[Round 2!] Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney

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[Round 2!] Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney
[Round 2!] Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney
Greetings, nerdlords! We're going to have us a Fakemon competition. [Image: tumblr_inline_n0oegcmaUl1qmx9ik.gif]

The format will be multiple knockout rounds (at least three, but more if we get a sudden influx of designers). Ideally, we'll halve the playerlist down each round and end with ~4 people in the Final (though if we end up going 12->6->3 or something that'll be ok too.)

I'll decide the exact task for each round, but potential tasks over the next couple weeks:
-Design a single-stage pokemon
-Design a pokemon with an as-yet unused dual typing
-Design a three-stage evolutionary line
-Design a mega evolution (for either a canon pokemon or your own)
-Design a set of legendaries for a hypothetical region
-Design a set of starter pokemon
-Design a gym

I'll give a more fixed idea of what tasks will be for what rounds once I can see how many players we're dealing with.

Prizes are a bit up in the air. If the satisfaction of creating shit isn't reward enough, I'll offer spritework/fanart to the winner! (I do small, simple things like menu icons and limited-palette stuff I also may or may not commission a cool artist-type to offer something a little more substantial.)

Judging will be undertaken by yours truly and possibly a couple other people - if you'd like to judge and can get on IRC reasonably regularly so we can hash things out, hit me up!
The criteria for judging will be your ideas first and foremost - your art is a complement to help get the idea across, so all mediums are acceptable! You don't have to know pixelart or spriting or how to do Sugimori-style watercolors. Generally if the art gives us a sense of shape and color and all the other visual elements that convey what your creature's like, we're golden!

In summary, skills you don't need to be a master in to participate:
-Pixel art
-Art in general
-Knowing Pokemon "canon"
-Knowing all about competitive battling or tiers or movesets what have you

Obviously, a decent knowledge of the Pokemon franchise is going to help! Top of the judging criterion will be originality, so being familiar with abilities and in-game mechanics (what's been done already and what hasn't) is a plus, but like I said above not essential. There are lots of helpful huge nerds on #eagletime IRC with whom you could discuss your idea and see if it's been done.

Feel free to post explanations about what your 'mons are based on, design choices, etc. If you check out the last time I was in a contest like this, there are some wordy-ass design notes, and that's fine!

[Image: tumblr_inline_n0oegxJ8y61qmx9ik.gif] [Image: tumblr_inline_n0oegxJ8y61qmx9ik.gif] [Image: tumblr_inline_n0oegxJ8y61qmx9ik.gif]

Participants will be listed below. Feel free to post your interest in-thread, or just make your first post a SINGLE-STAGE POKEMON (which is going to be the Round 1 contest)! Entries will be open for one week (so Round 1 ends Noonish (JST), October 27; get to it! Tell your friends!

Round 1: Single-stage Pokemon
- MrGuy ( )
- Piester (Wottercken)
- earthexe (Trowlick)
- Plaid ( )
- Gnauga (Chiclot)
- Dalmationer (Quial)
- Loather (Skrillarus)
- Bigro (Plauntill)
- Garuru (Contiki)

Round 2: ??????
- Earthexe
- Cyber95
- Loather
- Dalmationer

Round 3: ??????
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[Round 2!] Official Pocket Monster Design Tourney - by Schazer - 10-20-2014, 01:52 AM