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Ok there are about half a dozen different points I'd like to address here, about half of them are metadiscussions about the nature of conversation/arguments on this forum/in this community but that's kind of why Hawkspace was made in the first place.

Two things I want to address here:
1) When Wheat contacted me about making Hawkspace, their main concern was not about their inability to use slurs, or that they felt stifled in their ability to debate the shit out of everything. It wasn't even some kind of weird desire to criticize the likes of me for being a tone-policing SJW. The only rule Wheat really wanted tossed out the window was Gen Chat's unwritten rules of "post quality". Every other accusation of what this forum's attempting to circumvent/condone has stemmed from Wheat's inability to scratch out their missive in the sand without flicking a bunch of grit into our collective eyeballs.

For the record, I agree that Gen Chat needed a shakeup. If all we can agree on from this is that we shitpost in Gen Chat like we've been doing in Hawkspace (which everyone is more than welcome to keep doing even as we debate the merits of this subforum, that's the beauty of having multiple threads after all), that's fine by me.

2) I am ok with arguments and disagreements. They are a thing all us young adults need to learn to deal with if we're going to acknowledge the world is full of different people with different backgrounds and opinions and cultural/social preconceptions. I think a rule that says "don't srsbsns out of nowhere" is not a good rule, nor is any rule that makes people think too hard about the flow of a discussion and whether it's "right" or "wrong" before that discussion's even happened. I've, uh, actually been thinking hard about my kind-of self-destructive views on morality but that's like, a whole nother essay.

3) My opinion on this whole business has gotten much nuanced as I've sat down and had one-on-one talks with people. If people do have the time/energy to hit me up on this (preferably on IRC or another IM-esque), I'd really appreciate it.

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A LANDFILL - by ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 10-09-2014, 07:12 AM