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Username: Scheming Geezer
Name: Jonn (pronounced Jo-inn) Glaressa
Race: Tetraul
Gender: Uninterested shrugging
Color: Spare me your theatrics

Description: Five feet tall. Built like a hairy rock, with stripes on the face (two black from the nose and over the eyes to the ears, white on the rest) as part of the costume for Joann's last gig. Despite being a mage, Jonn doesn't have mark themselves with the red brow most mages use, mostly because they're a thespian first and a mediocre mage second. Instead of clothes, Jonn carries numerous lengths of rope, bundled up by more lengths of rope and secured around their body with a few more lengths of rope. On their back, wrapped up in a rope-sheath, is a (prop) sword, and folded up neatly and bundled with string are some bolts of cloth, in a dull rainbow of colors and prints.

Jonn runs an outdoor theatre in the grassed-over remains of some kind of arena, in a patch of forest called Skias Grove a half-day's walk from the North-ish Rabbul town of Rab Sagullati. Travellers come from far and wide to the grove, where the price of admission is non-perishable foodstuffs and some kind of material that Jonn can use for future scenery-making. Jonn is the director, producer, head of costumes, set design, stage management, and usually half the cast for any given production. Jonn does not write the plays; many theatregoers are playwrights or authors who bring their manuscripts in the hopes the Tetraul will choose their work as her next artistic endeavour.

It's kind of hard to tell whether Jonn actually enjoys their job, though best as anyone can tell Jonn doesn't seem happy with anyone's company. They'll tolerate some people who want to join them for a spell as a stagehand or even a cast member, though it doesn't seem to curry any favour in Jonn's eyes.

Weapons/Abilities: Jonn is a Tetraul magician, skilled at working with rope and more than aware of how esoteric/useless their power is. They can't magic up any more into existence, but can treat the stuff they do carry as an extension of themselves, tie things more securely than their clumsy old bear hands could, strangle an ingrate, things like that. Jonn mostly uses it to make elaborate rigging and set pieces for their stages.

Survival skills include being a good climber, decent digger, and being thick-furred enough to tolerate the coldest climes. Jonn rarely leaves the forest, because the plains surrounding Rab Sagullati are too hot and the Rabbul's stock animals never seem fond of Jonn. They deliver a mean soliloquy and have an expansive memory for the many scripts they've enacted over they years, and their performance (however disapassionate on the inside) regularly moves men to tears. Jonn wonders if their magical knack isn't rope, but theatrics, considering they never get into a role as much as their skillful delivery would lead you to think.

Biography: Jonn was born in Ersette, a cosmopolitan city on the outskirts of North, and was marked as a potential mage - the distance from North, however, meant nobody held much hope in the child's powers being anything remarkable. Jonn left Ersette young, in the company of a pack of troubadours, their leader a much more accomplished Tetraul magician. Jonn learnt a lot from the ringmaster, including a lifelong dislike of Tetraul society and life on the road.

It wasn't until the ringleader was killed by the seakin harpsichorder in a roadside coup that Jonn took to the spotlight. They much preferred tending to the costumes, the set, and the lighting, but their impassioned oration earned much praise. The troupe disbanded after their last show in Rab Sagullati, when the pay proved unsatisfactory and the troupe agreed to help themselves to the deficit before departing in the dead of night. Jonn helped them with their escape plan, then helped the Rabbul ambush her ex-companions. Why Jonn let the Rabuul finish them off is a mystery; maybe they were sick of travelling, sick of self-serving people, or had no wish to return to their hometown of Ersette.

Jonn stayed two nights more at the Rabbul's behest, then left for the edge of the forest. Of the Rabbul, Jonn asked only for a good quantity of rope, a few supplies for survival (mostly scavenged from the theatre troup's belongings), and they point anyone asking after Jonn in the direction of the woods.

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