
RE: Superego
>Follow that scream!

[Image: 2280.gif]

[Image: 2281.gif]

>mom powers activate

[Image: 2282.gif]


[Image: 2283.gif]
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RE: Superego
cherry just keep crying and sobbing and being mad, let it out
Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons
RE: Superego
Helen: Offer hug
Cheery: Accept hug
RE: Superego
> "What happened? Are you hurt? Somehow??"
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RE: Superego
RE: Superego
>let cherry say fuck
RE: Superego
Helen: Be comforting
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: Superego
> O-Offer her a tissue??
RE: Superego
>"What happened? Are you hurt? Somehow??"

[Image: 2284.gif]


>Helen: Ask where her friend is. Slowly realize that that might not have been a good question to ask.

[Image: 2285.gif]

"What happened?! Where's Mr...."
"Oh, no..."


[Image: 2286.gif]

"I'm so sorry!"

>Helen: Be comforting

[Image: 2287.gif]

"I'm so sorry..."
"I...I couldn'!"
"Shh, shh...don't force yourself..."
[Image: sig10.gif]
RE: Superego
> Cherry: Accidentally mention what you did to Louis before.
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RE: Superego
> Helen: There there
RE: Superego
>Both of you: Get the hell outta there!

[Image: 2288.gif]

You get the hell outta there, crying together.

[Image: 2289.gif]

You try to gather the strength to tell Helen what happened. You feel like you should say it aloud. It hurts, but you don't want to hide it.

[Image: 2290.gif]

As you wander further down the halls, Helen tries to distract you with random stories from her life. You appreciate the gesture, but you're not sure you have the mental energy to give her all the attention you could be giving her right now. A lot of what she says runs together.

Time passes.

[Image: 2291.gif]

[Image: 2292.gif]

[Image: 2293.gif]


[Image: 2294.gif]

"Do you think this is someone's room?"
"Maybe? th-there anyone left doing these? I thought it was j-just us..."
" Oh, there's--no, wait..."
"D-do we go in? Even if n-no one else is in there? Isn't"
[Image: sig10.gif]
RE: Superego
aaaaaugh I want someone to go in there but I don't want it to be the softe squad
RE: Superego
So DRAMA says "Open the door", CAUTION says "Get the fuck out keep going don't stop", FUN says "Open the door and set everything on fire", and lastly CURIOSITY says "Open the door" so that's three for opening, one against. Let's be the victims in a horror movie!
>Open yonder portal, entre ye olde chamber.
RE: Superego

> Helen: You know who's the only one the room could belong to... But you heard something happened to him, no? Could this be dangerous?
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RE: Superego
I mean he's gone and all so chances are the room is super empty anyway. What's the harm in opening the door?
RE: Superego
Kick in the door, then apologize to anyone who might be inside.
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: Superego
(04-21-2017, 07:56 PM)juddy555 Wrote: »So DRAMA says "Open the door", CAUTION says "Get the fuck out keep going don't stop", FUN says "Open the door and set everything on fire", and lastly CURIOSITY says "Open the door" so that's three for opening, one against. Let's be the victims in a horror movie!
>Open yonder portal, entre ye olde chamber.
Opening the door doesn't necessarily preclude going in there!

> Open the door, but bail if it looks bad.
RE: Superego
Hey after six trillion years I finally got around to rereading and catching up on this. Hooray!

also i came across some broken images and only thought about making note of them later on opps

so here's a couple.
RE: Superego
Thank you; if you refresh your cache they should be available now!
[Image: sig10.gif]
RE: Superego
> Open the door, proceed to scream over whatever's inside.
My Tumblr | My Patreon | Other links might be found if you just add TehAwesomestKitteh to the end of them :|
RE: Superego
On May 1st, Superego officially became 6 years old! I say this every year but I'm still amazed I'm working at this thing. In fact, I made a recent Tumblr post about what tricks I use to keep myself going after all this time.

I know how much left of the story there is in terms of planned content, but I'm never sure how much of the story we have left in terms of time. Illnesses, vacations, a lack of motivation, random visits from people that throw off my week, and whatever else are always hurdles for me. If you've stuck with me this whole time, you are amazingly patient!

Whether this story ends this year, 2018, 2019, or beyond, thank you for all your support!

If you're interested in other creative endeavors of mine, did you know I'm part of a podcast? Now you do! We play tabletop RPGs!

>Helen: You know who's the only one the room could belong to... But you heard something happened to him, no? Could this be dangerous?

[Image: 2295.gif]

Could it really be him? It has to be some sort of mistake...

>I mean he's gone and all so chances are the room is super empty anyway. What's the harm in opening the door?

[Image: 2296.gif]

Perhaps you could just peek, and if it looks dangerous, get out of there!!

>Open yonder portal, entre ye olde chamber.

[Image: 2297.gif]

Seems like Cherry has the same idea.

"L-let's just...take a qu-quick look..."

[Image: 2298.gif]

"Do y-you see anything?"

The only sound is a low buzzing noise.

[Image: 2299.gif]


[Image: 2300.gif]

The noise gets louder.

-welllllllllll well well well
-what a surprise
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RE: Superego
oh noooooooooooo! oh noooooooooo we didn't expect to see you here oh no oh no what happens now oh noooo
RE: Superego
>Hey just out of pure curiosity, haha, is there a door behind us anymore? To open? And leave through?
RE: Superego
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