RE: The MalkyTop Hall of Fame
03-20-2012, 04:02 AM
Quote:<pympmobile> Night malky
<MalkyTop> shut up you can't possb me around
<MalkyTop> it's night when I say it's night
<MalkyTop> okay
<MrGuy> What time is it, Malky
* Agenagen ( has joined #grandbattle
<MalkyTop> it's time to stpo thinking about the Lorax forever
<MrGuy> Hi agen
<MrGuy> Malky no
<Agenagen> Rawr!
<MrGuy> that's the worst time ever!
<MalkyTop> i'll punch you
<MalkyTop> I'll punch brother you
<MalkyTop> punch with prothers
<Agenagen> Is it sad
<MalkyTop> who's sad
<Agenagen> That I can prettttyyy much figure out the minutes
<DragonFogel> Malky, I want to write something. What should I write?
<Agenagen> Preceding my arrival :3
<MalkyTop> you should write
<MalkyTop> about a magical tongue
<MalkyTop> who goes on a slef-finding existential journey
<MalkyTop> about being a tongue
<MalkyTop> his name is tongueman
<MalkyTop> well I guess he's magical apparently
<MalkyTop> his name can be tonguewizard
<MalkyTop> he wants to be a musician
<MalkyTop> but there are limited instrument choices for a tongue
<Agenagen> He must be a loudmouth :3
<MalkyTop> tongues don't have mouths
<DragonFogel> I'm not sure I can do this concept justice.
<MalkyTop> in any case it's a story about a fall from grace
<MalkyTop> and then he ends up being a tongue wrestler street fighter
<MalkyTop> because there are tongue sumo warriors
<MrGuy> tangue-gief
<MalkyTop> fighting in streets
<MalkyTop> for money
<MrGuy> edmund tonguea
<MalkyTop> and then he finds his purpose
<MalkyTop> the continent that contains all life
<MalkyTop> so that life
<MalkyTop> cna live
<MalkyTop> i mean
<MalkyTop> do you you know what I mean
<MalkyTop> I mean like
<MalkyTop> those life whales
<MalkyTop> life space whales
<MalkyTop> except it's not in space
<MalkyTop> it's on earth
<MalkyTop> and its name is pangea
<DragonFogel> I thought his name was Tonguewizard.
<MalkyTop> no shut up
<MalkyTop> don't intererupst
<MalkyTop> pangea is its true form
Quote:<pympmobile> What does mama even do
<pympmobile> Mana
<pympmobile> Stupid autocorrect mana is a word
<Schazer> mana depletes while you have your own infinities up
<MalkyTop> no look
<MalkyTop> loooooook
<MalkyTop> the problm is
<MalkyTop> bears
<MalkyTop> they feed on mana
<MalkyTop> they feed on you
<MalkyTop> your mana bones
<Schazer> so having it for longer gives you a little bit more thinking time
<MalkyTop> suck the mana right out
<MalkyTop> when you have mana
<MalkyTop> you attrackt bears
<MalkyTop> bear-attracter
<MalkyTop> like bugs bunny in a girl bear costume
<MalkyTop> if bugs bunny was ever harrassed by a hungry bear
* XX (~chatzilla@ has joined #grandbattle
<MalkyTop> do you understand
<MalkyTop> what I'm saying
<Sanzh> hi XX
<pympmobile> Ah I see
<MrGuy> I never understand what you're saying, Malky