09-16-2014, 04:03 AM
Username: Schazttergories
Name: Magnus Pica, villain alias The Deliveryman
Species: ex-magpie, now magpie-man
Gender: He figures a deliveryMAN is a guy, right? Right.
Color: Burdnished Bronze
Biography: So one time, you've got a zoologist/biologist/mad scientist supervillain type, codename Dr. Avarice. He's pretty normal for where he comes from, so nobody bats too much of an eye when he hires out an abandoned warehouse, experimenting on birds to make some kind of army of hyper-evolved dinosaurs. Supervillainy grant schemes being what they are, though, he works with pigeons and chickens and other easy-to-acquire samples, rather than cool critters like a cassowary or an eagle or something.
As it turned out, most of his birds just straight-up weren't smart enough to make good minions, and Dr. Avarice is still tied up trying to get enough funding for a parrot chick from a pet shop. The only half-decent birdman he made was from a Eurasian Magpie, smart enough to have intelligence on par with a human but distinctly... bird brained. Dr. Avarice gave his test subject a name and a reasonably stable childhood, which explains a lot about why the supervillain wasn't that great at his job.
Anyway, Magnus was homeschooled in all the sciences, but given free run of the city by his dad figure. His avian ancestry started kicking in in his teenage years and giving him a real thrill when seeking out shiny objects that didn't belong to him. He made the news headlines, unattributed, a couple times in some smash-and-grab robberies of jewelery stores, but achieved infamy after raiding a military museum and running off with all their war medals. He's so far escaped arrest by acting like his bird-head is a weird mask during a raid, so cops get really confused when they frisk him on a street and his face actually moves. A bird-dude certainly isn't the weirdest thing living in this city, so he gets away with a fair bit.
If anyone bothered to ask him why he steals war medals in particular, he's got a great spin about how war shouldn't be glorified or something. Really, though, he just likes nicking shiny shit and hasn't really registered on the scale of major villainy in Genericopolis.
The Deliveryman was last spotted in a road chase, riding a stolen police horse dressed in full finery. Freelance hero Gliderboy had just cut him off when the birdman and the horse vanished in a flash of light.
Description: Magnus is a couple inches short of six feet, built like a scaled-up crow-sorta bird, but with disproportionately longer legs. You can probably lift him with one hand, what with his hollow bones. His upper limbs are wings, kept folded to his sides and covering his robotic arms which emerge from his lower back region. The arms have gooseneck cables and a full range of motion, and were surgeoneered onto him by a friend of Dr. Avarice. His head basically looks like one of those shitty rubber bird masks, but with more feathers and he can actually move his face.
His streetwear is a pullover hoodie with useless dangly sleeves (the arms snake out from underneath), baggy pants and custom-made shoes for his bird feet. When on heists he ditches the sweater, and arrays his wings with war medals and other memorabilia he's stolen. People tend to forget he's got wings, so them blasting open and rattling medals in their face makes for a good distraction.
Weapons/Abilities: Magnus can see into ultraviolet and can vocalise on the inhale and exhale, because birds. He can also jump pretty high on account of being light, and can fly in a very ungainly fashion if his wings are free. He's got a lot of war medals, and also a very confused horse. His dad made him carry a pistol, although he only knows enough to know there's something called a safety, and not so much how to check that it's on.
Name: Magnus Pica, villain alias The Deliveryman
Species: ex-magpie, now magpie-man
Gender: He figures a deliveryMAN is a guy, right? Right.
Color: Burdnished Bronze
Biography: So one time, you've got a zoologist/biologist/mad scientist supervillain type, codename Dr. Avarice. He's pretty normal for where he comes from, so nobody bats too much of an eye when he hires out an abandoned warehouse, experimenting on birds to make some kind of army of hyper-evolved dinosaurs. Supervillainy grant schemes being what they are, though, he works with pigeons and chickens and other easy-to-acquire samples, rather than cool critters like a cassowary or an eagle or something.
As it turned out, most of his birds just straight-up weren't smart enough to make good minions, and Dr. Avarice is still tied up trying to get enough funding for a parrot chick from a pet shop. The only half-decent birdman he made was from a Eurasian Magpie, smart enough to have intelligence on par with a human but distinctly... bird brained. Dr. Avarice gave his test subject a name and a reasonably stable childhood, which explains a lot about why the supervillain wasn't that great at his job.
Anyway, Magnus was homeschooled in all the sciences, but given free run of the city by his dad figure. His avian ancestry started kicking in in his teenage years and giving him a real thrill when seeking out shiny objects that didn't belong to him. He made the news headlines, unattributed, a couple times in some smash-and-grab robberies of jewelery stores, but achieved infamy after raiding a military museum and running off with all their war medals. He's so far escaped arrest by acting like his bird-head is a weird mask during a raid, so cops get really confused when they frisk him on a street and his face actually moves. A bird-dude certainly isn't the weirdest thing living in this city, so he gets away with a fair bit.
If anyone bothered to ask him why he steals war medals in particular, he's got a great spin about how war shouldn't be glorified or something. Really, though, he just likes nicking shiny shit and hasn't really registered on the scale of major villainy in Genericopolis.
The Deliveryman was last spotted in a road chase, riding a stolen police horse dressed in full finery. Freelance hero Gliderboy had just cut him off when the birdman and the horse vanished in a flash of light.
Description: Magnus is a couple inches short of six feet, built like a scaled-up crow-sorta bird, but with disproportionately longer legs. You can probably lift him with one hand, what with his hollow bones. His upper limbs are wings, kept folded to his sides and covering his robotic arms which emerge from his lower back region. The arms have gooseneck cables and a full range of motion, and were surgeoneered onto him by a friend of Dr. Avarice. His head basically looks like one of those shitty rubber bird masks, but with more feathers and he can actually move his face.
His streetwear is a pullover hoodie with useless dangly sleeves (the arms snake out from underneath), baggy pants and custom-made shoes for his bird feet. When on heists he ditches the sweater, and arrays his wings with war medals and other memorabilia he's stolen. People tend to forget he's got wings, so them blasting open and rattling medals in their face makes for a good distraction.
Weapons/Abilities: Magnus can see into ultraviolet and can vocalise on the inhale and exhale, because birds. He can also jump pretty high on account of being light, and can fly in a very ungainly fashion if his wings are free. He's got a lot of war medals, and also a very confused horse. His dad made him carry a pistol, although he only knows enough to know there's something called a safety, and not so much how to check that it's on.
peace to the unsung peace to the martyrs | i'm johnny rotten appleseed
clouds is shaky love | broke as hell but i got a bunch of ringtones
eyes blood red bruise aubergine | Sue took something now Sue doesn't sleep | saint average, day in the life of
woke up in the noon smelling doom and death | out the house, great outdoors
staying warm in arctic blizzard | that's my battle 'til I get inanimate | still up in the same clothes living like a gameshow
clouds is shaky love | broke as hell but i got a bunch of ringtones
eyes blood red bruise aubergine | Sue took something now Sue doesn't sleep | saint average, day in the life of
woke up in the noon smelling doom and death | out the house, great outdoors
staying warm in arctic blizzard | that's my battle 'til I get inanimate | still up in the same clothes living like a gameshow