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My 5c, this rambly and nervous because I hate confrontations but I acknowledged this discussion was going to happen sooner or later with this subforum becoming a thing

So like. Selfish desires out of the way first, what do I want out of Eagle Time? I mean let's face it I'm an unabashed nepotist so even when I say "I want a space for non-assholish people to feel safe and chillax" I'm really saying "I want a space for non-assholish extended internet friends to feel safe and chillax." I don't really care about "promoting" the forum beyond word of mouth so its steady growth is not something I'm particularly invested in.

Now, said internet friends have a variety of interests - some people make things, other people want to organise activities/play games together, some people want to shoot the shit and shitpost as a social activity (I don't mean that in a derogatory sense), some people want to talk about media they consume with other media-consumers, some people want to talk about social justice issues and/or how fucked up the current state of things are (mostly because said issues personally affect them and their future as young adults). Most of the people on here want to do two, three, or more of these things, which is cool! A forum is cooler than an IRC channel in that fashion because you can call each other names over your taste in beverages in one thread then switch your tone and debate about colonialism or imperialism or whatever in another.

Backtracking (sorry), basically everyone here knows and interacts with at least one other person on the forum. Someone can always be vouched for as being a real person with a family and aspirations and junk rather than a twelve-year old smirking behind anonymity and tossing slurs around to be edgy. In that kind of community, we don't really need rules like "no slurs". The Eagle Time main forum's rules were assembled when we were migrating off of MSPA and weren't sure who all would make the jump with us, so the rules were made in mind for modly convenience so we (I) didn't have to deal with hypothetical jackoffs saying "it wasn't in the rules so why should I stop" - which never actually happened.

Seguing from that: I'm not actually that great a moderator - at least, not for a small discussion forum of mutual friends-of-friends. I like to think I'm a decent role model, but my inclination to want conflicts to resolve neatly into "Wrong/right" or "aggressor/victim" doesn't really work.

I have more thoughts but I have to go help out with speech practice and need to post what I've got so far before I chicken out.

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A LANDFILL - by ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 10-09-2014, 07:12 AM