"I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)

"I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
I just made something approximating chilli con carne, without the beans or the meat. I guess considering the distinctly Asian condiments I'm ok calling it chilli con nasu?

An eggplant that should've been eaten a day ago
About five things of garlic, preferably more
No onions because I never have those in the flat
A cup-ish of cherry tomatoes your neighbour gave you because she'd already eaten a bunch today and some were starting to go sad and droopy
Red bean chilli paste, soy sauce, and some probably-innocuous oregano your predecessor's predecessor left in the apartment
Grated cheese you store in the freezer because you don't eat it fast enough and you're scared of stuff going mouldy

Slice the eggplant into discs about half an inch thick, then slice the bigger discs into halves or quarters so the pieces are bite-sized and all have some skin attached. Put in a pan with the tomatoes and sliced-up garlic, then add enough water to cover the bottom. Turn the gas on to medium heat and realise you'd be better off slicing the tomatoes first. Slice about half the tomatoes before the water gets too hot and do your best to break them down with your stirring implement without spurting pips and juice everywhere. Simmer quietly until it reduces, add oregano, soy sauce, and chilli paste at some point.

Cook the rice, preferably in a rice cooker, then fill a bowl up and sprinkle frozen cheese on top of the rice to make sure it melts properly. Dump vegetables on top and eat all of it, because you've lived here eleven months and you still don't have a fucking microwave so reheating it is too impractical.

Messages In This Thread
RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread) - by Schazer - 06-24-2014, 03:33 PM