tell what will be lethal. And this," Mike grabbed at his side, trying to apply pressure to the wound, "Is to them, a minor wound."

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Kiren17.

Cobra's wounds were aching badly. In this condition he had no chance of winning Battle Royale, he needed something to heal himself, and quickly.

"Gadget, you can give inanimate objects souls, can you heal me?"

Re: Battle Royale! (Game Start!) Round 1: 1984
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.
