The Pokémon Challenge Thread!

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The Pokémon Challenge Thread!
RE: The Pokémon Challenge Thread!
Here we go again. This time, it's Pokemon Diamond. And this time, moves are staying put. Hopefully this will be more sane.

Randomizer Seed:

Log 1 - Barry's Adventure! Why am I a part of this, anyways?

Well, that sure was an interesting TV program, I guess. Didn't really pay attention to most of it, though. Now, where was I? Right, Barry wanted to see me.

I went downstairs, and Mom told me what Barry was up to. I went over to his house, and my hand didn't even touch the doorknob when the door flew open, damn near breaking my hand! As I nursed my hand, Barry, who did this to me, yelled something about wanting to go to the lake, ran off, then came back. He didn't even notice that he had hurt me. What a clueless bastard. I went in after him, and he ran off again. Groaning, I followed him all the way to the lake. He blabbered all the way about how he wanted to find a Red Gyarados, like on TV. I'd be surprised if there were any Gyarados in our little lake, let alone a red one, but I entertained him nevertheless.

At the lake, we ran into a weird old guy, and someone who was probably his daughter or assistant or something. Overhearing them, we found out they weren't from Sinnoh, and they were here to study Pokemon. Pokemon, huh? Never really thought about having one, honestly. It was Barry's dream, not mine. Well, they left, and by the looks of it, they left their briefcase behind. Barry made to run into the grass, but I warned him about the Wild Pokemon in the grass. Naturally, he ignored my warning, and pulled me into the grass. Great. We examined the briefcase, then suddenly, two Starly assaulted us from behind! I made a pointed glare at Barry, and opened the briefcase, hoping there were at least Pokemon inside. There were three! A Togepi, a Pidgey, and a Bellsprout. Barry sheepishly let me pick one first, so I did. Let's see. Togepi is a baby Pokemon, not really fit for battling. Bellsprout is weak to Flying. I guess it's Flying vs. Flying. Pidgey, I choose you!

After an intense (not) battle, Barry cheered. I guess I didn't have to help him after all. Still, he picked the Grass Pokemon, Bellsprout. He was never really gifted with brains. Then, of course, the girl from earlier came back. Shit. We were busted. She yelled at us, and took the briefcase. Presumably, she ran off to tell the old man what happened. I told Barry we should return our Pokemon. He seemed reluctant, but he agreed. We ran into the old man on our way back, and he didn't even seem angry! He just told us to meet him at his lab. Weird... At any rate, we went home.

Mom later told me that old man was Professor Rowan, of Sandgem Town! She gushed over how famous he was. Funny, if he's famous, then why haven't I heard of him. Must be an old people thing. Shit, I hope Mom can't read thoughts. She demanded that I apologize to him. Ugh, fine. I went over to Sandgem. It wasn't far, but it was the first time I went alone. Normally, Mom or my neighbors would accompany me with their Pokemon. Well, now I had one! I went through the route to Sandgem, fighting other Pokemon, like I did with the Starly. I was expecting it to be easy, but it sure wasn't. Pidgey came through it battered, but looking stronger for it.

The girl from before was there already, looking petulant as usual. She motioned towards the lab, mouthing "Hurry!" I rolled my eyes, and reached over to open the door... THUD. Ow! Barry came barreling forth again, ranting on how Rowan was totally out there or something. Then he ran off again. Good riddance, I thought while nursing my hurt hand, again. I went in, and Rowan was already there. He went on about how he saw me battle at the lake, and complimented my skill. I didn't think much of it, really. Didn't I just tell it to use Tackle over and over again? Anyways, he said I should keep it. Now that was a shock. Keep it? Me? ...Well, I guess it couldn't hurt. I was allowed to nickname it, so I named it Aeris. Then Rowan gave me a PokeDex, and asked me to go around the region and search for new Pokemon. I politely said yes, then I pocketed the PokeDex. I didn't need it, and I didn't appreciate this old man telling me what to do. I'll decide what to do myself, thank you very much.

Dawn (that was her name, I guess) then led me around, declaring herself my mentor and showing me stuff like the Pokemon Center. I knew all this already, but when I tried to point that out, she ignored me and went on. Great. When she finally let me go, I went back home to tell Mom the good news. She seemed to be overjoyed at me finally leaving my room and going on an adventure, even though I told her nothing of the sort, just that I got a new Pokemon. Then Barry's mom came in, asking me to find Barry and give some package to him. Great. I said yes, though. I guess I have to go find Barry, who's off on his own adventure somewhere by now.

I met Dawn again, and she showed me how to catch a Pokemon, which, again, I already knew. Then she gave me some Pokeballs for free. Huh, cool. Glad I didn't make her angry THIS time. I went back to the route near my home, resolute to catch the first Pokemon I see, to give Aeris company. It was a Bidoof. Figures, aren't those everywhere in Sinnoh? Oh well. I went over to just beyond Sandgem, and looked for a new Pokemon. No offense, Bidoof, but you suck. The new one was a Hoothoot, which isn't so bad I suppose. At least it was a bird, like Aeris. I then rested at the Pokemon center, and let the Pokemon play with and get used to each other.

Aeris the F Pidgey lv 6
[Image: 016.png]
Ability: Tangled Feet / Nature: Gentle
- Tackle
- Sand-Attack

Chipper the F Bidoof lv 3
[Image: 399.png]
Ability: Simple / Nature: Lonely
- Tackle

Noctus the M Hoothoot lv 3
[Image: 163.png]
Ability: Insomnia / Nature: Docile
- Tackle
- Growl

End of Log

(normal monotype is go??)
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]

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