The Pokémon Challenge Thread!

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The Pokémon Challenge Thread!
RE: Gar's Pokemon Crystal Randomlocke!
(post 1)

Gar's Crystal (slightly)Randomlocke

Right. Hello, I'm Garuru! I'll be doing a Crystal Randomlocke. There's this neat randomizer tool which can randomize pretty much any Pokemon ROM up to B2W2. It can be found by searching UPRandomizer.

This randomizer allows me to randomize nearly any aspect of the game, from wild pokemon, moves, abilities, types, and even the names of the trainer. For now, I'm sticking to random wild pokemon and trainer pokemon, while keeping strength consistent. Also, movesets with preference for original type.

Oh, and I use a lot of profanity, so be warned.

Nuzlocke Rules:
1. If a Pokemon faints, it's dead.
2. You can only catch the first Pokemon you see in each route.
3. If you fail to catch this pokemon, it's gone.
4. Pokemon kept in your box are reserves, used to replace a dead member, from the top down.
5. No using the PC except to replace dead Pokemon.

Randomizer settings:
- Random starter/wild Pokemon (similar strength)
- Random Trainer Pokemon (similar strength)
- Random moveset (type preferred)
- Random TM/compatibility (type preferred)
- Random Items on Ground

Log 1 - Bullshit moves on bullshit pokemon.

First, the boring intro stuff! Wow, just as long as HeartGold, but less stupid (rival dropping his trainer card? really.) Aaaaanyways.
[Image: 187.gif][Image: 4.gif][Image: 152.gif]
My starters were Hoppip, Charmander, or... Chikorita. In the same slot as Chikorita, no less. I wanted to pick Charmander, but I felt Hoppip would be a more interesting experience, as it's never a starter. I can always catch a Charmander in the wild later. Maybe. Seems my lottery paid off, as it's male, and knows Mega Drain, Drill Peck, and Petal Dance. All good early moves, even if Drill Peck makes no sense on a Hoppip. Maybe it's a Drill Headbutt. Named it Fluff in my long-standing tradition of naming Pokemon after things, and moved on.

Blah blah blah did the boring stuff. People not knowing what an egg is, my Hoppip being "rare". Then I ran into my rival! He had a Charmander. Oh shit. Should have picked it in the beginning. Awaiting inevitable defeat, I went into battle.

[Image: Spr_C_Ethan.png] vs. [Image: Spr_GS_Silver_1.png]
Turn 1
Gar sent out Fluff!
??? sent out Charmander!
Charmander used Fire Punch!
Fluff lost 20 HP! (HP 2/22)
Fluff used Drill Peck!
Charmander lost over half of its HP!
Turn 2
Fluff used Drill Peck!
Charmander fainted!
Gar won!

HAhahahaha! That speed paid off, I suppose. He threw a fit, then introduced himself as "My name is ???, and I'm going to be the greatest trainer in the world." Wow. Would be badass, if you hadn't just lost despite having a type advantage. Anyways, going back into town. This time, the police officer /didn't/ suspect me right away, and Lyra /didn't/ run into the lab out of nowhere screaming for my innocence despite having only just met me a few minutes ago. Good times. I gave the rival's name as ??? because that was what he introduced himself as, right? Weird name. Must be a nickname.

Now I have Pokeballs! I ran into Route Not-1, and expected the catch-a-pokemon tutorial. But wait! It's optional!!! How the hell did an older Pokemon game actually do it right?! Said "fuck no" and moved on. My first Pokemon is... a lv. 2 Metapod. Fuck. I didn't want to catch it, expecting nothing but Harden. Then I remembered the random-moves thing. It could have Megahorn! Fought it, it had Fury Cutter. Good enough, at least it can fight. So I wore down its HP with Mega Drain, and started throwing balls at it. My smile fell, though, when I realized Fury Cutter was getting stronger, and would eventually kill my Hoppip. Tactfully, I killed it, then mourned the loss of my beautiful Butterfree named Bonaire before it even really existed.

So, going north to Route 46, I ran into a Togepi! A cute bugger, but not a Fairy type yet. Caught it easily, named it Eggshell. It has Gust, and... Softboiled! Nice move for a Nuzlocke. Then it immediately died to a Critical Hit Megahorn from a Caterpie of all things. FUCK me. Was sorely tempted to forget it ever happened and revive it, but I swallowed my pride, deposited it, and sought out my second Pokemon on the next route. It was an Igglybuff! Like Togepi, it's a cute bugger that isn't a Fairy type yet. Named it Bouncy, in honor of my legendary lv. 100 Igglybuff from way back. It has Doubleslap, and Slash. Guess it's hiding some claws in those stubby arms of his.

Milestone achieved! Cherrygrove Town! (no, the first time didn't count)
Fluff the M Hoppip lv 7
[Image: 187.gif]
- Mega Drain
- Drill Peck
- Petal Dance

Bouncy the M Igglybuff lv 3
[Image: 174.gif]
- Doubleslap
- Slash


This time, I learned my lesson. I'll switch it out to train it up, and run away from every Caterpie because fuck that. While training, I ran into a Hoothoot with Selfdestruct. Thank GOD I switched into Fluff, who tanked that. This is getting ridiculous. So, after training, and fighting through Route 30, including YOUNGSTER JOEY AND HIS TOP PERCENT Ledyba, my team was at Bouncy lv 8, and Fluff lv 9. Went into Dark Cave, and found a Machop with MOTHERFUCKING FIRE BLAST. Named it Hothead, and cherished it. Then, on Route 31 (yes it's a separate area), I found a Smeargle! Yay! Except it doesn't learn Sketch. Probably. Still, it had Extremespeed which is very nice. Named it Postmodern.

Milestone achieved! Violet City!

Fluff the M Hoppip lv 9
[Image: 187.gif]
- Mega Drain
- Drill Peck
- Petal Dance

Bouncy the M Igglybuff lv 8
[Image: 174.gif]
- Doubleslap
- Slash
- Minimize

Hothead the M Machop lv 3
[Image: 66.gif]
- Detect
- Fire Blast

Postmodern the F Smeargle lv 4
[Image: 235.gif]
- Extremespeed


Time to hunt for Pokemon! First step is the Sprout Tower. And I saw... Rattata. Which was already there in the original. Lame. Still, I tried to catch it, but a crit oneshotted it. No loss, really. Still I guess it would have been named Street Rat. I do need to be more careful while catching, though. Went to Ruins of Alph, and ran into a Shellder! Caught it, named it Barnacle, because of the tongue, and checked its moves out. Vicegrip, and Minimize. Kinda lame actually. Went to Route 36 (the Sudowoodo route) and noticed a patch of grass at the top. Pondered over whether to get a new Pokemon or get Sudowoodo later on. I decided to surprise myself, and went into the grass. It was a Vulpix! Fuck yes. Caught it, named it Fox-Fire (not unoriginal at all, really!). It has Flame Wheel and fucking Sacred Fire. Very cool. So I went to Sprout Tower and trained it up to lv 7. Then a Rattata came around. I didn't know its moves but I thought it was safe. I was wrong. It had Bone Rush, which hit FIVE times. RIP Fox-Fire. You will be sorely missed. Note to self, maybe scout for moves with a wall (Bouncy, at this point) before doing anything.

Continued training, I guess. Made it up Sprout Tower, to the top floor, then I had the WORST battle. Here, let me post a transcript.

[Image: Spr_C_Ethan.png] vs. [Image: Spr_GS_Sage.png]
Turn 1
Sage Edmund sent out Grimer (lv 6)!
Gar sent out Hothead (lv 8)! (HP 15/29)
Gar switched into Barnacle (lv 5)!
Grimer used Sludge Bomb!
Barnacle lost 11 HP! (now at 8/19)
Turn 2
Gar switched into Bouncy (lv 9)!
Grimer used Sludge Bomb!
Bouncy lost 9 HP! (now 14/31, it had taken damage earlier)
Bouncy was poisoned!
(Fuck. Well, I at least have an escape rope and some potions. But I need to sacrifice some Pokemon now. Barnacle has lame moves and is underleveled, so I would sacrifice her, switch into Postmodern, use Extremespeed, then die because Smeargle has bad stats and won't evolve. Then maybe I could finish Grimer with another, fully healed, pokemon. Maybe Hothead.)
Turn 3
Gar switched into Barnacle!
Grimer used Sludge Bomb!
Barnacle fainted!
Turn 4
Gar sent out Postmodern (lv 7)!
Postmodern used Extremespeed!
Critical hit!
Grimer lost a little over half of its HP! (Seriously, dat bulk.)
Grimer used Sludge Bomb!
Postmodern fainted!
Turn 5
Gar switched into Hothead!
Gar used Potion! (Hothead now at 29/29)
Grimer used Explosion! (THAT FUCKER.)
Hothead fainted!
Grimer fainted!
Gar won!

Honestly, I'm lucky it exploded. I'm not sure I could take it out before it swept my whole team, as Fluff is weak to poison. I escape roped out, then counted my steps to the Pokemon Center. Bouncy lived, but now I only have two pokemon left. It's time to take this seriously.

End of Log.

Fluff the M Hoppip lv 10
[Image: 187.gif]
- Mega Drain
- Drill Peck
- Petal Dance
- Stun Spore

Bouncy the M Igglybuff lv 9
[Image: 174.gif]
- Doubleslap
- Slash
- Minimize


Next time: LOTS of training, and Gym Leader Falkner!

comments are very welcome, as well as suggestions on how to improve my logs.

(post 2)

Gar's Crystal (slightly)Randomlocke is over.

Yes, I lost. It is a lot harder than it sounds, because your Pokemon's stats are low defensively, but the opponent's Pokemon has really strong moves. True, you can use them too, but it's hyper offensive vs hyper offensive.

So, I lost against the Elder, right after the nasty Sage from earlier. I had trained my Pokemon up to a decent lv 13 each, but he had a Mareep (lv 7), another Mareep (lv 7), and a Slugma (lv 10). It was close, but my Bouncy was paralyzed, and Fluff was weak to fire so Slugma swept me easily.

If I ever do one again, it will be on this thread. Or maybe this could become the Official Nuzlocke Thread? If people are interested, I could totes whip up a neat OP.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]

Messages In This Thread
The Pokémon Challenge Thread! - by Gatr - 08-16-2014, 05:30 PM
RE: Gar's Pokemon Crystal Randomlocke! - by yd12k - 08-16-2014, 05:46 PM
RE: Gar's Pokemon Crystal Randomlocke! - by Gatr - 08-17-2014, 12:26 AM
RE: Gar's Pokemon Crystal Randomlocke! - by Gatr - 08-17-2014, 06:45 PM
RE: The Pokémon Challenge Thread! - by amosmyn - 08-17-2014, 08:39 PM
RE: The Pokémon Challenge Thread! - by yd12k - 08-17-2014, 11:07 PM
RE: The Pokémon Challenge Thread! - by yd12k - 08-18-2014, 03:34 PM
RE: The Pokémon Challenge Thread! - by Gatr - 08-18-2014, 06:24 PM
RE: The Pokémon Challenge Thread! - by yd12k - 08-18-2014, 09:16 PM
RE: The Pokémon Challenge Thread! - by Gatr - 08-19-2014, 01:27 AM
RE: The Pokémon Challenge Thread! - by yd12k - 08-19-2014, 04:06 PM
RE: The Pokémon Challenge Thread! - by Gatr - 08-19-2014, 05:08 PM
RE: The Pokémon Challenge Thread! - by Gatr - 08-25-2014, 02:03 AM